The Eelicks

Discussion in 'Approved' started by crumchy, May 9, 2019.

  1. crumchy

    crumchy pet food taster Silver Donator

    Jan 23, 2019
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    "All descriptions are to be no more than a paragraph or two in length."

    Diplomatic Cave Eel Stonemasons


    Eelicks resemble earth eels, being generally long creatures with a fin running down their back and midsection, as well as a flat snout. Eelicks, however, differentiate themselves by the presence of arms, legs, and lungs. Because of this, the Eelicks quickly evolved into a society of sapients. An eelick’s body is covered in tiny soft scales. These can be of nearly any color imaginable and occasionally seem as if they could be a layer of stretchy skin. An Eelick has four fingers on each hand, of which they have two of, and as such often have some trouble when it comes to tasks requiring dexterity. Their fingers are clawed, as are their feet, which have three toes on each. Between each digit are webs, assumably for swimming. They are thick and somewhat rigid, and as such certain objects cannot be placed between the fingers, such as rings or brass knuckles. An Eelick is often small in size, the average one stands about the height of an adolescent human, but sport tails that can add an extra two feet if measured from head-to-tail. Eelicks have been noted and studied due to their regenerative abilities. They have about the same amount of stem cells throughout their life as a gecko and can regrow a severed limb after several years due to their cells “memorizing” the composition of their body. Depending on the age of the Eelick, the limb could also eventually grow into another Eelick (albeit at a smaller size, these Eelicks are ostracized by society and called drudges) if the memorizing cells are capable of memorizing enough to rebuild the rest of the body. It isn't uncommon to see an Eelick with no limbs at all keeping four drudges as slaves.

    [​IMG][​IMG] Base belongs to BorealBoof, this is a free "base."

    An Eelick has the innate ability to effortlessly shoot a bolt of lightning from their body. This cannot be concentrated at one area of the body and pulses throughout their skin, Eelicks often shock other Eelicks around them when they do so due to their back-to-back combat preference. A thin, opaque fin runs down an Eelick’s belly and back, eventually continuing onto its tail, which then appears to be a little flair at its tip. The tail is prehensile and is often used for swimming. Recently, Eelicks have taken up fashioning the fin to mimic hairstyles atop their head. Eelicks are also known by others for their gnarly teeth and apparent lockjaw. They have a lisp when speaking common tongue if their teeth or jawline is not adjusted, which can be a painful experience and not often indulged in by members of the Eelick society. Eelicks have a different selection of photoreceptors in their eyes, and as such, are incapable of seeing the color blue, but are able to see another one that other races simply cannot comprehend. They call this color “Muld.”


    Eelick culture revolves around the sea and the way individuals interact with it. Eelick cities are boundless, and while still flooded with water, are carved out in the shimmering violet caves that lie under the seas of Rockwash. For the longest time, the sea has given them life, and they have appropriately centered their ethnic religion around it. “Waterspeaking” is the generic Eelick faith. Most Eelicks don’t stray from it, but an Eelick who was detached from its home at an early age may instead take up something such as the Hylotl mythos. Most traditional Eelicks will denounce all other religions outwardly, and call theirs the true one, though they quickly lose their gall when faced with an actual debate. Waterspeaking’s teachings include the belief that the sea itself is an individual. It thinks and makes its decisions, and one will be prosperous in any aquatic area if they succeed in appeasing it. Waterspeaking is not a religion that attempts to solve the mysteries of life-- nor the creation of the universe-- and is mostly seen as a philosophy or deification of something that is inherently inanimate. By their nature as bottom feeders, Eelicks are often seen as pacifists, somewhat like their neighbors above, but this is only true due to their inherent cowardliness. They actually take up slaves, drudges of their own species, but will never branch out to take another race in as an indentured servant due to the fact they probably can't breathe underwater and might be able to overpower them. Groups of Eelicks rarely partake in war, but they often ride it off as a facet of their religion, seeing as one of its teachings is the avoidance of needless fighting. Eelicks are also xenophiles. Because of their previous experiences with other races and the benefits of borrowing their technology, they now always welcome newcomers into their midsts. As a whole, they are friendly to other races and are never the ones to pull the trigger and start a conflict. The Eelick language is not spoken. They cannot speak when underwater as a Hylotl can, and as such, their language is based off of a sign-language using both hands.

    Eelicks also develop much of their culture off of their unique ability to emit an electric pulse. Often, this pulse isn't dangerous, and most Eelick-made technology has a “hand port” where an Eelick can use this particular ability to give the device an extra boost of charge. It is now also used to prove if an armored individual really is an Eelick before entering Eelick territory, and for uses in advertising. Eelicks make perfect lackeys and propaganda-spreaders due to their docile, meek nature allowing them to take up jobs en masse that they otherwise wouldn't. Whereas society for Eelicks were once based on survival, and every head counts, the current High Chancellor has been attempting to weed out those he finds weak. Being High Chancellor is the highest honor and rank in Eelick government. The other branches highly respect it, and the High Chancellor is allowed to pass laws on a whim. Sub-Rockwash is a theocracy. The High Chancellor is always a notable Waterspeaker, a priest in the Waterspeaking religion. Eelicks also partake in sculpting, and almost every Eelick knows how to carve stone a little. An average Eelick home is a carved out cave, furnished. As Eelicks are notably slavers, a family household often has one or two dredges doing the heavylifting for them.


    The earliest history regarding the Eelicks dates back to about 3000 BCE, where they began to take up agricultural practices on Rockwash, a planet in deep Civspace, and one noted for it being entirely flooded, save for the underground. Because there was no dirt, and early Eelicks mainly hunted deep underwater, the first settlement of Eelicks was based underground, in an undersea cave, which is a trend that exists to this day when Eelick settlements are founded. There, in their cave, they practiced the cultivation of mushrooms and of specific species of fish. Whereas the civilians and those who had specialized jobs such as weavers or smiths lived underground, the hunters and soldiers took to the sea above, where most battles and food-scavenging took place. After a while, the Eelicks found they were obsessed with the sea. Its vastness contrasted from the claustrophobic-- albeit safer-- caves the people hid in for safety against the frankly more dangerous and cunning beasts out there. They eventually formed a religion out of it, known as Waterspeaking. They revered the sea. After all, they couldn’t pass its boundaries, for they would suffocate. They had no lungs and could not breathe air, so the thing that supposedly allowed them to live, water, became the center of their faith. To them, the water had a mind of its own, and spoke to specific prophets and priests.

    As for more recent history, the last war fought that involved the Eelicks were more like border disputes with Hylotl colonists attempting to create homes on the surface of Rockwash. The Eelicks were never a warlike race, focusing more so on faith and survival, and as such were fought back to their caves. The Hylotl city of Jynju now floats above their ocean home. Ever since this happened, the Hylotl culture has been slowly diffusing down to the Eelick’s via pieces of technology and other objects being dropped down to their level rather than washed away by the ocean. Since the founding of Jynju, Eelicks have been making rapid technological advancements. The latest worldwide event to have happened to stir the community of the Eelicks happened when Waterspeaker Crizz stepped down from his position as High Chancellor after passing a law required the genetic augmentation of lungs on newborn Eelicks, allowing them to venture past the sea and interact with other races. They’ve integrated themselves into Jynju now, and there’s an off-chance one might see an Eelick when perusing the residents of any Hylotl city.

    Intentions for Story & Setting Interactions

    How they are to be used on the server and how it melds with the story and themes. What promise do they offer? This is a very important criterion for their grade.

    Eelicks bring many things to the table that the main races do not. Their appearance contradicts their manner in the opposite way from the Floran. While Florans are deceptively barbaric plantfolk, as plantfolk are often depicted in other media as peaceful and silent, a la treants from Tolkien’s work and the Sylvari from Guild Wars, the Eelicks are deceptively peaceful. In media, eels are often considered evil or signs of bad omens, with their frankly ugly appearance, which the Eelicks contradict in their affable and charismatic nature. The Eelicks aren’t warlike. In fact, they’d more easily mirror an actual spacefaring alien species if we were to discover one in that they’re more interested in pursuing knowledge and self-expression rather than waging wars. People like an underdog, and Eelicks fill that role by their cowardliness and their glaring lack of prevalence.

    The Fringe is a definitely more dangerous place than where the Eelicks come from, and this can cause some humorous interactions when one decides to venture there. In Civspace, Eelicks have found themselves in a respected spot as traders and stonemasons and are allowed to live rather comfortably with an air of respect to them. In the Fringe, however, this respect is not upheld as strictly. Eelicks hardly ever go to the Fringe because they don’t fit in, and they frankly can’t take the amount of unprovoked disrespect that they expect would be hurdled their way if they were to go. However, individuals are individuals, and an Eelick can very well go and stay if they like, and while it isn’t unheard of, it definitely isn’t very common. Most rash or criminal types rub them the wrong way, and an Eelick in the Fringe is sure to accidentally start conflict and put themselves in an uncomfortable position that they otherwise wouldn’t often experience. As for how the Fringe would benefit from the presence of Eelicks, an Eelick would definitely assist organizations that bring law to certain planets and systems or as specialized traders of goods to just about anyone. They could also assist in the research of other planets and mysteries within the Fringe due to their inquisitive nature.
  2. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I love them. Co-sign.
  3. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
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  4. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    big co-sign
  5. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Overall a nice and quaint application. I'm going to give this its initial pass for stage two, under the condition some adjustments are made, and some thoughts are considered, these being:

    - Electrical discharge follows its own laws, which change depending on the environment. The air does not carry electricity as effectively as water for example, but in neither instances would directing a bolt of lightning be technically possible without some sort of technological help. When on land it would be more restricted to feint fields at low voltage, and an arc to/through the nearest grounded conductive object at high voltage. Whereas underwater we would see a stronger electric field around them at low voltage, and a radial discharge at high voltage.

    - The high voltage discharges require some kind of cooldown timer, allowing the individual to recharge icly, and oocly to ensure this method of attack isnt abused in Combat

    - The creation of drudges would be limited to the present nutrients and energy within the disembodied part. Sea Stars can do this thanks to radial symmetry, meaning all the necessary organs are in every arm, so every arm can live on its own, but the same cant be said for us bilateral symmetrical species unless you so choose to add any adaptations that would permit the creation of drudges easier (though keep in mind any such adaptations would have to make sense to the species)

    - Their history suggests they evolved in a deep sea environment. This is a very difficult environment to live in, perhaps dwell on how their biology would be affected by the pressure and darkness? Electroreception would be a far better means of navigating than eyesight for example.
  6. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Seconded, keeping in mind Dekerrex’s conditions and two suggestions of my own:
    -At what point did the ability to make drudges turn up in their evolutionary history? Is it an old adaptation that a lot of other animals also have in their history, or new?
    -What kind of other animals live on Rockwash? Is anything domesticated?
    Edit, one more:
    -Why do they have arms and legs if they’re an aquatic species? Are these modified too?
  7. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Some significant time has passed, if you and/or your cosigners are still working the stage two application please notify us or the species will be subject to automatic failure.

    Creator confirmation of progress.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2019
  8. Caucasian Asian

    Caucasian Asian p̵̈́̾̀͂̈́́̆̆̋͐́́̀̇͗́̍͝ Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 28, 2017
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  9. crumchy

    crumchy pet food taster Silver Donator

    Jan 23, 2019
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    The document for Section 2 can be viewed publicly here.

    Edit: It is complete.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2019
    necrovixen and zirconzz like this.
  10. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    bump, confirming my cosign
  11. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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  12. Caucasian Asian

    Caucasian Asian p̵̈́̾̀͂̈́́̆̆̋͐́́̀̇͗́̍͝ Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 28, 2017
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  13. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Culture is good, religion is compelling, and I appreciate the thought put into the opportunities their unique biology would present in terms of technology. I also appreciate separation into the three different demographics as opposed to one species-wide monoculture.

    There are however a few things that come up as I'm reading this:
    - Drudges as a concept while interesting, to get them to work there needs to be some modifications. I'll put these in a spoiler as to not clog up the other points.
    - Given each cell has the same DNA, you can make a whole body out of any chunk really, and cellular memory is an observed phenomena which would allow drudges to have vague memories or flashbulb memories, so you don't really need the memory proteins but you don't have to throw those out either.

    -The process of making a drudge by feeding the (re)growing portions can work soundly. As for the drudges made without additional nutrients, you only have as much mass as was in the disembodied part, even if their bodies are supersaturated with nutrient dense fats and the like. Lets use an arm for example, the arm would atrophy as its nutrients are put to use making something more akin to a young or even infant drudge, that will need to be fed once capable to grow. Long story short: feed your developing drudge or get a baby drudge.

    Minor Issues:
    - a species capable of swimming and never emerging on land in their evolutionary history probably wouldn't have functioning legs. this can be remedied easily by them being secondarily aquatic(which may render the genemodded/artificial lungs mute), or too dense to swim openly and efficiently forcing them to rely mostly on limb based locomotion.

    - I would recommend going the muscle-block route along their body in regards to the electric discharge, so they can produce electricity from pure calories and the like and just discharge them on a neurological signal as opposed to attempting to keep every cell negatively charged in some closed circuit organ system. Life typically goes the path of least resistance like that. If there is an underlying reason though behind the more unique system I'd love to hear about it.

    - Note that drudges cannot be used as combat npcs, as per our rule against combat npcs.

    nitpicks (personal notes on how i'd make the logic behind some things sit better):
    - oceanic pressure would still be pretty bad even in lower gravity simply due to how much ocean there is on the planet.
    - the color red doesn't penetrate water too well. if anything they should be very capable of seeing blue and incapable of seeing red.
    - Given its a structure similar to your typical eye causing it, "Eelik indigo" would be somewhere on the electromagnetic spectrum, perhaps on the ultraviolet range that can penetrate water better. 'incomprehensible colors' dont exactly exist, at least in realspace.

    Last edited: Oct 1, 2019
  14. crumchy

    crumchy pet food taster Silver Donator

    Jan 23, 2019
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    Edits have been made. A summary of what I changed and what I didn't change (and why I didn't) has been written below.

    Drudges 1: Changed. A drudge can theoretically be spawned out of any chunk of tissue from an Eelick, but a whole limb is easiest to work with because it's very large, not as gruesome so more centers will be willing to facilitate it, and is already a complex body part that won't have to be made later. These add up to make the process when done with a limb less time-costly and nutrient-requiring.

    Drudges 2: Elaborated. A drudge cannot be made without enough nutrients to support it. If none of the required nutrients are present for an extended period of time the memory cells will die off and cease functioning.

    Minor issues:
    Legs and arms: Eelicks are still fully aquatic. They have hands with claws so that they can crack open the shells of their prey and they have feet that also have claws so that they can cling to horizontal surfaces without being forced out of the water, as Rockwash consists of saltwater, which both Eelicks and humans are buoyant in. They don't need to swim fast or efficiently because most of the aliens on Rockwash that are the natural prey of the Eelicks aren't notably fast swimmers and are mostly bottom dwellers akin to crabs.

    Electricity discharge: I have an okay reason to make the passive charge there, so I'm keeping it unless you really want it to go. The flowing negative ions have the same effect as on humans but localized rather than environmental. It gives an Eelick slight resistance to pathogens and disease-carrying fungi that might be in the water and purifies breathing air.

    Pressure: Eelicks are fine in the water because their cities start at around six hundred feet down, which isn't close to the actual bottom abyss of the planet. For the record, the farthest a human has gone underwater on Earth in real life is thirty-five thousand feet, so they should be fine in that depth.

    Color: Okay. Blue's been changed to red, thanks for the heads-up. I didn't really know about that.

    Incomprehensibility: Okay. Fixed it to be in line with your explanation. Sorry, I'm not the keenest on eyeball stuff.
    necrovixen likes this.
  15. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Fair enough.

    Awaiting Seconding
  16. Bulphrog

    Bulphrog The All-Phrogger Staff Member Community Monitor

    Sep 9, 2017
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    Pass seconded.
    Deleted Account likes this.