Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by LillithN, Feb 27, 2018.


Future Combat Types

  1. Team Deathmatch or Capture the Flag

    0 vote(s)
  2. Land Warfare with opposing Divisions.

    4 vote(s)
  3. Simulated Fleet Battles.

    1 vote(s)
  1. LillithN

    LillithN L i l l i t h Impervium Donator

    Oct 5, 2017
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    // A Zecyrian website would begin making waves across the Fringe and Civilized Space, advertising the return of the Death Sports in the Grand Zecyrian Arena, last seen in the city over eighty years ago. It would be a basic information and signup page, as is most public Zecyrian websites that can be found on the Nexus. Strange people. //


    The Death Sports are a new addition to the Zecyrian State, already drawing in countless champions of nations around the entire Milky Way from the north eastern regions of Sarracenia to the southern regions of Ashkelom and the Black Empire, everybody wants to be the best fighter in the galaxy.

    Unlike the Money-Dome, the Yiannis and Hattusa matches in which participants threw their lives away for nothing, participants will now be able to partake in a sport where winning matters, reaping the rewards of both riches and honor to take home a whopping prize of 10 million pixels, one android of custom design from Tetra Cybernetics and a full Zecyrian citizenship along with a penthouse apartment in the scrapers of Castille.

    Participants will be going up against one of three classes of warriors in many different environments and themes of battle and will all have the option to have their memories backed up before a fight in the event of death, a standard clone also being provided by Tetra. Each warrior receives three lives to compete in the sports and must win two battles without death to qualify for the next round. The current standing champion is BELA KENEZOVIC of the unknow territories who has defeated champions from the Legion and the nation of Ashkelom.

    To apply, fill in the application form below and wait to be contacted to be given further instructions. The system of Zecyrion is closed off to the public and foreigners are urged not to breach Zecyrian space without the strict permission of the General Administration of Zecyria.

    John Smith
    Race: Human
    Nation of Origin: Earth
    Representing: The U.S.C.M
    Loadout: 1 sword + chainmail armour + buckler + helmet.​

    // the website would have a section for comments and applications which are flooding in so fast that barely anyone can read what is being said before more messages arrive. One would have to turn their notifications off and scroll through manually. Applications are confidential. //
    [ Just a place for people to practice killing the crap out of each other and win something in the end for it. Won't always be me fighting you as more get involved. Held in the Zecyrian Discord. Link: https://discord.gg/4u7Gnaw ]
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2018