Materials “Zenith”

Discussion in 'Denied' started by slafto, Mar 3, 2018.

  1. slafto

    slafto New Arrival

    Jul 30, 2017
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    Name: Kalnaka “Zenith” Crystals

    A Zenith crystal.

    Zenith crystals glow a bright white, are cool to the touch, and constantly thrum and vibrate.

    +++Zenith greatly enhances most anything it is applied to. Weaponry incorporating Zenith into its design properly will fire harder-hitting shells, more powerful energy bursts, or detonate with much larger results. Defensive shields using Zenith as a power source are nigh impenetrable. Using Zenith as a power source guarantees an almost unlimited supply.

    ---Zenith constantly releases a frequency that slowly drives sapient beings to madness. If it is intelligent and capable of emotion, Zenith will slowly drive it mad, digging itself into their thoughts.
    ---Zenith is volatile. If improperly used or incorporated, it can and will explode with disastrous results. Crystals must be handled with care.

    Conditional Limitations (Optional):
    -A great deal of engineering know-how is required to be able to incorporate Zenith into objects.

    How does it work:
    Zenith operates by greatly increasing the potential energy of nearby objects, resulting in quicker builds of velocity for bullets, more available energy for lasers and plasma, a continuous and strong stream of energy for shielding, and constantly feeding electrical objects near it with energy. Zenith crystals themselves store great deals of energy, and slowly recharge themselves due to the perpetual motion they are under. This, however, makes them very fragile and unstable.

    Flavor text:
    Zenith was discovered in the same way a large deposit of it was rendered useless: a mining accident exposed a chamber full of the crystals, and an accidental smashing of one of the crystals resulted in a catastrophic, chain-reacting explosion that decimated the mines and all the miners within.

    Attainability: Semi-Closed. DM me if you want a planet to have this on it, otherwise you need to acquire it ICly to be able to use it.

    Tags: [Civilian]

    Category: Materials
  2. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    And its unfortunate that I'll be swiftly rejecting your second app as well for the similar reasons of the lack of more thorough explanations behind functionality, with the addition of great imbalance behind its listed features
    As before, the issues in this application are as follows:
    - Unlimited energy should not be a thing. This is the greatest source of imbalance in the entire application
    - The process behind its "perpetual motion" is not actual perpetual motion as energy is needed to make things vibrate in the first place. A stagnant singular object cannot be in perpetual motion
    - How does adding potential energy make items its applied to stronger? furthermore why does its energy work so much more efficiently than any other?
    - While the frequency can work under the guise of misophonia, the wording suggests the crystal itself controls the minds of those afflicted, yet there is no explanation as to why or how.

    Please keep in mind in the future that its in one's best interest to elaborate on the workings of their applications to enough detail so that it is logically sound.
  3. Capslock

    Capslock you're all nerds Ex-Staff Event Builder

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Hello, I'm going to be seconding this rejection. As mentioned in your other tech application, if you wish to create a new application it must be given a complete overhaul from the original, as if it had received three fail grades.

    Moving to denied.