Originally posted by /profile/217-tripticus/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="217" href="/profile/217-tripticus/">@TrIpTiCuS Name: SHD, which is short for Stealth Hover Drone. Description: The drone features a long, square shaped, segmented body, with roughly twenty-five segments, all and all adding up to roughly two meters in length. The head being the largest part of the drone, which is roughly one foot tall, one and a half wide, and two and a half foot long, the body gets progressivally thinner and shorter as the body goes along, as it extends into a long tail. The entire body is coloured a dark durasteel blue, and is both covered in green lines, and dotted with green glowing lights. It has six small insectoid legs extending from the bottom of the main head part, along with the second and third segment. These are capable of latching onto solid material, such as walls, however they are incapable of walking for longer durations of time, and rather in short bursts, and it is capable of quick sprints. History: The floran known as Flores Rosum, after having found a large quantity of advanced drone parts and electronics, and plenty of trial and error, managed to successfully piece together this drone. How does it work: The bottom of the five first segments is covered in a standard hoverdrive, allowing for smooth and silent floating through the air. The tail segments instead, are filled with tanks of helium, which give them their iconic, almost weightless movement, giving the appearance that even in environments with gravity, they seem to float as if it was in zero-g. The entire drone's hull is built, primarily out of durasteel with hints of regular steel, and the entire outer parts of the hull is lined in active camo plating, allowing the drone to enter stealth whenever it pleases. And whilst it may stay under the influence of the cloak as long as it's batteries hold, upon exiting cloak the panels are forced to recharge, and it's 360 cameras used for the active camouflage have to recalibrate. This process usually only takes a couple minutes. However the drone's hull is not very thick, and can easily be ruined. The drones sensors are also fairly advanced, and allow switching between regular, thermal, night vision and even allow for sonar. The drone however is incapable of standard speech, and instead can only communicate with Flores Rosum through wireless signals sent to her brain. The ability to overclock it's engines is also rather promenant, however this can only be done in quick bursts, allowing it to quickly dart from point A to point B, but from extended use, this can severely damage the drones engines. The drone's batteries usually hold around twelve hours when it is mostly idle, but when it is actively cloaking and overclocking this number drops down to less than half of that. Intended use: Scouting, assistance in scavenging and acting as a companion. Strengths: -Can enter stealth mode at will. -Is very effective at scavenging and scouting. -Has extremely advanced sensors. -Can move suprisingly nimbly, despite it's large size. Weaknesses: -EMP's provide a big problem. -Cannot communicate easily, making conveying messages a difficulty. -Has no easy means of self defense. -Has a very weak hull, and can easily be ruined. -The drone is fairly slow most the time, unless it overclocks it's engines, it is a big target. Roleplay benefit: Beacuse it is to be roleplayed by a person, I feel it could provide an interesting character concept, and could be something not many have explored before. Tags: [INDUSTRIAL] Attainability: [Open]