Name: - Solus Harvesters Description: A variety of common herbivores, except in the image of fire, i.e. ox, deer, horses, etc. Behavior: - Solus Harvesters spend most their time in herds, grazing on the Solus Embers that scatter the lands of Tartarus. They are usually docile, and will not attack unless provoked. They usually have different methods of defense, like the oxen model charging it's attackers, and the deer attempting to stab with its horns. Tamability: - Solus Harvesters can be domesticated similarly to livestock, however, some models will be more difficult to tame than others. Even so, cases of Solus Harvesters being tamed are rare due to their location and defensive nature. Where is it found?: In the Tartarus layer of the Undercrypt, nowhere else. Rarity: - They are common in Tartarus, but it would be extremely rare to see them anywhere else. Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: - As previously stated, it spends most of its time consuming Solus Embers. Their internal mechanisms are able to distill the embers into Solarium and waste products (ash and core fragments), and use the Solarium to power their systems while disposing of the byproducts. They need about 5 Solus Embers a day, however they are usually plentiful in Tartarus, so they usually have no issue fufulling this. Products?: - While they don't necessarily produce anything, they can separate the Solarium and Core Fragments found in Sol Embers. Reproduction: - Little is known about the reproduction of Solus Harvesters, and there have been next to no documented cases of this happening. Some speculate that they reproduce by consuming naturally occurring metals and Solus Embers, and uses these materials to internally construct a new model. Others theorize that they do not reproduce at all, but rather are produced by an unseen force within Tartarus. Size: - They vary in size depending on model: some are as small as rabbits, while others can be as large as elephants. Weight: - They are not very heavy, as most of their mass is a silicon hardlight skeleton with flames surrounding it. Again, it can vary depending on the model, with smaller ones being a few pounds, and bigger ones estimated to be around one thousand pounds. Lifespan: - There have been no cases of naturally occurring deaths among Solus Harvesters, as they are usually "eaten" by their predators before a case of natural death is recorded. It's possible that as long as enough Solus Embers are provided, they may never die. Abilities: - Solus Harvesters have the obvious trait of continually being on fire, a result of their ZPEM modules, but some models have more specialized traits. There has not been much research into the varying abilities, but there have been recorded cases of some horned models spewing fire from the tips of said horns, horses and rabbits reaching high speeds when threatened, and a mammoth/elephant model using their trunk as a powerful flamethrower. They also have the ability to convert Solus Embers into Solarium and other byproducts, but it has not been tested if they are able to separate other metals from ore. Flaws: - Solus Harvesters generally are not very strong due to their light frame, and can easily be pinned down and caught (given you have fireproof protection.) They also do poorly in lower temperatures: their behavior becomes lethargic, their flames dim, and they eat less, similar to an animal that is sick. Due to their electronic nature, an EMP will kill them by frying their electronics. Other: - Not a whole lot is documented about these "creatures", so never before seen models can pop up, unrecorded abilities are a possibility, and other traits that were thought not present could pop up.