Originally posted by /profile/56-iamnotanumber2000/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="56" href="/profile/56-iamnotanumber2000/">@Iamnotanumber2000 Shade Co. Remote Grenade Launcher Description: - A large non compact six barreled grande launcher with a red hilt. The weapon is heavy yet still easy to use similar to a rifle or shot gun in weight and practice. Upon firing a spherical, blinking bomb is launched that can be activated with the push of a red button below the trigger. History of weapon: - The Shade Co. Remote grenade launcher was created, designed and developed by the Shade Co.weaponry company to be marked at military arm of Civ-space. However after selling incredibly well the company decided they would increase their range and begin selling in the fringe. How does it work?: - The launcher uses a replaceable pressurized air canister held within the handle to fire grenades a greater distance than they could be thrown. The air canister lasts for eighteen shots before it needs replaced, this air canister can easily be replaced with CO2 or other gasses at the users conveyance. The launcher only accepts specifically designed grenades consisting of low grade plastic explosive similar to Semtex with an explosion radius of one cubic meter by one cubic meter. These explosive are activated with a emission of radio waves from a button on the launchers hilt below the trigger (the range of this button is one hundred meters or less). The Shade Co. Remote grenade launcher is capable of firing grenades up to twenty five meters at most and holds six grenades at a time. Intended use: - The Shade Co. Remote grenade launcher is primarily used for disabling vehicles and destroying enemy contacts from a great distance without endangering the life of the user. Strengths: - -Capable of firing grenades up to twenty five meters - Grenades can be activated from up to one hundred meters away (When the person using the weapon is beyond one hundred and fifty meters away the grenades will not be able to be activated by the weapon and will proceed to self destruct after six minutes) - The launcher holds up to six grenades at a time -Explosives can only be activated after being fired Weaknesses: - -Heavy and very difficult to carry around -Grenades will automatically self destruct after six minutes of being launched - Takes eleven seconds at least to reload - Cannot be concealed easily/at all - The grenades have a very short explosion radios -When activated all grenades fired will detonate simultaneously How do you believe this will assist in benefiting roleplay?: - This item already exists within starbound but was not allowed IC as there was no information on it on the forms, until now. I wanted to make this item assailable in game and justify its existence. Attainability: - Open Tags:- Military