Awarded Medals
Awarded: Mar 9, 2019
I Am The Main Character
It says so on my nametag. (Impact the story of the Fringe, for better or for worse - Requires vouch/nomination.)
Awarded: Nov 4, 2018
Are you proud now, dad? (Members who have been lucky enough to win a community competition will unlock this achievement.)
Awarded: Aug 13, 2018
Rooftop Korean
Rooftop Koreans are dangerous. Don't peek your head out.
Reason: Going ham in Team Fortress 2 while playing the Sniper Class to the point where people started calling out hack accusations. -
Awarded: Apr 6, 2020
Bury Me With My Computer
Everything is tinted neon-green. (Play Starbound for more than 1500 hours and provide proof.)
Awarded: Jul 28, 2018
Galactic Prodigy
"Taking art requests" -Famous last words. (Draw some art of another character, or make someone a character sprite. Has to be made with effort.)
Awarded: Apr 14, 2019
We Are Family
Squad Up. (Gather together as many of your fellow players or faction members together at your hub for a big screenshot.)
Awarded: Mar 2, 2019
The story of my life. (Write a long and detailed character sheet.)
Awarded: Dec 3, 2018
The Second Coming
"I came from the Father and entered the world; now I am leaving the world and going back to the Father." (This rare achievement is awarded to the few who have seen and embraced the presence of Haydee on the Galaxy Citizen server.)
Awarded: Aug 27, 2018
Server Saint
The @everyone emperor. (Vote at least twenty-five days of a month for Galaxy Citizen on the server lister, accompanied with the Voter rank on Discord.)
Awarded: Aug 11, 2018
Server Supporter
The @everyone electorate. (Vote at least 10 times in a month for Galaxy Citizen on the server lister.)
Awarded: Aug 11, 2018
Is this thing on? (Be active in the Galaxy Citizen Discord’s voice-chat channels. Confirmed with a vouch.)
Awarded: Jul 28, 2018
Blood is on your hands! (Win an IC fight, proof must be provided via screenshot or vouch.)
Awarded: Jul 28, 2018
Death is Real
The story of your character has ended. With them gone forever, how will their comrades react? (Have one of your characters permanently killed. Be it by your own hand or by another. )
Awarded: Jul 28, 2018
Put the golden statue over there, please. (Build and have uploaded a private character home that has a specific theme.)
Awarded: Jul 28, 2018
Happily Married
Is it too late for a prenup? (Marry another character to unlock this achievement. Proof of the wedding must be provided.)
Awarded: Jul 28, 2018
Join the Fight! (This achievement is awarded to Galactic Citizens who devote themselves to a faction.)
Awarded: Jul 28, 2018
Click Click Clack
Carpal tunnel ahoy. (Be active on the Galaxy Citizen Discord’s text channels. Confirmed with a vouch.)
Awarded: Jul 28, 2018
Blood Donor
You have donated to the lifeblood of Galaxy Citizen. (Donate to Galaxy Citizen.)
Awarded: Jul 28, 2018
Helping Hand
“A helping hand put a little love in your heart." (Help out a fellow member in need!)
Awarded: Jul 29, 2018
Galactic Citizenship
The first step... (Citizens who have joined our online community and started a discussion will be awarded citizenship.)