Name: XRD-7 'Cold Ray' non-lethal crowd-control system Description: Abilities: The XRD-7 is a 'handheld temperature control field projector'. When turned on it projects a passive field in its vicinity cold enough to freeze ice crystals in the air, causing a light mist close to the ground (and severely chilling its operator). When 'fired' the Cold Ray works as advertised, projecting a direct spray of cold gradually chilling whatever is caught within the field and eventually- given enough time- encasing it in a frozen shell. The XRD-7 also has a secondary fire, wherein it projects a blast of force from its barrel. While this force isn't strong enough to more than stumble most humanoids, it is carefully tuned to project a specific frequency that will shatter ice created by the weapon. This will most commonly simply break the film of ice created by the device, freeing whatever is trapped within or behind it, however should the object have been exposed to the device for several minutes, or long enough to 'deep freeze' it may shatter completely, or suffer other catastrophic damage. Conditional Abilities (Optional): If dropped in water, or other liquid with a high freezing point, the device will continue to operate, sealing itself inside a block of ice. Limitations: -The XRD-7 has an incredibly short range, shorter than most flamethrowers, requiring the target to be approximately 8 feet or closer to the user, else they are only in danger of catching a particularly nasty cold at worst. -The XRD-7 was designed as a non-lethal crowd deterrent. As such it requires direct fire from the weapon for two full minutes before the target is in any real danger, assuming they are an average, carbon-based humanoid. Even upon shattering one who has been exposed for less than this time, the target will likely only lose their upper layer of skin. These results were deemed 'not deadly enough' by the purgatorian police force and thus the project was canceled. -The weapon is ineffective against Novakids, other energy-based life forms, and sees decreased effectiveness vs targets with a higher resting temperature than the average human. -The XRD-7 is notoriously unreliable. Users may see a decrease in effectiveness or a total stoppage unless percussive maintenance is applied enthusiastically and regularly. In the latter case, failure to clear the mechanism will cause the device to detonate, flash-freezing the user. -The weapon requires a tank of chemicals in order to operate. This tank is heavy and must be connected physically to the weapon in order to operate. Weaklings need not apply. How does it work: The XRD-7 was designed as a non-lethal crowd control weapon for the Purgatorian Police Force. It works through the combination of three super-cooled chemicals. Apart, these chemicals are harmless, however when combined the first two chemicals immediately reach sub-zero temperatures. The third slows down the reaction, allowing the first two to leave the barrel of the weapon before freezing. Once the reaction commences, the two chemicals begin freezing themselves, as well as nearby water molecules in the air and other valid, freezable molecules. Targets will at first feel a deep chill. At 5 seconds, frost will begin to form on their eyebrows and hair. as well as exposed metal armor or prosthetics, as well as most inanimate objects. At 15 seconds frost will begin to form on the skin. At 30 seconds of constant exposure, a thin layer of ice will be present over the target, and they will be mostly rendered immobile. By one minute of exposure, the ice wall will be much thicker, and inanimate objects will begin to freeze through. After two minutes of constant exposure, living creatures will begin to freeze through. Up until this point, the weapon is non-lethal, discarding any complications related to cold-induced diseases. After this point, the results may be permanently lethal to any organics. The XRD-7 also incorporates a secondary fire, a small force projector designed to shatter the ice created by the weapon specifically. it has a much shorter range than the cold projector, requiring the weapon to be just a couple of inches from the target in order to function. Flavor text: The XRD-7 was designed as a potential non-lethal option for the Purgatorian police force. However, it was quickly decided after the demonstration of the initial prototype that the Purgatorian Police Force didn't really do 'non-lethal'. The project was scrapped and the initial prototype was thrown away, however, it soon disappeared from the streetside dumpster it was deposited in. Attainability: Open Tags: [Military] Category: Ranged Armaments