Medical Neuro-Synchronization Matrices

Discussion in 'Tech/Augment Applications' started by Khaos, May 20, 2024.

  1. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Neuro-Synchronization Matrix, The Twisted Pairing

    A mesh of diodes and neural-stimulation devices, similar to that in tech used in brain-scanners, are lined within the interior of the skull. This is packaged alongside a small computer and comms device, which is often situated in a square slice of the skull's top. In normal circumstances, the entire device is not visible.

    • When a pair of these devices are grafted into two individuals who meet prerequisite requirements (detailed in limitations), they allow them to synchronize the user's thoughts and upper level cognition. This, in effect, links their minds in such a way that they become one person in two bodies.
    • As their thoughts are linked, there is no need for the paired individuals to communicate to each other in any meaningful way, being an extension of each other's physical form and senses.
    • While higher thought is linked, both are capable of performing complex tasks at the same time, as long as such tasks are not high-stress and do not demand fast reaction times.
    Conditional Abilities (Optional):
    • You can now hi-five yourself twice, at the same time. Congratulations.
    • First and foremost, this technology is incredibly unsuitable and dangerous for individuals who are not extremely similar in mind and body. Those who will most readily take this technology are identical clones, with identical memories.
      • Otherwise, they must at bare minimum be the same species, near the same biological age (with fully developed, adult brains), and with a similar set of hormones and other chemicals that affect brain activity. In addition, neither should have brain damage, or parts of their brains missing. If all of these requirements are met, then, this technology will undergo a long and unpleasant 'warmup' period of 2 weeks, where both individuals will be near-comatose, and in need of care during that time.
      • If an attempt is made and neither of the above requirements are met, then at best both users will seize and the machines will deactivate themselves. At worst? Terrible, terrible brain damage, and a high likelihood of death.
    • While having two brains makes up for this, higher levels of cognition are still synchronized in such a way that isn't as efficient as two minds on their own. The 'individual' this produces is no smarter than the users as they are separate.
    • Certain high stress tasks are draining on higher levels of cognition, especially those demanding quick thinking and reflexes. In such situations, one user may become the epicenter of higher thought, while the other becomes much less responsive and sluggish. There simply isn't enough higher thought to go around, so-to-speak. This makes them ineffective for combative or military purposes, as while one may be capable of defending themselves, the other becomes a liability.
    • This technology has a hard limitation of two persons. Trying to add a third person into a 'network' would overload all three users, resulting in terrible brain damage.
    • Permanence. Trying to permanently deactivate and uninstall this tech is excruciatingly difficult, and entails monitoring the individuals in a controlled environment, often comatose for a few weeks. Those who wake up after this period may suffer symptoms such as migraines, loss of coordination, anxiety, and episodes of disassociation for many months to come, sometimes upwards of two years in some cases.
    Conditional Limitations (Optional):
    • A shielded safeguard is included in the case of a 'desync' event, either it be caused by an 'EMP' or a disruption in communications. Individuals will no longer have their higher forms of thought synchronized, but they are often highly disoriented, sometimes nauseous in this state, and have difficulty with motor coordination. It only takes a few seconds without communication to trigger this.
      • This effect slowly begins to subside after thirty minutes, or until they recover communications. Whichever is sooner.
      • If a desync event lasts for over two hours, both users will experience intense migraines and muscle spasms, as well as restlessness. After six hours, the users will fall unconscious, and may never wake up unless the desync is terminated with aid.
      • An EMP will cause a desync event that lasts at least thirty seconds, before the devices recover.
      • While one might think to use Quantum Communications devices to limit desync events, they simply do not have the raw bandwidth necessary. They cannot be used for this.
    • If the users are connected and one user dies, the death throes more often than not sends the other user into shock, and soon a coma. Without intervention, the users are doomed to die together.
    How does it work:
    A pair of devices are grafted into the interior lining of the skull of two users, if the upper skull is not entirely replaced with a metallic prosthesis and refit under the scalp. Once both users have the implant, and the implants are activated, their thoughts and neural patterns are gradually brought together until their minds are near-identical. In the best of cases (such as identical clones), this process can last as short as a day. Otherwise, both individuals will be in long bouts of unconsciousness, left in a bed-ridden state until completion.

    Once the devices are both online and the brains are brought into sync, both devices read and write to each other, actively scanning for changes in cognition in one user and applying it to the other. This is done in such a way that the devices are only sending /what/ changed, and they have many safeguards that prevent any 'echoing' of the same thought back and forth.

    The mesh accomplishes with built-in brain-scanners that focus on a few regions of the brain (notably higher cognition, and not brain functions that regulate organs and the like). Applying the activity from one brain and to the other is done through stimulation and similar medical devices as those used in 'writing' brain-scans, albeit on a smaller, manageable scale. Though, the more invasive of these implements are reserved for use in the 'warmup' period, and resolving desync events.

    Flavor text:
    There once was a man who was mad enough to decide that one pair of competent hands were not enough, and yet, could not trust any hands but his own. But he also didn't trust an independent clone of himself. Extra prosthetics would be unwieldy, so why not... have two bodies to himself? That's twice the productivity people! Clearly, he could market this to suckers...

    Referenced Technologies (Optional): N/A

    Attainability: Open

    Tags: [Civilian]

    Category: Medical
    Teldrassil and Ryanatorx like this.
  2. Teldrassil

    Teldrassil Galactic Officer

    Mar 24, 2020
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    Pending. No balance issues stick out to me, so everything looks good.

    What ranges can this function at?