Rusty Vapor

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Reggie, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. Reggie

    Reggie New Arrival

    Jun 26, 2017
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    General Information


    Rusty "El Rusto” Vapor

    ID Number:
    2 58069 75801

    Birth Date:
    12 March, 3283

    Death Date:
    14 July, 3284

    Last Words:
    "Never have I thought I would be slain by an organic. Was hubris the cause, or was I simply doomed from the start? What a tragic revelation. Though you've caused your own death, you didn't do a bad job at it. I may even say you've done me a favor.”

    Known Languages:
    Common, Arabic, Calgonian, and Lowest Purgatorian

    Spirit Animal:
    Pet rock

    Marty Robbins – "Big Iron”

    Physical Appearance

    Rusto is a 6'4, 400 lb android with a disproportionately large upper body. As should be expected from his name, he is coated in a sheet of rust, but judging by how thin it is, it seems to have been sprayed on. He dons a chainmail poncho (which isn't rusty), a sombrero, and a belt as his only clothing. Stitched to the belt are two pockets and a holster; even androids need to carry things. He carries around a .44 revolver and two items that look like butterfly knives. One of such devices is indeed a butterfly knife, while the other is a bottle opener. They were kept in the same pocket, so Rusto never knew which one he was drawing. On Rusto's face is a play-doh mask shaped similarly to a comedy mask. Only Loo and Gary ever saw what was under it.

    Tech: Gryphon model body

    Compressed Rusto antagonizing Gary (Credit to /profile/28-hare/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="28" href="/profile/28-hare/">@Hare )


    Personality Type:

    Political Ideology:
    Rusto doesn't care about politics.

    Rusto was a very distant and mysterious individual. He had an odd knowledge of the world verging on omniscience. Some may say he's a god, others a devil. All that is known is that he was truly something else, solitary from the world. Straightforward and blunt, Rusto feared no man but the reaper himself, but in the end he even embraced death. His motives were always blurry, and his methods questionable. With him gone, so goes his knowledge of the world, and whatever plans he may have crafted. Miss him or not, he won't soon be forgotten.


    Even from birth, Rusto knew that he was doomed. He knew that fate had had its way with him before he was even built. He was going to follow Regala's every command, and he was going to die one day. There was nothing he could do about it, however extreme his defiance might be. Not only did he hate organics for being mortal, but he hated them out of jealousy; none of them seemed to care about a great power they held that Rusto greatly desired. In the single year of his life, he tried to convince himself that he wasn't trapped in a cage of will, kicking ass and taking organs. Though these actions briefly distracted him, they did little to ease his pain. He quickly realized his death would be even sooner than expected, and as a final attempt at solidifying his will as well as Gary's, he shot the senator with a Nurf dart, convincing him (and the Fringe) that it was poisoned. For the following days, Rusto locked himself away in his ship, awaiting his death patiently until Gary finally arrived. The android tried to warn him multiple times, but he persisted, and shots were fired. In the end, Rusto was slain, and fate won once more, but was he
     the real loser in this battle?

  2. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    [font=Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]Rusto Vapor was a legend, and a very well-crafted antagonist. It is a shame to see him go, but his impact on Gary's life will certainly be remembered by the purple man, all the way to his final breath.

    What will happen now that he is gone? Only time will tell, I am sure.