Samuru Sakamoto (cyborg ninja)

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by XANA, Mar 28, 2018.

  1. XANA

    XANA New Arrival

    Mar 22, 2018
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    Name: Samuru Sakamoto
    Species: Human
    Gender: male
    Age:35 (3260)
    Profession: Hitman/ Assassin/ part time Mercenary
    Skill proficiency/ mastery: Master of stealth, camouflage, evasion, and acrobatics/parkour. Proficient in hand to hand, swordsmanship, and thrown weapons.
    Color Scheme: Black (extremely dark blue), dark red optics.
    Height: 5"4

    Reference pic:[​IMG]
    Description: Samuru Sakamoto is a cyborg so he wares no clothing. If you where repairing him you would find that he has no real limbs and is in fact more cyborg then human as only his head and torso have under his metal and plastic shell have organic organs mixed with cybernetic ones. Samuru doesn't eat he ether can take infusion of nutrients or nutrient shakes/protein shakes though thole large enough to fit a straw through that is closed via a small metal Eris. However this also allows him to drink normal things such as sake which he much enjoys. The head peace can't be removed normally as its bolted into place over his face. His body is made from sleek plastic and its form fitting to allow for increased mobility and decreasing bulk for hiding. His right hand has 4 slots moving up the hand starting in between each knuckle seeming to cut the hand in 4 peaces the knuckles also seem to have motors on them.
    Tech Used:
    Plasma Katana
    Personality/ character traits: (closest match ISTP) The methodical type attempting to analyse the situations ,environments, and Persons of interest he encounters. He will stare at a person for a while before engaging with a person in conversation. If engaged he will be willing to talk however. He comes off as wiser then he actually is because of how little he speaks and his thick processed Japanese accent.
    He doesn't really have any major goals accept making enough money to maintain himself and getting upgrades for himself. He doesn't have a political affiliation and honestly doesn't give a crap about politics as long as it doesn't effect him negatively, but he does however hate dictator ship and finds them to be stupid. He also doesn't really care about following laws as he is in the business of murder which as far as I know is illegal all over the universe. As mentioned before he likes warm and cold sake and pixels being wired to his bank account. He also enjoys free running in cites as he is a thrill seeker who likes to jump from roof top to roof top and can be commonly found on roof tops.

    Backstory: Samuru Sakamoto was born into a wealthy crime family on a human colony inhabited mostly by the Japanese colonists. His family being affiliated with Yakuza crime syndicate (now a currently intergalactic Hyloti/ human crime syndicate) had its perks. As in Samuru being able to get experimental cybernetics implanted as well as getting the training he needed to become an effective Hitman/ assassin/ mercenary. Currently he is free lancing ,but pays 40% of all his earnings to them as well as occasionally doing odd jobs for them as well.