Swing, the Entertainer (App, reposted, and approved.)

Discussion in 'Deferred' started by TriReef, Jul 3, 2017.

  1. TriReef

    TriReef treef Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name of Aug/Tech: Swing, The Entertainer

    Description:A 7 foot tall android, with a helmet Esc. head; a small Bowler hat on-top, with a small solar panel underneath it. it is skinny and lanky, and large has large hands, about two times as big as an average humans hand. There is a small projector on the on the palm of both hands, with a purple tint to them.

    There are small holes on the ball of his foot, a hole on the back of the heel, and a hole on the front of his lower shin. These are used for small rocket boosts, used to fly (more on that later),  fight, run quicker, Etc. There are small holes on the the shoulder blades as well, but instead of used for rocket boosting, it is used to put make-shift wings in. The wings are black, feathery wings, having a wing span of about 5 feet.He weighs about 500 pounds, so the wings are only cosmetic.

    History of aug/tech: There was a famous musician of Swing music back on earth called Swing. He was robot, and used each of his abilities for shows. for example, he would fly around the stage while using his hands to project either a music video, or the crowd. The sonic attack was used for a finale, making a large boom. (Normally, the crowd would be in bunkers about 200 yards away if he was planning on using the sound ability, which is as powerful as a military grade sound weapon.) When earth was near destruction, he was kidnapped off planet. No one knows what happened after that.

    Intended use: A new android with a clear theme and style.

    How does it function, what is the science?: Well, let's start off with the simple part. there are Solarium-based Solar panels  underneath his hat, not unlike @ByrdMann's "Super panels", just much smaller.

    Now, once more, we enter the knitty gritty. The Projector on his palms are just average purple holo-gram projectors, not much else to say there. For the Boosters, it works like any normal rocket, but instead of one big block of fuel surround the ignition, it is separated into 'cells', or sections of The rocket.There are about twenty cells.it is set of one at a time to create a single boost. The force of the rocket is directed into one of the 3 holes, which allow him to fly.

    Now for the sonic attacks. There is a large speaker inside the helmet, powered by the Solar-panel. the speaker can give off sounds from 15 hertz to 90 hertz, and 15 decibels to 151.It can be used to create a sonic weapon, echo-location, SONAR, and just talking. He just has to turn down the volume for the talking, which he can automatically by sending a signal to the speakers to turn down or turn up. He has about MK III armor, being able to block a 44. easily. He can also lift up to 300 pounds. It weighs up to 500 pounds.

    Strengths:-Can lift up to 300 pounds

    -Has MK III plating

    -Ability to 'Super-jump', fly, kick very hard using the boosts to make him kick harder, Etc.

    -Can attack people using sound,

    -SONAR using the large speaker in his head, as well.

    Weaknesses: -If the Solar panel is hit, he can't charge at all, having to get it fixed.

    -The Boosts take up cells of fuel. For example, a normal boost like a super jump or an attack boost takes up one. Flying for 30 minutes takes up five, an hour is 10, 90 minutes is 15 cells, Etc.

    -If he's hit with an EMP while gliding, he loose all control, destined to crash towards the ground.

    -Fall damage

    -EMP's mess him up badly, frying his systems.

    -If he is shot in the rocket fuel cells, the entire lower half of his body will explode.

    How do you believe this will assist in benefiting roleplay?:Adds more Androids to GC.

    Attainability:Open, just ask me if you would like to play as one.

  2. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Deferred: Redundant technology. Can be done via engineered lifeforms and so on.