Robotics Toraen Necromancy

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Cheffy, Apr 15, 2022.

  1. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Name: Toraen Necromancy, The Darker Arts, The Bad Way Back, The Necropolis Obelisks, The Gray Towers

    Description: The augmentation that allows Toraen Necromancy is in the skull cavity of a Toraen Glitch, specifically, it’s an augment to their nooradio. When they go through the process of resurrecting a Glitch into a Poppet (zombie Glitch), their optics universally glow a bright, pale blue. There also exists Toraen Obelisks, which are massive pillars of dark metal covered in glowing lights, panels and runes.


    Toraen Glitch have specialized implants that allow them to connect to a dead glitch in a radius near them via their nooradios, this then rapidly repairs the body and wipes the mind- locking them entirely under the control of the necromancer and allowing more in-depth programming than standard Glitch Necromancy. Most of the time however they are used purely for basic hard labor and combat.

    Additionally! Toraen Glitch know how to produce this augment in a larger, more stationary form as massive technological obelisks. These Obelisks are typically bound to one Glitch until their death. When a Glitch dies in the range of an Obelisk, they are instantly raised as a Poppet that can be commanded and programmed from the Obelisk. The range of an Obelisk correlates to its size. When they reach the height of skyscrapers, the range is typically dozens of miles in diameter. Obelisks take about two uninterrupted weeks to preform their mass ressurection.

    Conditional Abilities:

    An additional ability of Toraen Necromancy is its ability- by properly trained Toraen necromancer- to "clone" dead Glitch through an invasive brain surgery. The exact process is taking the neuromorphic processor of a dead Glitch, which is then meshed with the neuromorphic processor of a living Glitch; effectively merging the two's personalities and memories as the necromancer forces the processors to combine. This takes a full weeks length of time, and is incredibly damaging to the psyche of the ressurected individual- there is no known treatment for this damage.

    Toraen Necromancy can also be used on other Glitch-like lifeforms.

    The way this repair goes through as well means the 'zombies' never need a refresher like normal Glitch Necromancy does- they're indefinite. Though they still require nutrients and electricity supplied to them, albeit a much reduced amount.

    Toraen Doomlords have three times the range with their resurrection augment and can raise three Poppets at once.

    When Toraen Obelisks raise a Poppet, unlike Toraen Glitch, the mind is not destroyed- no. Instead it is copied and stored inside of a digital “afterlife” server within the Obelisk that can be retrieved. For all intents and purposes, this is basically a remote brainscan.


    Toraen Necromancy, while able to remotely connect to the nooradios of dead Glitch, must still be within thirty feet of the body for this process to begin, and must stay within thirty feet of the corpse until it is complete.

    It takes a total of thirty two seconds/eight turns for a dead Glitch to become a Poppet.

    A normal Toraen Glitch can only raise one Poppet at a time.

    Toraen Necromancy does not work through obstructions such as walls or dirt.

    Conditional Limitations:

    The Toraen Necromancy augment can’t be installed on a Glitch not born with it- it has to be added in the early stages of growth in a Glitch ‘womb’. Any attempt to integrate it outside of this process causes damage to the neuromorphic processor.

    To actually utilize Toraen Necromancy, the corpse of a Glitch MUST have power running through them and be able to produce nanocells. In the case of long-dead Glitch, effort must be put in to get them to a state where they can be raised as a Poppet.

    Glitch who have had their nooradios removed are unable to be ressurected.

    How does it work:

    The Toraen Necromantic Augment works through transmitting orders to the nooradios of deceased Glitch, forcibly giving them commands to enter an override of the production of nanocells to repair their body and then wipe their neuromorphic processor clean of data- then, it fills it with the basic Poppetry knowledge; how to fight and do basic labor. Further coding can be done to add more functionality, though this is not often done.

    Furthermore, when a Toraen Glitch raises a Poppet, only they can control that Poppet (unless, of course, the Poppet dies and another Toraen Glitch raises them again.)

    Toraen Obelisks function in a similar fashion- only upscaled by a massive amount. Large metallic spires filled with a massive nooradio, augment, and servers to store the consciousnesses of those who die in its range.

    Flavor text:

    The fools had no idea what my dear Morawaine had chosen to do in the light of the attack on our lands. To raise legions of our dead to plow our fields, dig our metals, and fight our wars? It was genius. It was horrific. It was… beautiful. - From the scriptures of the Mad Scribe of Torael.

    Toraen Necromancy has existed for centuries- one day simply… appearing in Glitch born of the Queendom. Currently, it’s unknown for the reason, though many non-Toraen scholars speculate that it was the will of the Queen- Morawaine the Everlasting- who caused it through the Glitch subconscious. This clearly is an insane theory and could never be the truth. However, this doesn’t stop the majority of the Toraen population from believing it. Perhaps… there may be a kernel of truth hidden in those speculations…

    Referenced Technologies: Glitch Necromancy

    Attainability: Semi-Closed (All Toraen Glitch have this augmentation.)

    Tags: [Industrial] [Racial]

    Category: Robotics
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2022
  2. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Hi. I'll begin grading your app today.
    After a bit of discussion in staff chat a while ago we came up with some questions and concerns for clarification that should be ironed out prior to this going anywhere.

    This is going to need some elaboration. What constitutes a Glitch-like lifeform as it relates to use of this app on something?

    Is this intended to amount to being a replacement to traditional cloning with its own limits and such? We can elaborate on the extent of its effects later, but I just need to know that first.
    Also, this is an advanced use of Toraen Necromancy, correct? This is (mostly) sapient where typically, Toraen Necromancy results in a relatively mindless "drone?"

    What does this bolded portion mean exactly? I'd just like some elaboration. Is this someone in control of the obelisk, does the obelisk act on its own, unconsciously, or does this bolded part mean something entirely different?

    How much effort? Introduction of a battery and kickstarting of nanocell production again, or is the process more intense depending on the amount of damage done? If it's based on the amount of damage done, would this mean that Toraen Necromancy requires more than simply power and nanocell production, such as other specific organs still being active? If so, respond appropriately with an explanation.

    Finally, what is the actual mechanism by which a Glitch body is 'repaired' into a zombie? Is it the introduction of programmed nanocells or something of the sort via a remote command through this augment? That was the impression I was getting since this would involve it being powered as the app said, and still able to produce those cells.
    Last edited: May 7, 2022
    Cheffy likes this.
  3. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Sorry, I should've specified! I mean lifeforms that both A. Have nanocells as a key part of their biology like Glitch. And B. It has a Nooradio. A lifeform has to have both of these to be able to be raised as a zombie.

    Yes! It's an alternative form of cloning that'd have its own limits that I'd be perfectly happy to talk with you about.

    And yes again! It's an advanced form. Typically it results in a mindless drone that can follow orders, but isn't sapient. While Toraen Necromancy can allow you to program those drones into doing more complex tasks, they'll never be sapient.

    Sorry! This is entirely my bad and I really should've elaborated. Basically ah, Obelisks can only be controlled by one Glitch at a time- and if they die, it's then open for someone else to take control. Only the person currently in control of it can order any zombies its raised to do tasks, and this can't change.

    So! I can cover both of these in one big blurb since they're related. For the mechanism, it sends a remote command to the Nooradio which triggers a state of rapid regeneration via cannibalizing non-essential nanocells from elsewhere in the body, basically giving it a kickstart into "life" and stiching up most injuries. This rapid repair obviously can't fix anything major, like loss of limbs or bisection. But for bullet wounds, cuts, and such, it wouldn't be too much of a problem.

    For the first part- you'd need to put in a good amount of electricity to kickstart nanocells into having power and being produced again, yes! As far as I'm aware though, Glitch bodies don't decay, so unless someone removed the heart, I'd imagine something like a DE battery would be more than enough for this process.
  4. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Should an Obelisk be found that has no controller, how does one take control of it? What's the process like? Can just any Toraen Glitch do it?
    Also, is there a radius a Glitch in control of an Obelisk has to be within in order to give commands to Poppets? Is it the same as the radius Poppets are controlled within, or different?

  5. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    The process is fairly simple! It's pretty brutal though, as a kind of 'once you start, you HAVE to finish'. Basically, on each Obelisk there's a plate that only responds when a Toraen Glitch transmits to the device to begin the process, then, a hand must be put on the plate- where it's locked in place, and a spike pierces through it to keep it there until the bonding process is complete. That takes about five minutes.

    As for radius, it's the same! Of course, unless you have drones with cameras or are there in person, you're not actually going to see what they're doing.
  6. Skid

    Skid God Incarnate Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Just a few changes that I'd like to request. Clarify in the app itself that Glitch without their nooradios can;t be effected and rewrite the section on cloning. As is, I feel it's very confusingly written.

    How long does it take obelisks to raise a poppet? Standard Glitch necromancy takes several days when affecting a large area, so this should take even longer.

    How do Poppets behave after either the death of their owner or when an obelisk is unclaimed?
    Cheffy likes this.
  7. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Apologies, the heat was murdering me these last few months and I was basically forced to hibernate in front of a fan.

    The cloning has been rewritten to be more clear, and I've added in the conditional limitation that Glitch that have had their nooradios removed cannot be brought back.

    Obelisks take about two uninterrupted weeks to preform their mass ressurection.

    Poppets follow their last orders to completion. The two scenarios I can give are an attack order- where they'll continue trying to attack and then become dormant after they've succeeded, eventually dying again after they run out of energy- and a patrol, where they'll mindlessly patrol along their instructed route until they run out of energy, dying once more. If this is not acceptable for balance reasons when it comes to CRP, inform me in the reply and we can discuss more acceptable changes.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2022
  8. Skid

    Skid God Incarnate Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    seems good to me now. technically first pass?
  9. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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