Name: Deadbeat Warhounds/ Warbitches - Canis Mutatio Description: Originally animals brought to Schelor by the human settlers, they ran wild and bred, adapting to the environment. When the nukes fell, they were radiated alongside the Deadbeats. Now, the hounds stalk the wasteland, eating anything they can find or kill. The animals vary in size. The smallest are around the size of the larger dogs we have today, while the biggest can reach the size of a car. They tend to have thick skin, spikes, ridges and bony plates, as well as extra eyes and increased muscle mass. Their mutations can vary, just like the Deadbeats. The weak are killed off early on, and they are regularly captured for use in fighting pits. Behavior: Pack hunters, they spend most of their days hunting or resting. They need to eat quite a lot, and are aggressive to anything they meet. Diurnal breeds awaken at dawn and hunt till the evenings, while nocturnal ones chase prey through the night. Tamability: Can be tamed to some extent if they are raised from young to be used as mounts or guard dogs. Older ones cannot be tamed. Where is it found?: Around Schelor. Mostly in the wastelands and in settlements, owned by people. Rarity: Relatively common. Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: Carnivore. Eats any meat, regardless of freshness. They can eat rotting meat with no ill effects. They usually swallow bones too. Products?: Fur, bones and themselves, as a creature with many uses. Reproduction: Sexual reproduction. Gestation lasts four months, and they give birth to three to eight pups at a time. Size: Ranges from large dog to average car. Weight: Depends on the breed. The larger ones can be a few hundred kilograms. Lifespan: Ten to thirty years. Abilities: Dogs have a few of these traits. They have the same amount of positive and negative traits. -Spikes -Prehensile tongue -Multiple eyes -Fire breath -Speedy -Scales -Prehensile tail -Second head -Second set of jaws (Xenomorph style) Flaws: Dogs have a few of these traits. They have the same amount of positive and negative traits. -Poor hearing -Bad eyesight -Frail bones -Overly-sensitive snouts -Poor depth perception -Night blindness -Cannot swim -Slow recovery speed -Slow mover Other: Rather simple and short app