Nimbus Zephyrs

Discussion in 'Approved' started by PrivateNomad, Jul 29, 2019.

  1. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Name: Thunderhead Zephyrs, Nimbus Zephyrs

    Description: A variant of the Zephyr phase matter species, much like the Cumula Zephyr, Nimbus Zephyrs appear very cloud-like and absorb moisture from the atmosphere. Unlike the peaceful Cumula Zephyrs, however, Nimbus Zephyrs are quite large - and dangerous. Nimbus Zephyrs appear darker and can be several magnitudes larger, ranging from the size of a small home to an entire skyscraper. Nimbus Zephyrs contain a high amount of electrostatic activity, causing lightning bolts to arc around their forms, and rain can fall from larger Nimbuses. The largest of nimbuses can even cause cyclones.

    Behavior: Nimbus Zephyrs are extremely dangerous, but thankfully extremely rare. They float over an area and will often remain there; unlike their smaller and peaceful counterpart, Nimbuses primarily get their energy from electrostatic activity in the atmosphere, and will often be found in storms. Nimbuses have the ability to form lightning bolts using its internal charge, and it can also produce an extremely powerful wind when directly inside of something.

    Tamability: Capturing one in the first place can be a dangerous and difficult task given their size, but some are smaller than average. Afterwards, it is possible to tame one by feeding it electrical charge.

    Where is it found?: Nimbus Zephyrs can be found on a large variety of planets rarely, but they appear more often on planets with a very high electrical activity and a lot of rainstorms. They can also appear commonly in the upper atmospheres of gas giants.

    Rarity: Fairly rare, but can appear more in places with a lot of thunderstorms.

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: Nimbus Zephyrs get most of their energy from electrostatic energy, feeding off storms.

    Products?: If captured, they could potentially be used as a power source as they naturally gather and feed off of atmospheric charge.

    Reproduction: Nimbus Zephyrs, unlike their peaceful counterpart, are not produced sexually. Instead, they appear as an adaptive mutation in Cumula Zephyrs that can activate in the presence of high storm activity, an evolutionary tool to adapt in a harsh storm environment.

    Size: Varies a lot, but they are typically much bigger than Cumula Zephyrs; some may even reach the size of skyscrapers. It is to note that they are not very dense, so it is very easy to compress them to a smaller size.

    Weight: Varies, typically light.

    Lifespan: Nimbuses tend to have much shorter lifespans due to their need for electricity; they tend to grow faster as well, but most will not live past even fifty years.

    • Can target bolts of lightning.
    • Larger Zephyrs can produce rainfall and a large wind inside of themselves, even cyclones.
    • Can be very, very large.
    • Essentially immune to ballistics due to its nature as a very large phase matter being.
    • Can often be hard to spot in storms.
    • Generally only appears during storms.
    • Phase matter, so weak to energy attacks. Much larger Nimbuses generally require the use of artillery to keep even at bay.
    • Lightning bolts are inaccurate and typically arc to the least resistant object in the general target area.
  2. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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