Medical "The Life Bringer"

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Pinkbat5, Jul 10, 2017.

  1. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name of Aug/Tech: The life bringer


    Looks similar to that of a cloning pod, but something seems different...

    History of Aug/Tech:

     Made by the same medic(and scientist really) and the same team, the machine was made to bring people back to life faster then a cloning pod. 

    How does it work?:

    Using some of the same tech as a cloning pod, it firsts scans the body for wounds, and then how bad they are wounded. If its scanned and the body is to wounded to heal, the body is rejected from the pod. However, if its scanned and found to be able to be healed, the pod then goes on to treat the internal wounds first. After this, the machine treats the outside wounds. During both of these times, dead tissue is removed and cloned. After this, the body is given just enough blood to function, and the now living breathing person comes out of the pod one (OOC) day later.

    Intended use:

    A faster alternative to cloning


    -A faster alternative to cloning, if the body is intact



    -Brain must be fully intact

    -If the heart is shot with anything bigger then a .45 ACP around, can't be used

    -If more then two limbs are not on the body, it cant be used

    -Needs to be brought to the machine before 5 OOC hours, or else it will be rejected from the machine

    -If the internal organs are to damaged (Such as organs being removed, or being shot up quite a bit) the machine will reject it

    -If more then 25% of the body is burned, the machine will reject it


    -Takes one OOC day for the machine to do its work

    -After finishing, the person will be weak and susceptible to disease for another day

    -Doesn't clone limbs

    -Only brings the blood level to a functioning level

    -Doesn't clone organs

    -Only works for flesh species

    Attainability: Open

    How do you believe this will assist in benefiting roleplay?: Adds a different way of cloning

    Tags: -Civilian/Military
  2. Markus Aleksandr

    Markus Aleksandr The Liberated Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Needs clause for brain death and potential complications therein to remain approved