
Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Roval_Jax, Jul 18, 2017.

  1. Roval_Jax

    Roval_Jax New Arrival

    Jul 1, 2017
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    Virginia Lund is a twenty-five human years old female Novakid from an unknown CivSpace planet. She does not now who gifted her yellow plasma and no Brand or who are her siblings. She's a gunslinger-for-hire and is currently residing in the Fringe to find some new jobs.

    Virginia's outfits




    Folks she met so far:

    Nevada - An interestin human fella. Wish there's more I can say about him.

    Veronica - A glitch gal who knows what happened to Wyoming. She seems to be a bit touchy on the subject.

    Bink - For a floran gigolo, he's got an interestin store that sells...interestin merchandise...Wonder how he's doin lately...

    Veles - An army gal...Haven't talked to her much im afraid...And i've haven seen her lately.

    Kiku - An android, who is rather innocent and built from a Hylotl company. Haven seen her much either.

    James - A human fella hiring my services, got himself arrested for wearin armor and possessin a stolen rifle. Kept an eye on his lil' brother until he was released. Haven't seen im for some time now.

    Donny - James' lil brother, who sees me as his aunt. I bet a bottle of vodka that Wyoming is laughing his plasma off if he hears this.

    Jay - Uncle of James and Donny, i oughta give this Nova some respect.

    Farren - A shy Nova. I hope I can help him in any way.

    Katie Sidereal - A scatterbrained but kind-hearted Nova. Sometimes i find it funny to hear what she calls people instead but im sure she aint mean any ill.

    Ukiani - A unique Nova with a case o stuttering and her unique preference to a drink. Not only that she is also one of em folks who would be happy to kill multiple florans. I better keep er away from Dakota...Though I should try to catch up with er ever since the USSS (the folks she's workin with.) has changed to the FSC.

    Mia - This ol gal's bein rude to my nova friends and after a talk with puz-l she vanishes.

    Puz-L - An eccentric glitch with two voice modules. He's the mind behind the amethyst theater and the muse.

    Zyon Orion - A big Nova with a bit o the scatterbrain but a lovely fella. His body's mostly metal as well as usin a wrench for a weapon, which I hope I give him a shotgun soon, and drinks gasoline.

    Macacia - A floran gal that I met along with Zyon. She's a likeable gal. Wonder how she's doin lately as I have not seen her for some time now.

    Wester - A sharp-minded nova who's friends with Wyoming. Great doc aswell. I better see him whenever I got any sort o' injuries...Though due to recent events he means lot more to me than evr, specially since we tied the knot together.

    Minnah - A pink lil nova gal, adopted by a human fella. She's a bit of a troublemaker but ain bad seed material. Recently she got er leg frozen by an echo freeze ray. Hope she's doin alright...

    Dylan Spetzer - Adopted father of Minnah. He's an alright fella. Hope he know what he's doin with that lil nova gal.

    Quantum Quartz - A greenfinger nova gal, who seems to be tryn to collect passive critters of all types. Promised er to get her some bugs and animals for her upcoming zoo. After two days n one night in a Hylotl underwater city with her, I've became more fond of her...Even more so after some time with her in my ship...Well she's been accepted to Atlas so I hope she's doin alright. I missed her ev'r since she left. But I hope she's doin alright now.

    Divinity - Well he's a nova fella with a knack for hijinks. First case he was wranglin and ridin a drunk floran and second case he spooked Quantum to damaging her datapad. Wonder what happened to him lately...

    Clem Lund - Well I'll be damned, Wester has family. Heard this nova gal's havin trainin by none other than Wyoming (bless that sonna gun.)

    Wyoming - An ol' friend of mine that i've known since we're protokids. Ever since we went back to our homeplanet he seems to be better than last time, though i'd give im some lone time to mourn.

    Dakota - Oh great...This nova's ere in the Fringe as well...And I thought my time with his drinks is over...Lets just hope he ain havin any plans to chat with ol' Ukiani...Otherwise it would be a plasma-fest...

    Physical Appearance

    Virginia is a 5'3'' tall and a 59 lbs heavy nova gal. Her plasma color is lemon yellow, whilst she lacks an external brand and her 'hairstyle' is a short stylized fashion. Her attire is a grey dress shirt with brown coat, a brown hat, red handkerchief wrapped around her neck, blueish-gray jeans, black shoes and a brown ragged cape. Alternatively she may wear a brown and red sombrero, brown and red poncho, black dress shirt, black gloves, blueish-gray jeans, brown shoes and brown ragged cape.

    Personality Type - ISTP "The Virtuoso"

    Political ideology

    Virginia avoids politics altogether, as she believes it will destroy any trust you have between folks just to further a pointless agenda. This is also why she also avoids taking jobs involving political factions despite the high pay.


    Born in a desert county of Glitches and Novakids, Virgina became a space-faring nomad along with the rest of her community after her county was razed to the ground by bandits. For several years she hopped from planet to planet, while refining her skill in firearms to fend off space pirates and planetary banditry. When her nomadic community landed in their old planet they sent a posse to take down the varmints once and for all. They were successful but at a high cost. By then most of the community just became nothing more than sadistic, bloodthirsty mercs. folks who still have a sense of dignity and sanity began leaving the community but Virginia was reluctant to do so. Eventually she left after staying another year within her community.

    Ever since that day, she began to do lone wolf jobs for a gunslinger, whilst looking for a friend of hers named Wyoming. Wyoming left the community after the posse incident and was a nova whom Virginia held dear.

    Recently she became close with another nova gal named Quantum Quartz, after helping her with her Zoo and aquarium project on her ship and a trip to a Hylotl underwater city as well as some time in Virginia's ship. Though sadly it was not to last, but she found someone who she can open her heart to, Wester Lund. She was even married to Wester himself after their adventures in Virginia's home planet (where she was kidnapped then rescued).

    Also she was able to meet up with Wyoming again, as well as Dakota much to the displeasure of Virginia herself.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2017
    ThatCabbage and Shawnx17 like this.
  2. NublarRex

    NublarRex New Arrival

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I like what you are doing with the "Folks met so far" section. I would like to see what she would think of a few of my characters.
    ThatCabbage likes this.