Lillian Medea Skye

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Cheffy, Jun 20, 2019.

  1. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    General Information

    First name: Lillian

    Middle name(s): Medea

    Surname: Skye

    Age: 28

    Date of birth: April 11th, 3258

    Race: Synthetic human

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Bi-sexual

    Current residence: Ship

    Relationship status: Dating

    Financial standing: Middle-class

    Traits of Voice

    Accent (if any): None.

    Language spoken: Common.

    Other languages known: German, and a few words of Hylotian.

    Style of speaking: Happy most of the time, but this changes depending on mood.

    Volume of voice: Medium. But this changes depending on who she is talking to.

    Physical Appearance

    Height: 5’11.

    Weight: 145.

    Eye color: Deep blue.

    Skin color: Olive.

    Shape of face: Oval.

    Distinguishing features: Lillian’s eyes, other than the iris, are fully vantablack, Half a dozen vantablack dots are also present just below the nape of her neck. Topping off her stranger features are her ears, which are long and elfin.

    Build of body:

    Hair color: Dark red.

    Hair style: Neat and straight.. Typically waist length.

    Complexion: Tanned.

    Posture: Perfect. Clearly a habit that she picked up when she still had a spine.

    Tattoos: Black vines blooming with white flowers trailing from both shoulder blades down to the small of her back.

    Piercings: A large silver hoop earring in her left ear.

    Typical clothing: For casual wear, usually jeans and a blouse for easy movement, sometimes joined by a jacket. For more formal attire, Lillian usually dresses in… well dresses, or business casual.

    Is seen by others as: Reliable, mischievous and kind.


    Likes: Baking, music (Jazz is her favorite), technology (A Horizon bias), large weaponry, being there for her friends.

    Dislikes: Cults, Atlas, smoking, drugs, politics, Rose.

    Education: Graduated highschool quickly. But skipped out on college to instead explore the greater Fringe.

    Fears: Losing everyone she cares about, death of herself and those she cares about, The Ordo crystal and Ordo in general, being alone

    Personal goals: One day ask Liz to marry her, become a mother and settle down, returning to organic life, keeping the people she cares about out of harm's way at any cost.

    General attitude: Upbeat, always trying to find a bright future in the bad moments.

    Religious values: None

    General intelligence: Average.

    General sociability: Enjoys talking to people, but has recently become more introverted.


    Illnesses: She can’t have them.

    Allergies: She can’t have them.

    Sleeping habits: Seven to eight hours a day, unless she’s kept up for some reason.

    Energy level: High.

    Eating habits: Will happily eat anything given to her, or when eating out with friends. Otherwise it's just the normal three meals a day.

    Memory: Average, other than the fact she can’t remember how to tie her shoes.

    Any unhealthy habits: She can, and will put herself at risk to help her closest friends and their loved ones.


    The earliest memory Lillian has, is from when she was twelve, waking up in a hospital after an accident. An accident which cost her parents their lives, along with apparently almost all of her other family as well. Suffering from amnesia, and numerous other smaller injuries. Lillian was left in the care of her half-brother and his wife. The next seven years she was brought through recovery, and raised by them. Her brother taught her skills that were… more important for Fringe life. How to handle guns, knife fighting and basic field medicine. While his wife taught her more mundane things. Driving, cooking, and so on. But at the end of those seven years, one of Lillian’s more life-changing choices would happen. The choice to leave her homeworld of Cailias and enter the greater Fringe. Was this a mistake? Perhaps, but the results of that choice has made Lillian into the woman- no, machine, she is today.


    Parents: Reina (Mother, deceased), Alexander (Father, deceased)
    Siblings: Jack (Half-brother), many more than she is unaware of both alive and dead.
    Children: None.
    Spouse: None, yet.

    Relationship Chart.
    (Lover | Best Friend | Close Friend | Friend | Liked | Neutral | Conflicted | Disliked | Hated | Enemy | Feared)

    Lover - Elizabeth Smith
    I love, and worry for her in equal parts. I hope one day we’ll just be safe and sound. With our problems solved.

    Best Friend - Adela Jiriil
    Adela is without a doubt, my closest friend. One I would do almost anything to help. Hell, I think that was proved when I helped her husband blow up a fucking black hole and killed a number of people on the quest to save her from what sounds like some variation of hell. I hope she’ll recover eventually from the trauma she went through there, with Tahi’s help I’m sure it’s only a matter of time… a very, very long time.

    Close Friend - Belle Parry
    As friends go, the only one who I’m closer to is Adela. Belle is a great person, kind and caring. Though I know for certain she can send people to a world of pain if she is forced to. I’m really glad she’s all healed up after that horrible incident at the Ark. Hopefully something like that never happens again, and that things around Winston’s will calm down for once.

    Close Friend - Gary Jelioviasi
    My boss, my friend, and one of the people I won’t hide my secrets from. As strange as he is, that doesn’t make him a bad person. Under all of that, he’s a nice guy who cares about those he holds close and won’t try to endanger them.

    Close Friend - Tahi Jiriil
    I didn’t know him too well before Adela was taken. But during that whole ordeal? During the journey where we killed, destroyed and went on a fucking warpath? I’ve come to realize that he’s probably one of the few people in the galaxy that I can trust completely. I’ll need to stop by Adela and his place more often to visit. And… ah, I hope he doesn’t end up killing the people who are harassing Adela, as much as some of them might deserve it.

    Friend - Red Horizon
    A good friend that I met through Adela, he’s a great guy and loves video games. Hope his work with the guard is going well.

    Friend - Mir
    I’ll be honest, I still don’t know him the best, but he’s a good person. He didn’t have to help through the whole journey to find Adela, but he did, and he ended up losing his legs. I’ll be sure to pay him back, somehow.

    Friend - Akuseru Narakuno
    One of my oldest friends since my… rebirth. She and I used to be insanely close, but ever since the incident where she just… kind of lost it and went to Schelor to murder people, I think we’ve been drifting apart. I’d still trust her with my life, but I don’t know too much about what’s going on with her these days.

    Friend - David Ward
    Dave is… hard to explain. He’s a little deranged, uses drugs and screams a lot. But he isn’t really that bad of a person, not under all of that. I hope that his issues get fixed, and that maybe one day his luck with relationship isn’t so fucking horrible.

    Liked - Mae
    I don’t really know her that well, but goddamn, she risked her life to come help with the Adela situation. I’ll be sure to remember that, and be sure to help her if she needs it

    Liked - Lkzi'oopalsk'kseai
    I don’t know much about them, but they’re great. A good butler to Belle, and a good employee of Winston’s. I’m lucky to have never been on the receiving end of the stairs of punishment.

    Liked - Idril Jelioviasi
    Much like many others, I know basically nothing about her other than the fact she’s Gary’s wife. A wife that he loves very much. I do wish I could figure out what her species is though, her and Gary.

    Conflicted - Caleb Carpenter
    I could say many things about Caleb. But to keep this as short as possible, I’ll leave it at this. He’s insane, crazy, and barely stable. I won’t let him visit because I don’t want him to know where I live, I barely fucking trust him.

    Disliked - Arjun Kapur
    An idiotic Conduit, he’s made many fucking mistakes. One on that list is what he made happen to Belle. One of these days, the tower of his mistakes will come crashing down on him.

    Disliked - Vittoria
    I won’t lie, and say I fucking despise what Vittoria did to her child. Accelerated aging? What kind of fucking mother are you?

    Hated - Rose Avalice
    What she has done goes against my goddamned morals, her sins are numerous, more than I know. I may not be religious, but I pray that her fucking child turns out better than her. The chances of that when she’s the one raising them is slim though.

    Hated - The Red Cosmithan
    I hate them more than anyone else. If I ever get my fucking hands on one of these assholes, I will fucking kill them. Slowly. I know what they’ve done now, and it’s unforgivable.

    Enemy - Beholder
    Him, this motherfucker. He’s the one that took Adela. I’m fucking glad he’s dead, and if he crawls out from the abyss beyond death. I’ll help kill him again, and again, and again. Until he can’t come back again.

    Enemy - Occasus
    I can’t understand why someone would want to see the galaxy end, it’s foolish. Their cult on Garlen has caused no shortage of issues, and their religion as a whole just seems… horrible to me. Though, I will never not regret what happened to Ray.

    Feared - The Ruin
    It scares me, when I’m laying in bed at night sometimes I really think about it. The fact that if it isn’t stopped it could just… eat everything, eventually. I don’t know if I can even really do anything to stop it.

    Feared - The Collector
    I don’t know what it is, but it’s something terrifying from some place else. Massive, and unknown. That’s what makes me afraid. I’m glad Adela made it away from it’s home.


    Peaceful or violent: A mix, leaning more towards the violent side when she has to.

    Weapon (if applicable): Lillian has more than can be reasonably put on this list.

    Style of fighting: Hit them hard and fast, before they can hurt you and yours.


    Occupation: Horizon Head of Security.

    Current home: The continent of Angius on Sanctus, in her ship.

    Favorite types of food: Anything with meaty, that and breadsticks.

    Favorite types of drink: Tea and hot chocolate.

    Hobbies/pastimes: Cooking and baking of course!

    Guilty pleasures: Alcohol.

    Pet peeves: Being called Lil instead of Lily or Lilly.

    Pets: None.

    Talents: Can play the bass, cooking, baking, and shooting.

    Favorite colors: Red, black, and Horizon blue.

    Favorite type of music: Jazz.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2020
  2. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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  3. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    If I missed anyone's characters let me know.
    Horriblues and SilverGallium like this.
  4. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
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    >Not a single mention of Corchea
    Damn. :(
  5. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    SilverGallium and Pinkbat5 like this.
  6. SilverGallium

    SilverGallium No-Bark Noonan Impervium Donator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    They're shit? ...Yeah, pretty much.
    Also you still have the template/placeholder text under History. You should like, fix that.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2019
    Khaos likes this.
  7. Horriblues

    Horriblues Galactic Commoner

    Jun 27, 2017
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    would u add my baby koo
  8. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    perhaps soon
  9. Horriblues

    Horriblues Galactic Commoner

    Jun 27, 2017
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    SilverGallium likes this.
  10. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    that seru description has not aged well as of november 19th
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2019
    SilverGallium likes this.
  11. Deleted Account

    Deleted Account Galactic Prodige Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Aged like fine wine
  12. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
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    aged like milk
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. crumchy

    crumchy pet food taster Silver Donator

    Jan 23, 2019
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    aged like pee
    necrovixen likes this.
  14. TrIpTiCuS

    TrIpTiCuS Galactic Enforcer

    Jun 30, 2017
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    aged like an old folks home
  15. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Updated, with many, many very big changes.
  16. SilverGallium

    SilverGallium No-Bark Noonan Impervium Donator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Big big improvement over the old one, you did well. Just...need to polish it a lot more. Keep it up.
    Deleted Account likes this.