Ryder Ayron /REMASTERED/

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by *Kaio*, Jul 1, 2017.

  1. *Kaio*

    *Kaio* Hacker Badman Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    [/b]General Information

    Ryder Ayron is a human of Puerto Rican descent, he is 29 years old and was born on June 21 3256. He is the son of Glorya and Bryan Ayron and has no other siblings. He owns a small little store in Haven that he sells his software and other small devices he makes in his free time, he also works part time as the host for the Prisilite Prix. Then he also is a member of the Atlas corporation where he gets lots of ideas of what to sell at his store in Haven. [/b]

    (( Upper Pallet: Casual. Lower Pallet: Formal ))

    [/b]Physical Appearance

    Ryder has luscious locks of straight purple hair that is usually combed neatly to one side of his head. Or sometimes on a rare occasion it'll be in a bun on top of his head, a pencil or two holding the messy hairdo together. His skin is of a darker shade, making him always look a little bit tan though when he had been tanning he does start to look darker. Height wise he's.....vertically challenged. Standing at a height of 5'5" he is considered a short fellow in comparison to his peers. His build is one similar to a swimmer though a bit more on the muscular size. It lets him have a good balance between strength and being able to be light on his feet. Though it's obvious that he skips core day and just does leg day multiple times because of his muscular legs and wider hips in contrast to his smaller waist and chest. He also has a tattoo on his lower back that reads "01000010 01100001 01101101 01100110" which in binary translates straight to "BAMF" His outfits and accessories vary depending on the occasion. His closet is full of hoodies and sweatpants, for those slow mornings, many T shirts, jeans, and some crop tops (that he swears we're deliver to by accident), for those partying nights, and some suits for the more formal occasions. Though every outfit is always accompanied by this pearl like pendant and black studs. As for technology that he has he has hologram projectors build onto both of his palms that connect to a small panel on the back of his neck which then connects to something that runs up and down his spinal column that allows the holograms to be controlled by his brain. He recently has been in a terrible accident while trying to set up base for research for Atlas causing him to lose his right arm winnow in its place there is a replacement.


    Ryder goes by the motto that "Even though I'm shorter than you that just means I'm closer to hell you bitch." He makes that prevalent in his life by usually telling it as it is to people, calling them out on all kinds of shit whether it makes sense or not. Though under that little angry ball of energy is a man who just wants to have fun in life and who is loving and caring to people he is close to. The second moto he also goes by is "Smash first, talk later," because when faced with a problem he relies on his instincts. Does it always work out, oh hell no, but he'll at least try and make it up to you after.

    [/b]Personality Type: [/b]

    [/b]ENFP "The Champion."

    Political Ideol[/b][/b]ogy:[/b]

    [/b]Ryder talks with a lot of dramatic flair, hand gestures, and expressive word choices. If they don't like a idea they will voice their opinion on the matter and stick to that opinion. In life they just aspire to be a successful business man, though not if a mundane job, something that give him joy when he does it. He also wants to create his own family Since for half of his life his parents have been god knows where he would want something to fill that gap in his life. He's never been a big politician himself though usually he will vote for the candidates who promote equality and freedom for all.


    Ever since Ryder was a child his parents always were eager to teach him how to code. Ryder was willing to do so because it was something that ran in his family, or at least from what he's heard. Every time he came home from school he would finish any homework and and go straight to learning today's coding lesson of the day. And that's how it went all through elementary school, middle school, and high school, though one day there was no lesson, no nice homemade dinner. His parents were to preoccupied with what they were doing which they swore it was for "work." That night he awoke in the night to see that ship they lived in was flying away from the system and planet they called home, the one Ryder spent most of his life at. He didn't even have time to say goodbye to all his friends that he had their, he didn't even get to go to his high school graduation but his parents said it was "for the well being of the family." For the next two years that's how it went, they would stay somewhere for a bit then one night they were on the move again. Though his parents were giving him apologetic gifts since the felt bad about what they were putting him through, though they weren't ordinary. He was grateful of them but always found it fishy how they were able to get him stuff that usually they would say cost to much money, or stuff that hasn't even been released to the public yet. Instead of letting him help with their work projects he was being told to keep to himself and go make his own thing. Their close relationship grew distant even though they saw each other all the time. Then there was that one day that he remembers like the back of his hand he was told to go out and get them some groceries from the planet which they were over at the time because he was told they were going to be moving again. They were packing suitcases when he left which he thought was odd because when they travel in the ship it's basically their home so they don't need to pack. And as he stepped to the pad to beam out he could've sworn he heard his mother weeping in the background. His suspicions were confirmed when he came back to the ship to find that all their current work was gone, some older stuff was smashed and their closets were almost bare and took all their savings with them. He doesn't know how they left or how they were able to do all that in such short notice. He was 20, and now was left all by himself with a ship, no job, and minimal amount of money that could last him only about a double of months. It took him a two years or so to get a stable job and in those years he was a trouble maker, stealing to get food and clothes, helping out a local gang get into some companies system for a quick buck and going out to concerts and clubs at night wasting that money he just earned. Those years weren't his proudest moments. Though when he turned 24 he picked himself back up and became a freelance coder who was hired for jobs whether it be for ensuring security for a company or software development all while trying to get at least some hint of where his parents went. Recently he stumbled upon the Fringe while he was working and the place started to grow on him. He races for one season in the Prisilite Prix, didn't get far but now he hosts it. He settled down in Haven now opening up a small shop where he sells stuff he makes for a hobby and has joined the Atlas corporation so that his own research can be used to benefit a larger force. He now is in a happy relationship and is happy just where he is now that he's got a place to call home other than a dinky ship.[/b]