Prosthetics Standardized Joint System (Repost)

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Kappa, Jul 3, 2017.

  1. Kappa

    Kappa Robot Man Ex-Staff

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Standardized Joint System

    A type of joint and way to construct synthetic bodies

    • Fast and easy exchange of appendages.
    • Unless explicitly mentioned, any and all joints/ports on all models are assumed universal.
    • Remote-control of detached parts within the range of:
      • A tachyonic relay
      • One mile of the controller
    • Basic sonar vicinity sensor with a range of 3 feet.
    Conditional Abilities (Optional):
    Possibility of attaching advanced sensors (visual, audio, taste(?)).


    • Possibility of hacking the parts (third party remote-detachment, remote-control).
    • EM jammers prevent remote-control.
    • When detached, it has a battery lifetime of 24 hours.
    Conditional Limitations (Optional):
    EMP-resistant variants can not be remote-controlled.

    How does it work:
    The idea is kept relatively simple: Instead of constructing fully fixed joints, they instead have sockets and ports that can just be snapped into each other. Within these sockets, the wiring also runs along and automatically connects to the other appendage to allow control. Every single part that is constructed this way, referred to as sub-units of the entire body, has its own control module and emergency power supply. For example, a sub-unit could be an entire upper arm or even just the part of a finger.

    Should a sub-unit be detached, the emergency power supply engages and it is from here on remote-controlled by whoever has subjugated it (commonly the person who had it attached to their body, but it can also be taken over by a hostile force e.g a hacker). Once it is reattached to any kind of SJS port, it is being recharged. Remote-control is done via digital EM transmissions (basic radio waves) and for longer distances even with the use of relays. Through the sheer amount of control commands that need to be sent back and forth, the encryption is on a relatively low standard which can be hijacked with some effort.

    Flavor text:
    An uncommon, but not unheard of construction type for synthetic bodies. It is manufactured all throughout the galaxy and mostly used for labor droids in work which wear down quite quickly such as for mining. The base design was in the idea of easily changing the malfunctioning parts of the droids for new ones, but after an incident in a planetary mine where about 10 experimental new droids equipped with radio-controlled SJS turned themselves into a ladder to save the miners by reassembling their parts, remote-controls have been introduced as a standard to allow a variety of capabilities should an emergency ever arise.

    Referenced Technologies (Optional):

    Open - Synthetic bodies with this joint-type are created by many companies



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