Surprisingly, Yes
The Pitch Massive, fur-coated hunters with a below average tech level. ______________________________________________________________________...
I actually completely agree with Magic here. I miss the old 2014 days of actually doing stuff on the server. I know people now that don't even go...
Maybe like a port area or something? Or a vineyard type thing?
Alright, I edited my thing, thanks.
Name: Olivia Florentine [/b]Age: 32[/b] [/b]Race: Human[/b] [/b]Talents: Good with weapons, and hand-to-hand combat. Previous...
Heyo, you can make any character, doesn't have to be preset or anything, so go nuts. Just make sure its of an accepted race. Hope you enjoy GC!
So me and my friend are having an argument over which version of this photo is better. Please vote so we can tell. Also, left part of photo...
Can you do one of my character? I have one picture of the sprite and one of an art I got done of her a while back. Also, not sure how to provide a...
Hello, I'm Evan. Most people don't know me (dunno how though cause I've been here over three years and max rep currently was a whole 38! What an...