Swamp Jaws

Discussion in 'Approved' started by krowski_nall, Jul 7, 2017.

  1. krowski_nall

    krowski_nall New Arrival Ex-Staff

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Name: Swamp Jaws


    Description: Very similar to a venus flytrap. However it digs into the ground and allows for grass and dirt to build over it. Normally all that can be seen are jagged, pale blue spikes on either side of its mouth, it's trigger hairs blend in perfectly with the grass.

    Behavior: Swamp jaws bury themselves deep into the ground, allowing for grass and dirt to build up over it. Waiting for someone to walk over it before it suddenly snaps up and begins to crush the person between its jaws.

    Tamability: There have been no found ways to tame the creature. Various attempts have been made. But due to its nature, Vampyric Druids often grow them and use then simply by grabbing them beneath the jaws.

    Where is it found?: In the Forests and plains of La'megoth, and around more populated forests of Boreas.


    Rarity: In the La'megothian Forests, it is common. In Boreas, it is uncommon to rare depending on where you are.


    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: It is a carnivore through and through. Eating the corpses of what it fines, leaving their gear there as a way to attract other foolhardy adventurers.

    Products?: There have been no reasonable uses found from its products. But the plants themselves are often used as offensive tools by druids.


    Reproduction: Similar to actual Venus Flytraps.


    Size: It's jaw, depending on its age and how much it has been allowed to grow, can go from the size of a cat, to being big enough to squeeze in a full horse. The stem of it is normally around the size of a broom handle to a support beam, depending on the jaw. 

    Weight: Relatively light if not currently devouring a creature. Comparable to a tree of similar size.

    Lifespan: They do not stop living, or growing until they die of hunger.



    Extremely hidden if you don't know what you're looking for.

    Capable of eating 2-3 people at a time. At it's biggest.


    Relatively easy to kill if not inside of it. It has no way to defend itself.

    Can only eat what is currently in its jaw. And isn't smart enough to open it's jaw unless damaged.

    Very easy to see without the grass, which comes off as it snaps up to eat.



    If you are trapped in its jaw, there is a 25% chance you'll become infected with the Vampyric FEV. Consent must be given to be infected, however.