Name: The Neofly genus encompasses most, if not all of the insectoid organisms found on the planet Tarsus. The term 'Neofly' refers to them as a whole, as a sort of stand in for the word 'insect'. Neoflies' scientific name tends to have their most noticeable trait after 'Neofus'. For example, a Neofly that can move at an extremely high speed would be called: " Neofus Celeritate". Furthermore, Neoflies have subspecies. Neoflies that suck blood, for example, are collectively known as "Sanguinus". So a Neofly that sucks blood and is incredibly durable would be a "Neofus Uidisset Sanguinus" or, in layman terms, an Uidisset Sanguinus. Through combinations of traits, and due to the sheer variety, it is possible for two different Neoflies to have the exact same name. In these cases, more words will be added to one of their names. Subtypes of Neoflies include: ((Scientific name (Layman term)- Description)) Sanguinus (Bloodsuckers)- Hemovores Herbpotums (Sapsippers)- Herbivores Ciburumins (Fleshchewers)- Carnivores Putrepots (Rotdrinkers)- Decomposers Solmands (Suneaters)- Producers Aniterets (Taste-alls)- Omnivores Description: A Neofly that's about the size of a cat. This species, known to many as 'Breaker Beetles' are commonly used by tribal people to hunt, akin to falconeering. A small Neofly. A large Neofly. This one is the size of a car. Known as an "Incurrentes Neofus", this species is famous for destroying buildings when angered. Neoflies, as a genus, have several traits that they ALL share. Invertebrates Chitinous exoskeleton At least six legs Segmented body Attraction to Wakewaku tree sap Lay eggs High intelligence, about that of a dog Most Neoflies resemble large beetles or Lepidopteras, having three parts that make up their body (Head, thorax, abdomen) and wings. Having three parts to their bodies is not necessary for a creature to be classified as a Neofly. Neoflies can have more than six legs, with worm-like ones having up to 200 pairs. Not all Neoflies have antenna, but all of them lay eggs. They bear many similarities to insects, but the things that really differentiate them are the intelligence of the Neofly genus and the sheer amount of variety in different kinds, an impressive evolutionary feat considering that insects are already incredibly diverse. Neoflies can come in a lot of shapes and sizes, with virtually any you can imagine existing. They do, however, have the seven traits listed, with zero exception. Sexual dimorphism exists, and there have been countless cases where the same species has been classified as different species because the males and females look so different. Their internal organs are similar to that of insects, and their brains are either much denser or much larger. Their ability to feel pain is muted, and it is hard to incapacitate one from pain alone. Behaviour: While each individual species of Neofly have their own behaviour, the general lifestyle of a Neofly is fraught with danger. From the moment they hatch from their ootheca, they must fight their siblings, parents and anything nearby for survival. They aim to pass on their genes, and survive as long as possible. Neoflies have the intelligence of a dog, and live either alone, or in packs. Sexual maturity varies from species to species, and most die young. Neoflies have the unique ability to interbreed regardless of species, their offspring having a mix of traits from both parents. However, different species tend to kill each other after mating. Or even during. They spend most of their day looking for food, resting and searching for mates. Tamed Neoflies have much different behaviour though, and typically stick to their owners, only wandering away if they're starved. A common trait between ALL Neoflies, regardless of subspecies or diet, are attracted to the sap of the Wakewaku tree- a rather standard tree, apart from the incredibly strong sweetness and taste of it's sap. The trees are usually covered in Neoflies, clamouring for just a taste of the sap. However, the Neoflies know not to overeat and kill the trees, and will gang up regardless of species to take down threats to the tree. Tamability: As a general rule of thumb, Neoflies above or below a certain size should not be approached with the intent to tame, unless you don't mind grievous injury. Neoflies that are too small tend to be skittish and paranoid, and will flee or fight when cornered. Neoflies too large will attempt to eat or kill anything smaller that approaches them. As with all organisms, there are exceptions, but the ones that can be tamed tend to be the size of a cat or small dog. These medium sized ones can usually perch on the head, forearm or back of a person. Taming them is a long process, and works best if they are raised from young, hand-fed and sheltered. Using the sap of the Wakewaku tree is generally agreed upon to be the best way to tame one. They can be taught tricks, and once tamed, usually try to keep physical contact with the owner whenever possible. Larger ones that are able to be tamed can be used as mounts, though flying ones are inefficient. Experienced Neofly trainers tend to carry Wakewaku sap in some quantity, using it to reward the Neofly and teach it tricks. A commonly used way to get a Neofly to attack is to spray an opponent with the sap, before launching the Neofly towards them. The frenzied Neofly can inflict massive amounts of damage on flesh and clothing. Where is it found?: They are native to Tarsus, a large world with incredibly high oxygen and a variety of biomes. Neoflies occupy the forests, jungle, deserts, some even live in the tundra or over the ocean. Other animals exist, mainly marsupials and birds. However, authorities on colonies on and around Tarsus are extremely strict with Neofly import and export. A large enough number of Neoflies can destroy an ecosystem completely, and wild Neoflies off Tarsus tend to get eradicated completely. Licenses are required to own them as pets, and they are becoming more popular around civspace due to their utility and variety. Rarity: Absolutely EVERYWHERE on Tarsus, making up 78% of their fauna. However, they are only native to this planet. Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: Most are Omnivorous, though there are plenty of sapsuckers and fleshchompers. Some have developed Chloroplasts, or developed a symbiotic relationship with plants, enabling them to photosynthesis to supplement their diet. Some suck blood, others are decomposers, feeding off scraps and rotting bodies. Products?: Itself Chitin Toxins Honey Reproduction: Sexual reproduction. They copulate, with the rituals differentiating between every species. If two Neoflies of different species mate, both will attempt to perform their individual mating ritual, and it is likely one of them will die in the courting period. Most lay eggs in an ootheca, with the children having traits from both parents. Size: The smallest of Neoflies are about 14 cm long as adults, while the largest can reach the size of a car. They can be any size in between the two, though most are the size of a large dog. The ones that can be tamed are usually 45cm long, + 15cm. Weight: Range from 1kg to 1300kg. The ones that can be tamed are usually 30kg + 7kg. Lifespan: 5-50 years, though most die before then. Abilities and flaws: ((With the sheer variety, Neoflies have a multitude of flaws and abilities that depend on individual species. Since they are a vast genus, interested players may create a species that is a member of it. Creating your own species of Neofly will require the use of a point buy system to balance out the positives and negatives of an organism.)) Spoiler 10 points will be given for a user to make their own Neofly. Remember, if you are using this, you are creating an entire species. Some traits, which are considered negatives, give you bonus points. You may not get more than 5 points by taking negative traits. You do not have to use all the points. You must take at least one negative trait, which will be red. Body shape (Elongated, rounded, oval shaped, etc): All - 0 points, must resemble insects, arthropods or worms. Lifespan: 5-9 years - +1 point 10-25 years - 0 points 26-35 years - 1 point 36-50 years - 2 points Size: Small (14-25 cm) - +1 point Medium (26-110cm) 0 points, but please remember the taming rules. Large: 115-480cm 3 points Diet: Herbivore - 0 points, automatically comes with the skittish trait, which you can spend a point to remove. Carnivore - 0 points, you may choose the Aggressive trait at 0 cost. Omnivore - 1 point, you may choose the Adaptable trait at 0 cost. Hematovores (Drink blood) - 1 points, you may choose the Diseased physical trait at 0 cost. Decomposers - 1 point, the Neofly is able to consume any rotting biological matter. You may choose the Hardy trait at 0 cost. Photosynthesisers - 2 points, the Neofly is able to make food by itself. Fluff the ability however you like, as long as it's not too outlandish. Behavioral traits: Adaptable - 1 point, the Neofly is able to adapt to changes in humidity, temperature, food scarcity and changes in other such natural factors with ease Aggressive - 1 point, the Neofly automatically seeks out and attacks creatures they can eat, whether they're other types of animal, or fellow Neoflies. This trait does not make them attack things that would not be reasonable. A small aggressive Neofly will not fight a Ravir. They spend more time hunting. Maternal - 0 points, the Neofly raises their children instead of eating them. Carnal - 0 points, the Neofly finds many mates, spreading their genes as much as they can. They spend less time resting and hunting, instead using as much of their free time possible looking for mates. They are more likely to die of exhaustion. Conservative - 0 points, the Neofly spends much of their day still, motionless, conserving energy. They spend less time hunting and looking for mates. Frenzied - 1 point, the Neofly can fly into a frenzy, attacking or running with increased vigor, speed and fury. The cause of this is usually the sap of the Wakewaku tree, though other things can frenzy them. Swarming - 1 point, the Neoflies live in large swarms within their species, perhaps having a queen. You may select advanced nesting at 0 cost. Industrious - 1 point, the Neofly is a hard worker, and can keep up activity for longer periods of time. Solitary - 0 points, the Neofly lives alone, apart from mating. Social- 2 points, the Neofly is social and exhibits friendly behaviour, akin to a dog. Easier to tame them with this trait, but they will be slightly less violent. Groups of social Neoflies may stick together regardless of species. Slow breeder- +1 point, either through long gestation periods, or difficulty in finding mates, the Neofly has a low birth rate. Stubborn - +1 point, the Neofly is stubborn in regards to things like moving home, giving up food and territory to a rival and backing down from fights. Survival is difficult when you insist on having your own way, and their chances of survival are lowered. Skittish - +1 point, the Neofly avoids confrontation, running away from most things. Non-conformist - +1 point, the Neofly is bad at adapting to changes in the environment. Clumsy - +1 point, the Neofly is incapable of precise action. They cannot fly well or make small movements. Nesting - 1 point, instead of sleeping and resting wherever they can, Neoflies make nests out of leaves, twigs, bones, and other such materials. Advanced nesting - 1 point, the Neofly creates large structures, things like swarm-homes, antlion pits, spider-hatches. Dog - 3 points, the Neofly's intelligence is increased by a large amount. Normal Neoflies have the intelligence of a Dog. Dogged Neoflies have the intelligence of a small child, being able to understand languages, learn, but not speak. Translators do not work on Neoflies. Physical traits: Compulsory physical traits: Legs - 0 points, your Neofly has 6 legs. Exoskeleton- 0 points, a Chitinous exoskeleton Segmented - 0 points, Your Neofly has 2-3 segments to it's body. Optional physical traits: All the Legs - 1 point, your Neofly may have extra legs. Developed Legs -1 point, your Neofly may have modified legs, like that of a Mantis or 'fangs' of a centipede. If you choose to have extra legs, only two pairs may be modified. So many Segments: - 1 point, your Neofly may have more segments to it's body. Hardy - 1 point, the Neofly is resistant to poison and disease. 1 more point may be added to make it immune to poison and most diseases. Frail - +2 points, the Neofly is thin, hollow or otherwise frail and easily killed. Tired - +1 point, the Neofly tires easily. No mouth - +2 points, Some sick joke. Neoflies with this trait do not have mouths. They are unable to feed and will die out before a year is over with. Ugly - +1 point, the Neofly is dull, boring, ugly or disgusting. Less likely to be tamed and taken care of by a sentient race. Tough guy - 2 points, the Neofly has a solid exoskeleton, more resistant to physical force. You cannot have both this, and the frail trait. Slimy - 1 points, the Neofly exudes slime, oil or some other biological substance that makes it either slippery, or sticky. Fireproof - 2 points, the Neofly's slime or oil stops fire from spreading onto it. The Slimy trait is required Wings - 1 point, the Neofly possesses wings. Wing-casings are included, and you do not need to spend points on them. The appearance and number of wings are up to you. Regen - 2 points, the Neofly can consume biomass to quickly regenerate parts of itself. It needs lots of calcium to molt. Claws - 1 point, the Neofly possesses claws (Either the scratchy or pinchy kind) Developed legs is a prerequisite to this. Passive Camouflage - 1 point, mimicry included Active Camouflage -2 points, the Neofly can actively change it's color to match that of the surroundings. Diseased - 1 point, the Neofly is a carrier of sickness and blight. Sickly - +1 point, the Neofly falls sick and dies very easily. Strong: - 2 points, increased physical strength. Speedy: - 2 points, increased movement speed Stamina: - 2 points, increased stamina and endurance. Stinger - 1 point, the Neofly possesses a stinger on it's back end. Horny - 1 point, the Neofly has massive horns, like a stag or rhino beetle. Pokey - 1 point, the Neofly has spikes, spines or other sharp bits. Bitey - 1 point, the Neofly has large, protruding mandibles that let it bite, rip and tear. Explosive - 2 points, the Neofly bursts upon death, splattering things with it's insides. Venomous - 2 points, the Neofly possesses venom, administered through a bite or sting. Parasitic - 2 points, the Neofly lays it's eggs in living organisms, providing the hatchlings with much-needed nutrients. Neoflies with this trait can lay eggs in still-living organism, with devastating effect. Acidic - 2 points, the Neofly is filled with caustic blood or substance. Causes chemical burns if it leaks. Regurgitating the acidic substance, firing it out bombardier beetle style, and melting upon death all fall under this trait. Amphibious - 3 points, the Neofly can live in water as well as on land. It can make air bubbles, swim, breathe in water, anything like that falls under here. Ooh, shiny! - 1 point, the Neofly is bioluminescent. The extent of this is up to you. Toxins - 1 point, the Neofly is poisonous when eaten, a final 'screw you' to whoever's managed to consume it. Poison may be in the internal organs, or just the exoskeleton. Oh god what is this thing - 1 point, the Neofly has a secondary brain that allows it to perform actions when the first is destroyed. Tail - 1 point, the Neofly has a tail. Stingers can go on the end of it, and so can ovipositors. Pheromones - 0 points, the Neofly can exude pheromones to attract mates. Amazing senses - 1 point, the Neofly has one of it's senses (Sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell, that natural sixth animal sense that lets them predict earthquakes and shit) boosted. This trait can be taken twice. Insect skill - 2 points, the Neofly can do what any real-world bug can do. Specify what ability you want for this. Custom ability - 3 points, the Neofly can... It's up to you, really. As long as it's within reason, I'll grant an ability not stated here for 3 points. Flavor text: Write your own stuff for the Neofly species. Other: I worked really hard on this. If you wish to make a Neofly, please post in the thread I'll make if/once this gets approved. Feel free to suggest more traits, I can't cover ALL of them. Edit: 2022. Wow, made these as a kid 5 years ago, to be based off Kinsects from Monster Hunter. The IC site to get them was lost during the forum change, so DM me in the unlikely event that you want one. If I'm not present or around on GC, just DM staff or something. Sprites that you can use: