// Vote Cissa for Haven Senate! \\ Hello, my name is Thalass Cissa, I am a 21 year old female Avian. My platform is based off of one simple trait: Security. Without a strong foundation for the great nation of the Haven Federation to grow upon, we will surely fall. So I bring to the table three simple promises should I become elected. 1. To further increase the security of the Senate, all senators will be actively monitored by Haven Guard security systems to ensure their safety. While outside Haven space, they will be accompanied by a member of the Haven Guard. 2. To further increase the security of the People, the Haven Guard will receive increase benefits to promote more citizens to join the Guard. 3. To ensure the people's trust in the Senate and the Guard, all future citizens wishing to be in either must go through a mandatory background check of the past six months. Vote Thalass Cissa, and these three promises will set a strong foundation for us to to build tall. // AMA SECTION \\ I certainly have an opinion on everything. Feel free to ask! Anything that I like the most will be pinned below. // The options to submit public and private questions is available. However, anonymous questions are not allowed. \\ // Pinned Questions and Answers \\ Spoiler [font=Arial, Helvetica, Tahoma, sans-serif] [/font] Spoiler [font='Open Sans', Arial, Tahoma, sans-serif]// Public response. //[/font] [font='Open Sans', Arial, Tahoma, sans-serif]A hard question about a hard problem. Unfortunately, as far as I am aware an immediate solution is nearly impossible without devastating consequences. Because of this, I would focus on stopping newer crises to prevent the situation from spiralling out of control while trying to find a point where the occupation can end.[/font]
//Public reply from Thalass Cissa.// Yes, and I do lack prior experience. However, Senator Noose was also a Prix racer and had no experience. They have been a fairly effective senator.
//anon replies (yes their username is anon)// so you're saying that you don't need experience to become a senator? lol ok
//User MarRJack posts Given your platform's nature of revolving around increasing the security of the Federation, what is your position on the current occupation of areas of the Yggdrasil District and zones of Haven Interplanetary Space by the Shifters, and how will you deal with this most present issue if elected?
// Public response. // A hard question about a hard problem. Unfortunately, as far as I am aware an immediate solution is nearly impossible without devastating consequences. Because of this, I would focus on stopping newer crises to prevent the situation from spiralling out of control while trying to find a point where the occupation can end. // This question and answer is pinned. //