Elijah Cilvay-Carpenter - Peaceful, the Unfavorite

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by SilverGallium, Jul 8, 2021.

  1. SilverGallium

    SilverGallium No-Bark Noonan Impervium Donator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    (art coming as soon as I get the money, then think of a reference, then give both to yaxsha)
    (in-game sprite - which does exist, see Credits - also to be posted only after I've shown it on-server for the first time)

    General Information
    First Name: Elijah.
    Middle Name: Hasn't chosen or been given one yet.
    Surnames: Carpenter, Cilvay.
    Serial: C24502. Almost nobody even knows he has one.
    Nicknames: "Evileb", by exactly one person.
    Biological/Mental Age: 30 years.
    Chronological Age: Less than a year.
    Date of Creation: Mid-November, 3287.
    Species: Repurposed/uplifted AI; Human Metanoid.
    Sex: Male, as defined by his current body, but still identifies as...
    Gender: ...Male, by preference, either way.
    Sexuality: Pansexual.
    Current Residence: The ship of Diana D19926, his girlfriend.
    Relationship Status: Deeply in very-mutual love, but not yet engaged or married.
    Social Status: Seemingly just a charitable, personable, but reclusive everyman; only known of by a few people.
    Financial Status: Lives with a retired doctor.

    Traits of Voice
    Accent: Difficult to place due to his flat, almost robotic way of talking. His voice itself is deep, distinct, and masculine, but has just enough inflection to avoid being entirely monotone; it does not adhere to any specific culture or ethnicity. It's losing a lot of that "flatness" over time however, as he's slowly forming an accent based on the ones of people around him.
    Primary Languages: Fluent in Galactic Common primarily, and “Modern” English just as well.
    Secondary Languages: Is gradually, slowly, learning French from overhearing his partner speak it.
    Tone/Inflection: Calm, measured, clear, and somewhat verbose, though that last part is fading away with time. Can really ham it up whenever he wants or feels-like-he-needs to, but otherwise, he tries to keep anything he says as concise as possible.
    Volume: If 0 is mute, 5 is "normal", and 10 is "tornado siren", he'd be a 7. That's just by default, though; naturally, he can go up or down.

    Physical Appearance
    Height: 6’7”. Tall, at least by human standards.
    Weight: At least 250lbs, very-probably more.
    Eye Color: Very dull bluish-grey.
    Skin Color: Caucasian; way less pale than you’d expect for someone that’s spent 95% of their life on spaceships.
    Face: Oval. Same level as attractiveness as the rest of him.
    Distinguishing Features: Wears a perpetual "Clint Squint" that only momentarily vanishes when excited, for positive or negative reasons, even when there isn't bright light to prompt squinting. You'd think he has eye problems.
    Build: Mesomorphic, despite his height; visibly strong, a given for someone his size, though he wouldn't call himself "brutish"; well-built and very fit.
    Hair Color: Platinum-blonde.
    Hairstyle: Chin-length; naturally appears brushed down with unobtrusive bangs, but attempts to keep it swept back out of his face entirely, making it look somewhat spiky. Which way he wears it when going out varies from time to time. By contrast, his face from the nose down is usually as smooth as a baby's theoretically-unshat bottom.
    Complexion: Healthy, but otherwise average. Has no scars or deformities to speak of. Was made to be an attractive-looking man by design, and ever since he came out of the pod, he hasn't disappointed.
    Posture: Straight and confident; always looks attentive; rarely leaves his hands at his side, preferring to fold them behind his back when idle or in front of his torso when talking, things like that.
    Tattoos, Piercings: Has yet to get any.
    Typical Clothing: Prefers neutral colors. Has no real set color palette to what he wears, but his style is almost always practical and functional. Really likes his coats, especially long ones. Also fond of business casual - sweater-vests, button-ups, waistcoats, dark-colored jeans… - which he wears in more passive environments.
    Extrinsic Perception: To the people that know him, he's an idealistic man with strong morals and both the will and prowess to back up his claims. Problem is, not that many people know him.

    Likes: His friends (especially his girlfriend), his morals, his small number of hobbies, talking, solving conflicts without violence, and - even better - teaching others how to do the same.
    Dislikes: “Reckless” forms of transhumanism, “injustice”, xenophobia, prejudice; any governing body that is particularly intrusive, overbearing, controlling, manipulative, or expansionist; violent or murderous actions; any form of fighting that isn’t recreational and/or is potentially lethal; Occasism, which he considers the worship of to be traitorous and cowardly due to its apotheosis of the Ruin.
    Education: Secondhand knowledge retained from his cloning base (Caleb Carpenter) is up to a level of college dropout, plus some self-taught; everything he himself has learned is also self-taught. However, he didn’t retain everything, discarding many of Caleb’s skills and talents for a few of his own instead; given his original purpose, not everything was worth copying.
    Fears: The death of his chosen family, especially his spouse, or otherwise leaving her widowed; personal failure in regards to his goals, the decay or destruction of his morals; allowing any of his associates and acquaintances to fall to their vices; a minor and unobtrusive fear in regards to death, given his undecided mindset on cloning and how it may result in any of the previous fears being realized.
    Personal Goals: To “help” as many people as he can in his lifetime, through his philanthropist-like ways, starting with his friends and family, while also protecting others from any of their dangerous and destructive habits.
    General Attitude: May seem cold and distant - even downright antisocial - if you're approaching him first, but is surprisingly sociable and considerate in reality. Righteous and passionate about his beliefs, but not always outwardly.
    Religious Values: Claims to be Catholic, but without revealing too much, talking to him at length about it easily reveals he isn’t exactly, at least not in the expected sense. Also without saying too much, this is something he's aware of and acknowledges.
    General Intelligence: Educated, overall quite intelligent, but lacks direct experience so far.
    General Sociability: For someone that looks so intimidating and gives off such a loner vibe, Elijah's sociability is decently high; he's quicker to approach if he has a pragmatic reason to talk to someone, but also just likes meeting new people from time to time. May act antisocial if he can’t get a read on someone he’s talking to, due to struggling to keep his guard up. Friends and family are an exception, as he’ll try to mingle with any of them at any time for any reason, something that grates on a select few.

    Illnesses: None currently.
    Allergies: None known, if any.
    Sleeping Habits: Fairly healthy; will try to get exactly eight hours of sleep when possible, but often stays up late looking after others around him.
    Energy Level: Stoic outward demeanor can make him seem sluggish or bored at times, but really, his energy level is fine.
    Eating Habits: Eats somewhat more than others to sustain his tall and athletic frame. Prefers greens, but focuses on protein usually, which is - again - out of necessity, being so damn tall for a human and muscular on top of that.
    Memory: Not perfect - the occasional hole forms - but good enough. More important things stick better in his memory, and he's usually forthcoming in admitting when he's forgotten something.
    Bad Habits: Very minor, but doesn't always sleep as much as he should, as mentioned above.

    General Relationships
    Parents: Considers (the “real”) Diana Williams the closest thing he has to a parental figure, but doesn’t outright call her his “mom’' or anything similar, nor does he outwardly treat her like she is.
    Siblings: C24586 “Riley” and A00000 "Sarin", two more of Diana's creations, but only explicitly calls the former a sibling; the latter doesn't like being called "sister", as he's found.
    Friends: Quite a few ragtag misfits, almost none of which you'd expect him to associate with and vice-versa, much less as friends.
    Associates: Shares a few with Diana Williams and Sarin, though unlike them, exactly how he defines an “associate” or “acquaintance” is different.
    Personal Enemies: None. There's a few people whose actions he dislikes, strongly or otherwise, but none of his animosity could be called "personal".
    Children: None, but openly desires to be a father someday.
    Lover: D19926 Diana Cilvay-Carpenter. They aren’t married nor even engaged yet, but almost anyone that knows about their relationship talks about them like they’re husband-and-wife. Being as close as they are, however, that’s not unwarranted.

    Specific Relationships
    For Elijah's specific thoughts on each of these characters, refer to the link below.
    D19926 Diana Cilvay-Carpenter: Lover
    D19923 Diana Cilvay-Williams: Creator
    C24586 Riley Carpenter: Genetic Family
    A00000 Sarin Evetion: Chosen Family
    Blake Lucia Evetion: Chosen Family
    Lloyd Dell Evetion: Chosen Family
    Hierro Masters-Evetion: Chosen Family
    Selene Masters-Evetion: Chosen Family
    Alexander Nehusia: Best Friend?
    C3-B4/Y Cebey Zendegi: Best Friend
    Manny Ads: Young Friend
    Theodora Vaelys: Friend
    Midulo Jora Camisin: Friend
    Natalie “Hope” Younger: Friend
    Akseru Narakuno-Kurosawa: Associated, Liked
    Naokii Narakuno-Kurosawa: Associated, Liked
    Grey Concordia: Associated
    Flareglow Blankscreen: Associated
    Piper “Strongarm” Clivay-Williams: Associated
    Robin Avalice-Spetzer-Flynn: Associated, Cautious
    Rose Avalice-Spetzer-Flynn: Associated, Cautious
    Caleb Marcus Carpenter: Shunned Family

    Aggression: Scrapes the line of martial pacifism; has a very heavy preference towards avoiding physical confrontation if he himself is the one in danger, but ultimately won't hesitate to fight if a situation calls for it.
    Weapons: Armaments vary; as mentioned above, he isn't usually a fighter. Is usually capable of subduing someone with just his hands, but also not above carrying around (nor using) anything from firearms to melee weapons when he suspects they'll be needed.
    Style: Size and strength are main assets in physical confrontation, backed by good reflexes and sufficient martial form. Nothing special in a ranged confrontation, but still fully capable. Again, will only fight after all attempts of a peaceful solution have been thoroughly exhausted, meaning this information is rarely observed.

    Occupation: Currently unemployed, but he’s living with a retired doctor, so that’s less of a problem than it sounds.
    Current Home: His-and-D26’s ship, again. Neither of them have named it (despite how long 26 has had it), but he plans to change that soon.
    Favorite Foods: He’d never tell you, but he has a surprisingly mundane one...
    Favorite Drinks: Extremely bitter coffee, as “very bitter” is a flavor he enjoys in general. Also likes just regular-ass ice water.
    Hobbies/Pastimes: Metalworking, meditation, prayer, social interaction. Interested in learning wood carving and playing the saxophone, and re-learning tailory.
    Guilty Pleasures: Maybe “guilty pleasure” is too extreme, but has an almost Yggdrasilite-tier love of nature, a trait of D26’s that rubbed off on him, that he tends to hide. The fact that most of his ship resembles a multi-room garden kind of gives it away, though. Also has a borderline-juvenile sense of humor he keeps buried deep, something else his significant other brought out in him.
    Pet Peeves: Belligerence, senseless lethal violence; excesses of pride, wrath. Also dislikes when people say they don't like nature, but that's minor by comparison.
    Pets: D26 keeps a small collection of critters aboard their ship, which make them his by proxy.
    Talents: On the casual side of things, is learning to play the saxophone and taking to it surprisingly well. Also a good and well-practiced bladesmith, but being a borderline-pacifist, he enjoys it for the art and craftsmanship more than the whole "making slashy or stabby things to bleed or kill another man with" part.
    Favorite Colors: Any shade of yellow, blue or teal that aren’t eye-searing. Lime green, olive green, cauliflower blue and shades of fuchsia that lean more on the purple side are more specific examples. This usually isn’t reflected in what he wears.
    Favorite Music: Has a soft spot for jazz, of all things. He shares this with his spouse.

    Spoiler Disclaimer
    Elijah’s detailed backstory and specific thoughts on other characters are spoiler information. Said knowledge is better-learned first-hand by interacting with the character using one of your own, or just by watching him in action from a spectator’s perspective, and has been excluded from directly appearing on this sheet.

    However, I’d rather not just say “find out IC” and leave it at that, if only because I had lots of fun writing it all down. So if you just absolutely have to know now instead of finding out the proper way, click HERE to view them.

    Thanks to Cheffy for making Elijah's (currently unreleased) spritework.
    Also thanks to Cheffy (again), ThatCabbage, Hit by a Parked Car, Kodakazi, Horriblues and TurnWall for extensive feedback over the course of this sheet's creation process and, frankly, helping me think up the character at all.
    7/14/21 - Changed "Distinguishing Features" with a different description.
    7/22/21 - Polished "Combat" section heavily. Still no spoiler page or art.
    7/24/21 - Edited Siblings, added Serial number. Edited this very bullet point after only doing the former first and the latter later.
    7/25/21 - Edited some details of Physical Description after doing some research on people with Elijah's size and build.
    7/29/21 - Finally added Spoilers page containing the usual Backstory and Character Interactions information. Still no art.
    9/8/21 - Edited Specific Relationships. Added Theodora, Grey, and Flareglow; updated Diana, Sarin, Blake, Manny, Rose and Robin.
    9/26/21 - Edited several entries to be more concise. Added on-page Specific Relationships section with specific thoughts omitted for the sake of length.
    9/27/21 - Edited more entries to be... better.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2021
  2. SilverGallium

    SilverGallium No-Bark Noonan Impervium Donator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Bump: "Backstory" and "Character Interactions" are now available via a Google Docs link for those interested in reading them. Unless you've met the character and already know most of it, you are discouraged from clicking it (unless you're a staff member looking to check character/writing integrity or verify that they haven't done and aren't doing anything in violation of rules or lore) unless you just absolutely cannot hold back you curiosity.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2021
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