"Taking art requests" -Famous last words. (Draw some art of another character, or make someone a character sprite. Has to be made with effort.)
Your building skills have created new opportunities. (Build a public hub and write its codex.)
The @everyone emperor. (Vote at least twenty-five days of a month for Galaxy Citizen on the server lister, accompanied with the Voter rank on Discord.)
The @everyone electorate. (Vote at least 10 times in a month for Galaxy Citizen on the server lister.)
Is this thing on? (Be active in the Galaxy Citizen Discord’s voice-chat channels. Confirmed with a vouch.)
Self-published. (Have your lore or application passed by the staff team.)
Θηρόποσα Χείρ. (Fill out an achievement form for another user.)
The story of my life. (Write a long and detailed character sheet.)
Carpal tunnel ahoy. (Be active on the Galaxy Citizen Discord’s text channels. Confirmed with a vouch.)
The first step... (Citizens who have joined our online community and started a discussion will be awarded citizenship.)