The Javelins

Discussion in 'Denied' started by TrIpTiCuS, May 17, 2019.

  1. TrIpTiCuS

    TrIpTiCuS Galactic Enforcer

    Jun 30, 2017
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    Splintered, faction based feudal human sub-race subject to excessive genetic modification with domesticated anomalous creatures.
    The Javelins

    The year is 2303 and the Jovian Vanguard is gearing up for something massive. Made rich from mining jupiters gas clouds for rocket fuel and local moons for minerals, the human run faction is assigning a couple thousand volunteers to join the REACH* project. 15 massive colony ships, all geared for cryogenic preservation and interstellar travel the ships were to launch bi-annually within the coming 8 Jovian years. The ships would launch from Ganymede's orbit where they would burn retrograde in order to slingshot around the sun and accelerate into interstellar space, only to burn to just shy of 0.5 C in the direction of their destination. REACH ship 8, or R8-, 10 and 12 were all aimed for the same destination, the low mass red dwarf Trappist-1.

    *Remote Establishment of Astronomical Colonies for Humans

    Javelin Physiology
    “Dangerous is he who can see his plans crumble and remain with a cold, heartless glare.” -Javelin proverb
    Shortly after a system spanning event the now dubbed “Javelins” (a term coined by the remaining humans after the alien species on Gaia which featured a similar appearance) saw their skin turn various shades of tan or jaundice. Their legs became digitigrade, their arms extended by a couple of centimetres and their hands grew sharp claws. Their eyes changed to a variety of bizarre colours from amethyst purple, bright red or a golden yellow, their teeth grew sharp and carnivorous and their nose migrated up the face and necrosed, leaving only two nostrils just below the brow. Their spines extended, forming a long, sharp tail as from their back sprouted between 14-20 roughly 1 metre long quills which could rise and lower with their emotions. Their chests, hips, wrists and ankles became covered in a thick, coarse woolen material. With this came a heightened perceptibility towards sound as well as increased speed and capacity for jumping, at the cost of worsened endurance, eyesight, likened to mild short-sightedness, and a piece of their mind. Due to chemical imbalances in their brains, brought on by the rapid mutation, Javelins tend towards often hotheaded and brash behaviour with a short patience and attention span.

    Arrival at Trappist-1
    The 100 year long journey came to what was assumed a calm end. Each REACH vessel had been assigned their own planet to colonise, with R8 arriving at Trappist-1 D, R10 arriving at Trappist-1 E and R12 at Trappist-1 F and appearing roughly a year apart. Each ship would attempt to strike up communications when all 3 ships had arrived in the system. However upon arriving at Trappist-1, new issues seemed to arise out of nowhere.

    “REACH eight, this is general Kade of REACH ten, do you read us, over? REACH eight, do you read us, over? They’re still completely radio silent. Fire up the laser morse transmitter, maybe their radio is just on the flink. REACH eight, if you do read us, look towards Trappist-1 E. We’ll be contacting you via morse code. General Kade, over and out.”

    This was the now chilling message left behind after general Kade of R10 tried desperately to contact R8 to no avail. It would be discovered shortly thereafter that R8 had been willingly sabotaged prior to launch and the entire crew of colonists had perished on the journey over, leaving R8 a derelict drifting in orbit.

    Additionally, it would seem as if, even though both Trappist-1 D and Trappist-1 E were potentially habitable, Trappist-1 F, the planet assigned to the crew of R12 was less than habitable, being a stormy and unpleasant steam world, so much of the crew ended up migrating to Trappist-1 E alongside the crew of R10. Here they found green pastures and bizarre gelatinous alien creatures quickly dubbed poids. These poids were found to be very helpful in being domesticated and could even be operated akin to exosuits. With resources limited, a biological, easy to maintain alternative to exosuits being available resonated well with the crews of R10 and R12 and the poids played a major role in establishing a foothold on Trappist-1 E, now dubbed Gaia.

    Flourishing and Expanding
    “Green clouds above an endless, planetwide hurricane, now there’s a sight to behold I tell ya.” - entry retrieved from general Kade’s journal shortly after his death.

    With several solid bases of operations all across Gaia, Trappist-1 F was revisited for the potential of creating power plants and turbines across its surface in order to power the increasingly more demanding colony crafted in Trappist-1. Additionally, bioengineered algae that could live in the clouds of Trappist-1 F were released in an attempt to geoengineer the planet into something more habitable. Project “Green Clouds” would turn out mostly a success, resulting in the upper layers of the atmospheres being perfectly breathable, if a bit warm. Additionally, with the creation of power plants below the clouds the necessity for some sort of presence above the clouds was rising, and as such sky cities were forged to float on the endless storms above Trappist-1 F, now dubbed Nimbus.

    The Event
    “We shouldn’t have meddled with what we didn’t understand.” -Unknown scientist shortly before undergoing the final stages of the mutation. Sadly he was among the few who didn’t survive.

    With a solid base of operations and enough power to fuel the growing civilisation for years to come the colonists decide that now, year 2503 is as good a time as any to explore Trappist-1 D. Several anomalies had been spotted across the plains of Trappist-1 D, among these, bizarre structures of a long forgotten alien presence. Several exploration parties set foot on the surface, recovering dying plant life which had initially been found on Gaia and the remains of fauna following a similar pattern. However nothing beat the alien ruins that littered the surface. During the exploration of one such structure an explorer accidentally unleashed a swarm of drones across the system, all of which targeted humans and injected these with a mutagenic pathogen which morphed and mutated the human colonists. Simply known as the Event, this is would be commemorated by renaming Trappist-1 D to Eventadas.

    Post event Trappist-1
    "It happened so fast. Before we knew it, the event was done and dusted, leaving us in its wake…” - Bethany Johnsson, direct descendant of general Kade and fully turned.

    It only took a few years for madness and mass panic to kick in. At least 4 Nimbusian sky cities ended up sinking below the clouds, the R10 colony ship crash landed on Gaia, the R12 mysteriously disappeared and much of the civilisation collapsed. The once orderly government system shattered into several hundred factions, both large and small, scattered across the three primary bodies on Trappist-1 and most common folk were left scared and confused. Many of the remaining humans fled to Trappist-1 G in order to try and figure out how to leave Trappist-1 whilst the now majority javelin populous fought it out amongst themselves. Chaos stirred for around 5 decades before a few factions rose to power and started settling things around them, yet to this day, many smaller factions still frequently war for land and resources and even the orderly major factions breed contempt for one another.

    3217 and ancient jovian records are recovered and declassified. These make the headlines all across the galaxy as there’s at least 5 recorded, forgotten human colonies near to sol. Modern ships are sent to investigate these colonies and to reconnect after several hundred years of isolation. They find Trappist-1 a system in political chaos. Since then some species have attempted to solicit peace talks between the inhabitants of the factions however these have been met with disdain and reluctance.

    Intentions for Story & Setting interactions
    The javelins, stemming from a near 1000 year old isolated colony and following a rigid faction system filled with disdain and tension could lead to interesting characters and storytelling. Additionally I plan on greatly expanding on their lore in the future through events and community driven lore 'expansions'.

    Making a Javelin
    So you want to make a javelin? Brilliant! Attached to this document there is a lore document, providing further reading and documentation on the political and planetary landscape of Trappist-1. Within this document are a collection of major factions. A javelin will almost always belong to a faction from Trappist-1 and if they don’t they are shunned and despised. A faction helps bring social status and credibility to a javelin. Now if none of the javelin factions listed are particularly inspiring to you that is fine and you are free to develop your own minor faction. These would most likely be on par with individual factions and families with little resources so do put some thought into why your character is where they are today. It should also be noted that for any javelin that isn’t a city slicker there’s a good chance they’ll have their own trained poid following them around.



    Faction creation, lore ideas and great help: @TurnWall
    Proofreading: @Iamnotanumber2000

    Items pending*
    Art, Template sprites

    2019-05-17 - updated formatting
    2019-05-31 - added additional information in the extended lore document regarding faction appearance and aestethic
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2019
  2. TriReef

    TriReef treef Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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  3. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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  4. ZachChase

    ZachChase Does Anyone Read These? Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    9K likes this.
  5. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    This application receives a pending for the following reasons:

    - There is no culture section. culture is often the crux of a subspecies and informs the players how best to play a character belonging to the subspecies.

    - 'The Event' is ill explained as to why and how they happened to change so specifically the way they did beyond simply seeming to just be, which is a major plot hole. Elaboration on the injected serum, and what it is supposed to do and why would make appropriate additions to the biology section as it relates to the appearance and abilities of the species.
    If this and other areas left vague are done intentionally for story intentions, I would highly recommend making a private version of the application for staff only consumption that includes all details for proper grading.

    - You mention another alien species on the planet in which Javelins are named after. Are these sapient? if so they will also need their own extensive segment. Be warned having multiple sapient species in one app can still count as using up both your species unless the two documented are inseparable in some fashion. If these are nonsapient but hold a degree of significance to the plot and to the subspecies, some detailing akin to a miniature beastiary application or flat out a supplementary beastiary application like seen with the poidettes will do just fine.
    - is this other alien species the one that gave the trappist humans poids as hinted in the poidette beastiary application?
    Note: Poids are being graded in tandem with the javelins due to their reliance on each other.

    - As mentioned previously in DM's it is much more preferred to follow the application format found here for ease of staff and member comprehension of the application at hand. More material can be added as seen fit, so long as at minimum the information we need is there. My personal recommendation is a reformatting of the application to better fit the provided templates in terms organizing information and elaboration on information, however it does not need to follow the format exactly.
  6. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Some significant time has passed, if you and/or your cosigners are still interested in processing this application please notify us or the species will be subject to automatic failure.
  7. TrIpTiCuS

    TrIpTiCuS Galactic Enforcer

    Jun 30, 2017
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    Hey there, I do apologise for the excessive delay however I'd like to request more time.

    I'd love to continue with this project however I have just not had enough time in the slightest as of recently. If I could request another month or so I could possibly get an update out within the allotted time.

    Thank you for understanding.
  8. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Okedoke. If you need more time in the future don’t be afraid to ask.