David Clammate Ward

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Pinkbat5, Jun 28, 2017.

  1. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    General Information

    Dave, full name David Clammate Ward, is a human man who has lived in the Fringe for around two to three years. He's thirty-two, and celebrates his birthday on April 1st.
    Dave is both a citizen of the Haven Federation and a member of its senate. He's also employed in the Atlas Empire as the "Chief Artificial Intelligence Architect"– a mostly meaningless job title that was created specifically to make him feel special.
    Of course, Haven and Atlas alone aren't good enough. Dave's always trying to befriend politically relevant individuals in an attempt to get influence in other nations.

    Physical Appearance


    An image posted to Dave's social media.

    Dave is thin, stands at around 5'7", and appears to be human despite his quirks. He has bright red hair, light blue eyes, pale skin and sharp, jagged teeth. He is thin and wiry, almost underweight, and his skin never tans, only burns. Closer inspection reveals heavy augmentation throughout his body; his hair follicles have been genemodded to produce Turacin, a vibrant red copper-based pigment once only found in the feathers of an extinct Earth bird. His eyes give off a sheen like a cat's, thanks to the artificially inserted Tapetum lucidum that allows him to see in the dark. His fingers contain powerful laser diodes, useful for inflicting all manner of grievous harm; and his sinuses are modified to fill with blood in command, enabling him to shoot streams of blood from his eyes. His senses are artificially extended by the presence of a Qarin, which he barely uses. The keen observer may notice a small panel of metal on the back of his neck, equipped with a screen and a couple of computer ports. As far as Dave is concerned, this panel doesn't exist, and he refuses to explain its function.
    Dave likes comfortable clothing, dramatic "evil" outfits, and leather. He prefers long sleeves regardless of climate, and is rarely seen without a leather jacket or "vampire cloak" thrown on. His augmented eyes are occasionally protected by a pair of red-tinted aviator sunglasses that he sometimes wears indoors.


    Personality Type: ESFP

    Political Ideology: Dave's political ideology is whatever is most convenient to him at the moment. To the Haven people, he's big on democracy. To those in the Atlas Empire, democracy is something he only hypes up for Haven, and Atlas is just fine as it is... unless he doesn't like the person he's talking to, in which case they're a morally bankrupt fascist and Dave is infinitely better for being an elected senator. If it's a Renaizan asking, he's always been a fan of anarchy, and totally didn't mean it when he said he was going to nuke their planet in a fit of anger on social media!

    Dave spends his days alternating between fixating on one of his various interests (sea creatures, vampires, 'evil,' & more), working, sleeping, and getting mad at people. He is unbearably high-energy; he gets aggressive very quickly, but is just as easily disarmed by free food or appeals to his ego. He shouts from anger and excitement in equal measure.

    Either despite or because of his eccentricities, Dave excels at networking and making friends in high places. A number of influential figures tolerate his insanity either because they (somehow) find him endearing, or because he's shown that he can be useful to them– he's a skilled programmer and has a strong understanding of Fringe politics.



    An abnormal CT scan taken from Dave on February 18, 3285. At his request, all Atlas records of it were destroyed.

    Dave appeared out of the blue. His first public appearance was on a public Fringe radio channel, where he was confused, lost, and very irritable. There, he met other Fringegoers, learned their names, and began to attend their parties and social events, despite the amount of times they got him injured. This early Dave was notorious for his abysmal temper; screaming at strangers for perceived slights and constantly getting worked up over nothing. While he spoke very little of his personal life at first, it was clear that he had no house, income, or personal possessions of any kind; instead depending entirely on the charity of his then-girlfriend, Sylvia Praxis, who had near-total control over his life.
    This wasn't to last. After an especially bad injury following an outing on Roji, an argument with Sylvia turned violent and he fled from her home, moving to a small structure built for him by a friend. After barely surviving an infection from the wound, he managed to land a job as an Atlas engineer. He began to connect with other people and built a solid friend-group, consisting of people just as stupid and unpredictable as him– including Gary Jelioviasi, who he remains friends with to this day. He entered the Pristilite Prix with his friends and despite immediately losing the first race, got his first taste of real fame. After the Haven Federation opened their borders, he applied for citizenship and started a small but profitable gang with his friends in the Corrav district. Now that he had some actual control over his life, his distinctive anger at himself and the world began to fade. By the time he ran for Grand Protector in 3284 (and lost,) his irritability had cooled to something else entirely; eccentricity, and a lust for power. Frustrated rants became stream-of-consciousness tangents on completely irrelevant topics. The screaming stayed, but became excited; fervent. He restructured his identity– changing his taste in fashion, picking up a new set of interests, presenting himself with confidence and flair.
    Months after he lost the first election, he ran for Haven Senator and lost again, by just a couple hundred votes. But the Senator he lost to went on to commit treason, and left a seat open that needed to be filled. Dave, the next in line, was begrudgingly allowed in. When he reran next term, everybody– including himself– expected him to lose. But this didn't happen– he won, easily. His unprofessionality was so jarring that he would constantly generate free publicity; major news sources covered him extensively. His personality had grown him a solid voterbase that remains to this day.
    It's been several years now and Dave still hasn't made it clear where he's actually from. His homeplanet is unknown, and he isn't native to Haven or any Civspace nation. He has no paper trail prior to 3284, and no matter how much he likes to talk about himself, he never brings up his origins. If asked in just the right way, he may be persuaded to share pieces of his old home with the sympathetic. What is publicly known is that his early life was quiet, pleasant, and significantly less violent than it is now.


    loved - close - friend - liked - apathetic - disliked - hated - loathed

    Archipelago Ward - loved
    My daughter. Just as smart as me, maybe even smarter. I'm raising her right. I love her so much.

    Charles Madrid - close
    He's perfect. Smart, kind, great sense of humor, and he kills people. We have a bright future together, as long as I don't fuck it up.

    Gary Jelioviasi - close

    He's goop now, I guess. I don't know what happened to him, but he seems happy, so good for him. We don't talk much anymore, but I still trust the guy.

    Xexanoth - close

    She means well, she really does. But she thinks she knows what's best for me, and she's wrong. She's working twice as hard as me, drinking at every meeting, smoking a pack a day. And if she fucks up her job, her subjects kill her. I'm clearly the one with my life figured out, not her.
    ...Whatever, she's still my friend.

    Clint Ardzasch - friend

    We're bros! Love this dude!

    Lesslyn Stùiricke II - friend

    I tried too hard to help her, and it bit me in the ass. Fucking sucks. But she's worth staying allies with. We work well together.

    Sinji Ekta - friend

    He's cool. Kind of a bitch sometimes, but cool. We used to be nemeses but I don't remember why.

    Giorno de Guanciale - friend

    We have a lot in common. We think the same, act the same, want the same things. We're basically the same person. Evil people gotta stick together, help each other out.

    Markus Aleksandr - friend

    It hurt so much when I found out he died. I really respect him. We're opposites; he's formal as fuck and he never smiles, but I know he likes me back.

    Belle - liked

    I feel like a dick for that big fight I started over the bar. Never gonna live that one down, I think. Fuck.

    Adela - liked

    She's nice, seems like a good doctor. I trust her.

    Rose - liked

    She's... so... stupid! Every time I hear about her wacky hijinks, I feel a little better about myself. It's comforting being around people you know can't hurt you, no matter how hard they try! I wish everyone were like that.

    Idril Jelioviasi - liked

    I didn't like her at first. She still kinda scares me. But Gary is married to her, and Gary is Gary, so she's cool by association.

    CIRCLEEYE 453286 BETA - liked

    They're an asshole, a gigantic downer and they openly wish I were dead, but also they look like a crab. One day I'll get through to them, and then we'll be friends.

    Testament - liked

    I guess we're cool.

    Xander - apathetic

    He keeps getting into trouble. It's weird to watch. I don't think he can hurt me. He's tried, it didn't work.

    Kera'tiv - apathetic

    Weird looking dude. People seem to like them. I could use the endorsement...

    Arjun Kapur - apathetic

    I need his fans and allies. Gotta stay on his good side. If I'm lucky, he'll be easy to manipulate.

    Mona - disliked

    What a fucking liberal.

    Jessica Navarro - disliked

    How dare she badmouth me, after all she put me though. Next time, it's war.

    Wester Lund - disliked

    Dude's so caught up in being a stupid whiny bitchbaby that he can't appreciate that I'm actually good at my job. The only thing keeping us from working together is his own stupid superiority complex.

    Sydney Jones - disliked

    I get into ONE little fight with her, and it turns out she just so happens to be Xex's best friend? HOW?? I've never even HEARD of this lady before! I thought I was Xex's best friend, or at least close! What the FUCK!

    Martinez - hated

    Until he patches things up with Atlas, I can't see him as anything but another friend of the Ruin. Stupid white-haired cuck. He's going to get us all fucking killed.

    Robin - hated

    She tried to control me, so I hurt her. I don't regret it for a moment. Nobody controls me. Never again.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2021
    Exon, Ryanatorx, ThatCabbage and 11 others like this.
  2. Dorfus

    Dorfus Sword Fiend

    Jun 26, 2017
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    GC protagonist
  3. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    April 8 2019 – Added theme and reworded/wrote most parts of the sheet
    schizothotep and PrivateNomad like this.
  4. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
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    >"some of which are in English, which is conveniently his first language."

    Attached Files:

  5. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    He knows exactly what he is saying
  6. SilverGallium

    SilverGallium No-Bark Noonan Impervium Donator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Good christ this is getting deep, especially with the new facelift.

    I love it. Keep up the good work on him!
    Pinkbat5 likes this.
  7. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Nov 7 2019– added some cheesy dividers
    Horriblues and SilverGallium like this.
  8. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    April 30 2021– removed dividers, revised personality and history, added relationships
    SilverGallium likes this.
  9. SilverGallium

    SilverGallium No-Bark Noonan Impervium Donator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    oh whoa this update is like, huge, looks totally different
    Pinkbat5 likes this.