
Discussion in 'Approved' started by Yz2, Jul 10, 2017.

  1. Yz2

    Yz2 Galactic Enforcer Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Sizip


    A Taxidermised Juvenile Sizip.

    Sizips are massive herbivores, found in the forests of Bern on the Chinaut homeworld of Scalb. Their bodies are adapted to blend in with the trees and leaves, and despite their large size, it is often difficult to spot one. They have many hairs on their bodies, which are sensitive to changes in temperature, humidity and wind direction. Sizips have long tongues, which they use to pull leaves off treetops. Their eyes are located at the base of their antennae. Male Sizips possess fleshy growths at the base of their skulls, which they use to attract mates. Sizips have large plates of armor on their heads, legs and bellies. Their backs are a weak spot; Fleshy and vulnerable.

    Sizips spend their days picking foliage off trees. They are solitary animals, and wander from place to place. During mating season, near the end of the winters, they seek out mates by making loud trumpeting sounds, audible from miles away.

    None have been tamed so far. But could potentially be tamed or used as some kind of mount, akin to a war elephant.

    Where is it found?: Can be found in forests on the continent of Bern, on the planet Scalb.

    Relatively rare.

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: They are herbivorous, eating large quantities of plants each day.

    Meat, leather, plating and bones.

    Reproduction: Sexual reproduction. Females give birth to a single child, and take care of it until it is old enough to be able to fend for itself. It is then driven off, and the female searches for another mate.

    Size: Female Sizips are larger than the males, standing at about eight metres high and about six metres long. The males are equally long, but their decreased neck length and slightly shorter frame provide an easy way to tell them apart.

    Weight: Several tons. Think of a paraceratherium

    Lifespan: 80-90 years.

    Abilities: Long neck to swat at things and reach plants, massive size to deter predators, and great strength.

    Flaws: Slow. Need to spend most of their days eating. Cannot make quick turns, leaving their fleshy backs vulnerable.

    Other: Art by Marcel van Vuuren
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2022