General Information First name: Stroom Middle name(s): - Surname: Shegon Age: 23 Summers Date of birth: 3-23-3263 Race: Floran Gender: Female Sexuality: Doesn't think too hard about it Current residence: Cccivilization Relationship status: Courting Social status: Outcast at best, outlaw at worst Financial standing: Lives hunt to hunt, little need for money Traits of Voice Accent (if any): Typical Floran Language spoken: Galactic Common Other languages known: None Style of speaking: Careful, yet rapid. She stops every once in a while to let her lisp subside or to remember a word she's forgotten. Volume of voice: Normal, can get loud without her realizing Physical Appearance Height: 6'0" Weight: 178 lbs. Eye color: Pure Black Skin color: Olive Green Shape of face: Slender with a strong jawline Distinguishing features: Hardened, leathery skin Build of body: Lithe and toned, with just enough muscle to make running in to her feel like hitting a tree Hair color: Brown Hair style: Acorn Top Complexion: Usually spattered with the dried blood of something or other Posture: Naturally leans backwards, hips jutting forward Tattoos: Entire body is covered in swirling, black patterns depicting battles long past (except for her face) Piercings: - Typical clothing: Thug leathers and the skull of a long-dead trophy kill Is seen by others as: Mildly intimidating and strange; who in their right mind wears an alien skull on the regular? Personality Likes: Adrenaline, meat, chocolate, hunting Dislikes: Most food, technology, money Education: Almost zero Fears: Family, fire, Glitch, synths Personal goals: Exploring the universe and coming face to face with some of its most dangerous wildlife and people General attitude: Childishly clueless and happy as a result Religious values: Worships Sun Gods, but not very astutely General intelligence: Dumb as a rock General sociability: Low-Medium, she's abrasive when even mildly threatened or challenged and can be annoying with how little she knows Health Illnesses (if any): - Allergies (if any): - Sleeping habits: Sleep comes when it comes, regardless of the time of day Energy level: Easily excitable, chaotic Eating habits: Purely eats meat, with a strange love for chocolate Memory: Slightly below average Any unhealthy habits: Consumes perhaps just a tad too much chocolate on an hourly basis History Stroom was born on FL1-4 to two unremarkable parents. From a very young age, she proved to be an incredibly skilled athlete, if a very underwhelming student. It wasn't very many Summers until she was bringing in more meat for her tribe than any other Floran. Hunting proved exciting for her, but ended up being much too easy in the long run. She wanted to fight new things and prove herself the best in all the Milky Way! In an incredibly stupid stunt, she stole a rust bucket of a ship in front of her entire tribe from a visiting anthropologist who left the keys in the ignition and somehow managed to slam on the console until she wound up in open space. Having absolutely zero knowledge of how to survive in anything other than a tribal situation, Stroom found herself dead in the water. She had nothing but a near-empty fuel tank, some alien jerky, and an antique hunting rifle hanging up in the ship's cabin. It took some work (the concept of pixels was especially trying on her tiny mind), but she managed to teach herself the most essential things she could think of: that pixels could be exchanged for fuel, that fuel would take her new places, that the new places would have new, dangerous things to hunt, and that the dangerous things to hunt could be sold for pixels. It's the perfect cycle, really. It's been about 5 summers since she stole that ship. Relationships Parents: Jub Shegon, Rea Shegon Siblings: None Any enemies (and why): Her tribe, at least in her mind Children: None Friends: Nomad, Mir, Belle, probably Best friend(s): Tova Kayas Love interest (if there is one): Tova Kayas Combat Peaceful or violent: A cunning and ruthless warrior, willing to do anything and everything it takes to win Weapon (if applicable): Antique hunting rifle, simple Floran spear reinforced with Ferozium Style of fighting: If it's big game she's after she'll try and pick it off at a distance with her rifle. Otherwise, she moves in for a quick kill with her spear. She's a whirlwind of kicks and stabs in close-quarters, moving gracefully and naturally. Others Occupation: Hunter Current home: Tova’s Ship Favorite types of food: Meat/chocolate Favorite types of drink: Water Hobbies/past times: Learning, hunting, singing Guilty pleasures: Being sssoft Pet peeves: Unclean kills, technology in general Pets: None Talents: Marksmanship, spear fighting, athletics, tracking, survival skills, knowledge of nature Favorite colors: Green and red Favorite type of music: Anything that gets the heart pumping