Sharool [ ZECYRIA ]

Discussion in 'Approved' started by LillithN, Mar 24, 2018.

  1. LillithN

    LillithN L i l l i t h Impervium Donator

    Oct 5, 2017
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    Description: Colossal creatures that wander the Larissian Ocean of Zecyrion in migratory packs of tens, the Sharool will follow the schools of migrating Kritten on which they prefer to feast upon. Extremely large whale like creatures, they are capable of withstanding great amounts of trauma from predators due to their thick layer of blubbery skin, and walking across the floor of the ocean thanks to five pairs of appendages coming from the underbelly. Relying completely on echolocation to see, Sharool are able to detect titanic predators from miles away, giving them at least some extra time to flee. A large tail that sometimes measures in the hundreds of meters, will wear down with time as it is eaten away in repeated attacks or scuffed against the ocean floor and cliff faces. The Sharool are able to draw water into their gills, causing their mouth to become a large vacuum when approaching schools of fish or Kritten, the appendages at the snout covered in sharp thistles that capture smaller and faster prey.

    Behaviour: Placid. If attacked by larger predators it will flee.

    Tamability: Untamable.

    Where is it found?: Native to the Larissian Ocean of Zecyrion.

    Rarity: Uncommon.

    Diet: Kritten & small fish.

    Products?: Blubber that can be used for lamp oil & fertilizer for the farms of Birmingham.

    Reproduction: External fertilization. The female lays up to 500 eggs within the reeds and plant life of the seafloor and the male covers them with sperm to fertilize them. Only around 50 of these eggs will hatch and make it to adulthood at 100 years old.

    Size: 10 – 500 meters from snout to tail.

    Weight: 1 – 350 tonne.

    Lifespan: 80 – 300 years.

    • Mouth acts as a vacuum, dragging in everything in its path.
    • Can dig its legs deep into the ocean floor where it sleeps.
    • Placid.
    • Target of titanic ocean life.
    • Slow swimmers.
  2. Yz2

    Yz2 Galactic Enforcer Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Split your lungs with blood and thunder
    When you see the white whale
    Break your backs and crack your oars men
    If you wish to prevail
    This ivory leg is what propels me
    Harpoons thrust in the sky
    Aim directly for his crooked brow
    And look him straight in the eye

    In other words, pass!
    LillithN likes this.