I've recently resumed schooling and unfortunately don't have the time to anymore. It may change in the future but for now no. Sorry about that!
Updated with a art representation of her Thanks to RibbonHeart.
Stage 1 Application Tagline Tenefkhet are a synthetic construct lifeform created by Avians native to Sharwing that are vessels for the deceased....
//A public posting on a job acquisition site detailing various skilled workers and their resumes yields one available worker whose willing to...
General Information First name: Taenos Surname: Gripclaw Age: 24 Race: Avian Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Current residence: Family...
Yall got me six hours of rp last night so heres donation on me. Cheers
I think it can be a bit of a balancing act. If ever I can I prefer to use body language in emotes to convey thoughts or feelings that they...