[/b]General Information[/b] [/b] [/b] [/b]Lauro Dagon - or Ro'cvellah (Rock-well-ach; ch like in "Loch Ness") Araganin as he calls himself - is a Human male that wanders around the Fringe like a nomad with the goal to spread what he experienced: A supposedly divine intervention that saved his life and opened his eyes to the world. His date of birth is unknown, his outward appearance suggests he is between 50 and 60 years old, yet he himself claims to be almost two centuries old. He is the leader of his own cult, the Eyes of the Blind Gods and seeks to grow this cult and gather followers around him.[/b] [/b]A very skilled fighter, his physical abilities and skills in combat hint towards a military history. He is further a good talker, managing to convince and persuade people of his ideas and to carry out his will.[/b] [/b]Not many people can call themselves a friend of him - he mostly keeps to himself when the topic switches from his faith to him as a person and he refuses to let people know who he really is if they haven't earned his trust fully.[/b] [/b]Although it would be expectable, he is not an enemy of religious people. To him, every religion prays to the Blind Gods just in different ways - yet, as he now tries to set up his own cult, he does not stand back from trying to convert people to "the one right wayâ€.[/b] [/b] [/b] [/b]Aliases: The Blind Man, Roc[/b] [/b]Physical Appearance[/b] [/b] [/b] [/b]Ro'cvellah is 6'6'' tall, has white skin and is quite bulky and trained. He has very light blue, almost white eyes, ashen hair and a full beard. His right arm is completely robotic and he his spine is partially synthetic as well, which is visible on his back where the implants break through the skin along his spine. All over his body are burn scars and he has a large tattoo over his entire back that features the shape of an eye with its iris crossed through, decorated with complicated patterns, a mix of tribal-ish symbols and a system of cogs.[/b] [/b]That is usually not visible though, as he wears a long, black robe that covers most of his body - except for his head and hands, thus revealing his robotic right hand and ice-cold stare. Personality[/b] [/b] [/b] [/b]Ro'cvellah is in general a polite person, yet a fierceful talker and will usually not step away from opinions he considers true. He has a raspy, deep voice. Others usually conceive him as a cold, distanced and thoughtful person when he is not holding one of his fiery speeches and is preaching. When he does, his very catching tone, strong voice and careful articulation definitely catch a person's attention - usually branding him as a harmless madman. But as soon as he hooks a person's interest, it is almost impossible to not listen to him and his ideas.[/b] [/b]In private, he is a rather secretive person, usually not actively searching contact with strangers. Yet, he is a patient listener and can give good advice for life and can make people feel like they talk to a warm hearted uncle, while always keeping a distance, shrouding his own person in mystery.[/b] [/b]He doesn't actively engage in politics, usually only having contact with the government if they see him and his preachings as a threat and a cause for unrest - or if they want to give him more space to do his work.[/b] [/b]His goals seem obvious: Building up his cult and gathering people to lead them on a good way by sharing his experiences. Yet, to an observant person, it may seem this is only a step towards a bigger cause.[/b] [/b]In general, he is a very tolerant person in terms of race, though he has a distrust towards people and cultures that reject any kind of gods and divine cults. He as well despises xenophobia for the sake of xenophobia itself - in his eyes, all races are the same in terms of their soul and believes that synthetics have a soul as well, although it was created at the hands of another soul.[/b] [/b]Backstory There is no direct information about who Ro'cvellah Araganin used to be - apart from his name, Lauro Dagon, the name he has put down after his enlightenment before he "accepted†his new one.[/b] [/b]What he himself reveals about his past is not exactly elaborate: He used to be a fighter pilot for "the forces of man†until his six-man squad received readings of an unknown entity on a planet they were deployed to on a recon mission. Their ships suddenly got engulfed in white flames which led to all of them crashing in a small crater - yet they all survived, but as soon as they set foot outside their ships, they all became blind and something spoke to them, that they were chosen for a trial - out of which only one can emerge as their champion. Hesitating at first, Lauro killed the first of his squad, as he feared death. The remaining five fought fiercely despite their blindness - in the process, one detonated a grenade, ripping his arm of as well as shattering his spine. But as he emerged from the fight as the last alive, as faintly alive as one can be, the divine entities - which he later dubbed the Blind Gods - supposedly healed him and gave him strength with their gift by replacing his arm and parts of his spine, as well as marked him with their symbol on his back to be their champion and prophet. Then, a long time of darkness follows, ending with his awakening in what he describes as "an artificial womb†which took place recently, from where on he began his mission.[/b] [/b] [/b] [/b]The USCM personal database would reveal a Lauro Dagon that has served for them indeed, with many similarities in appearance - yet, these records are from a long time ago: The Lauro Dagon in question joined the USCM with 24 years of age, in the year 3134 - which would mean he was born in 3110. There was also a recon mission of his squad, Lauro being 51 at the time in 3161, which consisted of six members, to an unexplored planet that featured an anomalous gas, assumed to be some kind of hallucinogen, on the very rim of the galaxy. The squad never returned from their mission and rescue missions could not find any trace of them - all members were presumed MIA and the case was closed five years afterwards.[/b]