
Discussion in 'Approved' started by PrivateNomad, Oct 26, 2018.

  1. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Name: Yarai (Xadari), Vidiri (Visitant), Common name not yet given



    (Above: A Yarai)​

    A Yarai has the appearance of a very large glossy purple eyeball, around a meter in diameter. It is transparent at its very surface, giving it a glass-like appearance before the transparence fades into purple. It has a single large eye that is a glowing purple vertical slit, and a magenta pupil. The eye is able to move around the eyeball to look around.

    Attached to the back are three long tentacles, around five meters in length and six inches in diameter. These tentacles have a very strong grip, able to move up to 600 pounds together.

    Yarai are a very unique hyperspatial species that dwell around areas with a relatively high environmental cuil factor. They are naturally psionic, moving using telekinetic abilities and subduing prey with powerful telepathy. They can be found in many environments that have high cuils, and are capable of moving even in the vacuum of space.

    They have specialized organs that grant them anomalous powers in high cuil environments, giving them the capability of phasing to and from hyperspace when in an area with a very high cuil count that thins the dimensional barrier. They use this ability to move their subdued or dead prey to hyperspace, where they will bring it to a mysterious hyperbeing that they seem to have a symbiotic relationship with.

    Behavior: Yarai will travel around areas of high cuil count, or near subspace anomalies; they are usually solitary, but can be found in higher numbers near subspace anomalies or powerful hyperportals. When in the vacuum of space, they can move at high speeds using their telekinesis at full power, allowing them to move across systems at subluminal speeds, usually able to cross a star system within a week. Often, they will hide until they find suitable prey, usually other interloper species or animals; or people looking to examine their high-cuil areas.

    Once the Yarai finds a suitable prey, they will subdue it using their telepathy: first, they will inject into the prey’s mind a sense of panic, danger, and anxiety, as if they were being watched from everywhere. Once the victim is overcome with fear and their guard is down, the Yarai will be able to begin a full assault on their mind, overwhelming them with excruciating headaches and migraines that will usually render them unconscious or even in a vegetative state. At this point, the Yarai will wrap its tentacles around it and begin to phase into hyperspace, or drag it to the nearest anomaly or portal so that it may phase. Phasing usually takes around 10 minutes, and is the only chance for the prey to escape, as Yarai cannot use their psionics during the phasing, relying only on their extremely powerful tentacle grip. If they must go to a nearby anomaly, the target will usually die of oxygen deprivation once the Yarai begins to leave the atmosphere of the planet or the inside of the ship.

    If the prey is unable to escape, they are phased into hyperspace, usually instantly dying from the anomalous physics of hyperspace if they originate from realspace. Then, the Yarai will begin the long process of moving across hyperspace towards its mysterious master; it will usually follow along the edges of hyperlanes until it locates a Stardust Waverider that it can attach to in order to hitch a ride, using its telepathy to influence the Waverider’s path. Once it arrives to its mysterious master, it receives its sustenance and goes off to find another victim. The mysterious being that controls the Yarai seems to consume organic flesh frozen boiled by the vacuum of space.

    Yarai will also target ships that are stationary in hyperlanes, usually pirates waiting to ambush using interdiction drives or faction ships blockading a hyperlane; they will attach to these ships and attempt to pry their doors open with their powerful tentacles.

    If they encounter a target they are unable to attack, they will often attempt to flee.

    Tamability: They are not tamable, even to those who could normally tame other hyperspatial creatures with empathetics.

    Where is it found?: They can be found in areas with a high cuil count, or in areas that have a lower cuil count but are near a subspace anomaly or hyperportal that it can enter. Near subspace anomalies, they are often found in higher numbers up to two or even three. They are also found in the Zari System.

    Rarity: Yarai are rare creatures, but can often be found near anomalies.

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: Yarai have a strange ability to function for a very long time due to their near biomechanical nature. They receive sustenance from their mysterious hyperspatial master, as a reward for bringing it its own sustenance.

    Products?: Yarai have several unique anomalous organs that may be valuable for research, one of which amplifies its telepathy and allows it to phase.

    Reproduction: Presumably, Yarai are created from their mysterious symbiotic entity that they bring food to, as they lack any sexual organs or means to reproduce.

    Size: Yarai are very large, spanning six meters long, with a diameter of a whole meter.

    Weight: Due to their weight and body composition, they usually wear around 300 lbs.

    Lifespan: Yarai will naturally die of starvation if they go four months without giving any prey to their symbiotic entity. Otherwise, it seems that they are immortal.


    • Extremely powerful telepathy allows it to subdue organic prey.

    • Can phase into and out of hyperspace.

    • Very powerful tentacle grip.

    • Extremely powerful vision, able to spot targets even when kilometers in the air. Helpful when they need to navigate to other planets in a system.


    • Yarai can only exist in high cuil environments. If they are taken out of their hunting grounds and placed into a low cuil environment like most of realspace, their psionic powers will completely fail and they will begin to fade out of existence, shredding into rapidly decaying microsingularities. They will become completely immobile if placed inside a normantium sealed cage while in a high cuil area.

    • Their telepathy cannot affect past a normantium barrier.

    • Telepathy cannot affect inorganic targets, or organic targets that lack a complex nervous system (a brain). Glitch and androids are completely immune.

    Other: Their Xadari name, Yarai, was named after the first Xadaran biologist to have recorded their existence, and unfortunately, also the first to die from them.
    WowGain likes this.
  2. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Hi. I'll be starting the grading process for this today.

    What is the minimum cuil count a Yarai can exist in?
    I imagine they have a 'floor' for cuils where their powers are still usable but less effective, so if there is, what is it, and how much weaker are their powers in that kind of area? This should scale somewhat.
    Can they use their telekinesis for things besides hovering, such as moving objects? If so, how much can they lift using it?
    These are quite strong physically all else considered. I imagine just being rather large eyes though they're still somewhat fragile; would this be right? How would they respond to simply being punched or kicked?
  3. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Minimum is 8 cuils, any before that and they're too weak to move so they avoid it. They're best at 10 cuils.

    No, they can only move with their telekinesis.

    Their body shells are like a metal armor, but they can be stunned if they're damaged directly in the eye - such a thing could ease their grip on someone.
  4. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Given their grip, that is my biggest problem at the moment; some fragility or a clear place to swing in order to potentially escape. Most organics would be fairly defenseless factoring in the creature's weight as well as its strength. That being said in 8-10 cuil environments you're probably nearing death anyway to my understanding.

    How far away can they brainblast someone with telepathy?
  5. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Yeah, their weak point is the eye; when they grip someone they're usually looking at them, which leaves an opportunity if the organic is strong enough.

    15 meters.
  6. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Alright. Passed.