
Discussion in 'Approved' started by Cheffy, Jan 20, 2022.

  1. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Name: Azerium, Crisaria syrup, Mana potion, Cuil cocktail, Teeth-rotter

    Description: Azerium is a wispy, glowing blue liquid that smells sickly sweet typically stored in syringes and autoinjectors.


    Upon injecting a vial of Azerium, the consumer, if they are a psion, have their Flux pool filled to capacity after eight seconds (or two CRP turns).

    Injection also gives the user a brief, intense feeling of euphoria.

    Conditional Abilities:

    Non-Psions and Cuil-touched individuals gain the ability, to a minor degree, generate Flux. This Flux however is unformed, and mostly useless

    Can be used as a very dim light if the vial is exposed.


    One minute after a psion uses Azerium, their entire Flux pool is drained and they're completely unable to generate any substantial amount of Flux for an hour.

    You are guaranteed to get Cuil Cancer in large quantities from using Azerium.

    Azerium cannot be used to psionically awaken an individual.

    Conditional Limitations:

    Additionally, those who use the drug have a one in three chance of developing Sensory Overload or Subdimensional Dissociation, and in some unfortunate cases for heavy use, both, for three days.

    After injection and while burnout lasts, everything in the user’s sight will be tinted in shades of blue.

    Starting fifteen minutes after a non-psionic individual injects this drug, they will begin to experience intense migraines for the next two hours.

    Consuming Azerium is ill-advised, as- while it is extremely delicious and sweet- it causes extreme indigestion and in the case that it comes into contact with enamel it will cause it to rapidly erode.

    If Azerium is consumed on a frequent basis- the user begins to experience unpleasant, long-term side effects such as Cognizant Cuil Cancer, depression, occasional seizures, extreme lethargy in areas with an ECF of less than 2‽, and their vision becoming permanently tinted blue.

    How does it work:

    Azerium itself is a concentration of anomalous and normal compounds, of which have a violent reaction with a user's body, often with unhealthy side effects. Because of this, when injected into an organic's bloodstream, the compounds will react with their nervous system, causing it to convert Flux at an exponentially fast rate until the syrup has been expended. This tends to overtax the user however, and once the effects have worn off, the psion’s ability to generate Flux in anything but small amounts fizzles out for some time.

    Flavor text:

    Originally cropping up in some quiet spheres in Floran space, this drug found itself trickling into cults and underground circles dotted across the galaxy which believed it would open their minds to something beyond. Many organized groups of psions tend to be aware of the drug, if not already being able to source it somehow.

    Referenced Technologies (Optional):,,

    Attainability: [Open] (The materials to create Azerium are not common, Crisaria Sap in particular makes it a hard task for many, making it quite rare out of specific circles. Other named ingredients include but are not limited to Fetor and Starsugar)

    Tags: [Civilian]

    Category: Medical
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2023
  2. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    grading time
    Is this the ability to manipulate and generate flux, or the ability to use psionic abilities altogether? 'Manipulate' flux implies converting it for use in abilities too, but there are some abilities that can be used without needing larger amounts of flux.

    Semi-closed is reserved for applications that are limited by things such as faction or species. This should probably be Open, even if it's hard to get.

    There's not really a 'biological' process that generates flux, it's all psychic. Instead, Azerium could just rapidly force the user's nervous system to generate mass amounts of flux in a short period of time, straining it in the process. Not only would this cause cuil cancer or other cuil sicknesses, but also (if you want), depression, seizures, etc., with long term use. Generating that much flux is going to be very, very straining.

    Why? It seems out of place for what is essentially a mana potion; should probably be in another app.

    What happens if someone decides to keep using it in three days? Do the symptoms get worse?

    Khaos and Cheffy like this.
  3. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    I would prefer it be psionic abilities in general, but if it's required to be what is already said for the purpose of balance/grading it can be!

    My mistake! I thought it was a biological process. I'll edit it so it's like that when I have a bit more free time! Adding in some long-term side effects as well.

    My thought process was that the drug would force their awareness of Flux to be heightened by the amount that was generated from the drug- though I suppose you're right, and this was written before I was aware that there wasn't a biological process to generating Flux.

    I should've written that in! The answer would be yes- as with before, I'll be doing some editing to add in all of this when I have some more free time.
  4. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    I would just make it so that after the effect ends, the psion's flux fully drains and they can't generate any substantial amount of flux for an hour. Minor abilities like some ESP abilities or very weak telekinesis would still work since they don't require substantial amounts of flux, but most abilities that use flux won't work sine the psion would be at 0% flux. Kind of like their ability to generate flux is 'burnt out'.

    Okey dokey

    Ye, awareness and generation are usually different things. Also, maybe as a conditional ability, you can have it so that non-psions (and cuil touched) generate some flux too; not as much as a true psion and it would be unformed and kind of useless, but maybe useful in some situations since most people generate a tiny amount of flux anyways, like if a non-psion wanted to have flux so they looked like a psion for some reason.

    I'll go ahead and give it a pass, just make sure to finish the How It Works section and the other changes we talked about, and change the attainability to open.
  5. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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  6. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Second pass.