The Haven Federation

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by PrivateNomad, Jul 1, 2017.

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  1. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    //IC NOTICE: This document is available for reading to individuals in the Haven Federation Government. It is a roster of every citizen in the Haven Federation. Only characters are listed.//
    In memory of Mael Radec.

    A full list of citizens can be found on the Haven Federation discord server.

    Last edited: Apr 16, 2020
  2. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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  3. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    ((It should be noted that these laws only describe the laws of the federation most applicable to roleplay, and there are many other laws which do exist as would be sensible for any society founded on the rule of law))​

    Regarding Crimes of Physicality:
    Section I - Assault
    1. Assault of another civilian without weaponized assistance (Blunt Weaponry, Bladed Weaponry, Ballistic Weaponry, Energized Weaponry, Kinetic Weaponry) in the territories and provincial states of the Federation of Haven, except in the cases of justified self-defense in the sake of the protection of one's life, property, or loved ones, is disallowed, and shall result in a minimum fine of 1000Px and possible jail time.
    2. Assault of another civilian with weaponry that is considered "non-lethal" in the territories and provincial states of the Federation of Haven, except in the cases of justified self-defense in the sake of the protection of one's life, property, or loved ones, is disallowed, and shall result in a minimum fine of 850Px and possible jail time.
    Section II - Attempted Murder
    1. Attempted Murder (defined as the willful assault of another with a lethal weapon (Blunt Weaponry, Bladed Weaponry, Ballistic Weaponry, Energized Weaponry, Kinetic Weaponry) intent to kill, either premeditated or unpremeditated, without reason of self-defense or accidental damages) in the Federation of Haven is disallowed, and shall result in a minimum fine of 20,000Px and a minimum of two (2) days situated in a penal institution.
    2. The Attempted Murder of an Officer (defined as the willful assault of another with lethal weaponry (Blunt Weaponry, Bladed Weaponry, Ballistic Weaponry, Energized Weaponry, Kinetic Weaponry) with intent to kill, either premeditated or unpremeditated, without reason of self-defense or accidental damages, directed at a person designated as an officer of the law or member of the armed forces) in the Federation of Haven is disallowed, and shall result in a minimum of three (3) days situated in a penal institution.
    Section III - Murder
    1. Murder (defined as the taking of a life, premeditated or unpremeditated, without reason of self-defense or accidental damages) in the Federation of Haven is disallowed, and shall result in a minimum of five (5) days situated in a penal institution.
    2. The Murder of an Officer (defined as the taking of a life, premeditated or unpremeditated, without reason of self-defense or accidental damages of a person designated as an officer of the law or member of the armed forces) in the Federation of Haven is disallowed, and shall result in a minimum sentencing of one of three options, at the choice of the High Judge therefore responsible for the sentencing of said accused: An expulsion from the Federation of Haven, through addition to the exclusion list of the teleporter networks that lead into the territories and provincial states. Capital Punishment, in the form of either firing squad, lethal injection, or permanent deactivation. A minimum of two (2) weeks situated in a penal institution.
    Section IV - Theft
    1. Theft of property (Defined as the attempted or successful larceny of another's property, belongings, or wealth) in the Federation of Haven is disallowed, and shall result in a minimum fine of 2500Px, if said property cannot be returned to the rightful owner, an additional fine of 1250Px for destruction of property shall be added.
    2. Theft of person (Defined as the attempted or successful kidnapping of another sentient being) in the Federation of Haven is disallowed, and shall result in a minimum of four (3) days days situated in a penal institution.
    Regarding Crimes of Contraband:
    Section V - Weapons
    1. The unlawful possession of weaponry exceeding ballistic caliber .45 ACP, rifle or shotgun-type weapons, explosive weapons, or weapons of a type hereafter deemed too dangerous for public carry, by a non-citizen, shall result in a confiscation of aforementioned weapon and a fine no less than 1000 Px. Aforementioned weapon, after confiscation, shall be returned to the owner on request provided they pay Due Fine and do not break this law again. Also applicable to this law is restriction of explosive or incendiary weapons.
      Citizens of the Federation of Haven shall be granted privilege to due exception of law (a). On the breaking of any law of the Federation of Haven using a weapon granted by this privilege, it shall be confiscated until the Due Fine is paid in full.
    Section VI - Consumable Substances
    1. The unlawful possession, usage, sale, or transportation of consumable substances that are dangerous to the body or the welfare of others will result in a permanent confiscation of any illegal substances with a fine no less than 1000 Px per pound of substance possessed. Examples of dangerous substances include but are not limited to: Methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, etc. Examples of legal substances classified as safe include but are not limited to: Marijuana, Rantori Gushers, alcohol.
    Section VII - Armor
    1. It is unlawful for a non-citizen of the Federation of Haven to possess on-person any armor rated above III-A, below of which examples include kevlar, nanotube vests, or thin metallic plating. Violation of this law shall result in a confiscation of aforementioned armor and a fine no less than 1000 Px. Aforementioned armor, after confiscation, shall be returned to the owner on request provided they pay Due Fine and do not break this law again.
      Citizens of the Federation of Haven shall be granted privilege to due exception of law (a). On the breaking of any law of the Federation of Haven using armor granted by this privilege, it shall be confiscated until the Due Fine is paid in full.
    2. Powered armor including hydraulic armors or military grade exosuits above medical capabilities are unlawful for any citizen or non-citizen. Its possession will result in a full confiscation for a week or longer if a fine of 3,000 Px is not paid in full. Power armor is to be considered military-grade vehicles with use exclusive to guardians of the Haven Guard rank Defender and up, as well as for use by the Haven Military.
    Regarding Crimes of Miscellaneous Nature:
    Section VIII - Miscellaneous
    1. It is unlawful for any individual within the Federation of Haven to partake in any indecent or disruptive activities in public such as: nudity, fighting, vocal abuse, or anything else not listed here that may pose a disruption.
    Section IX - Public Indecency
    1. It is within the guard's power to detain both citizens and non-citizens who are lacking attire that fails to cover up genitals and/or breasts. Citizens will be escorted back to their house, if they live within the city limits, so that they can put on appropriate clothing. Citizens who live outside city limits and non-citizens that own proper attire will be escorted back to the teleporter so they can beam back to their respective housing unit and get dressed. Anyone who does not own any appropriate clothing will be brought to the Guard Station and given cheap clothing.
      Repeat offenders will first receive a fine of 50 pixels, the fine increasing in cost by 50 pixels each time they break this law. This fine will not exceed 250 pixels. Should the offenses continue, even after paying the 250p fine, the offender will be arrested by the guard and held in jail for an amount of time to be determined by the guard. The same will happen if they fail to pay said fine.
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