General Quarzasche, or just Quarz, is an Obseciran who is odd even for her own kind. While most Obsecrians are jovial, extroverted, and kind, Quarz is the exact opposite. She has no drive to speak with others, and often speaks in as few words as possible. When she does speak, she is often asking about the world of the Fringe, its technology, and protecting others. Quarz seems to have a deep drive to help and protect others, siting it as her only duty in life. She currently works in security with Horizon, fulfilling her need to protect, however she once worked as a soldier on her home planet. She seems very guarded about her time there and what transpired to cause her departure. Whatever happened bestowed her with some sort of disability, given her disjointed and uncomfortable looking walking. It sometimes looks as though she is "glitching." Appearance Quarz's appearance seems to vary day to day, but there are a few constants. She always stands above six feet, has long purple dreadlocks, navy colored horns and a serious case of resting bitch face with strong facial features. Sometimes the shape of her eyes, lips, and nose will vary. Things such as pigmentation are universally the same. Sometimes she even moves inhumanly fast or too stiff to be organic. Despite this odd shifting ability Quarz has she adamantly denies being a shifter. Though she denies being infected she stays rather secretive about what causes her to be this way. Quarz is always wearing a mostly white outfit of a white tank top, pants, and "arm warmers." She wears a purple belt covered in spheres of the same color. One in the center has odd glowing cyan and orange sigils decorating it. Personality Quarz devotes herself to service. It is her utmost devotion. If she were familiar with the human code of knighthood, it would be something she identifies with well. Her whole identity is that of a soldier. She begins to feel without purpose if she is not working to protect something. She also is an excellent guard of herself, finding it hard to share information about herself, her race, and her past experiences with others. What one might be able to infer from their interactions from her is simply her stalwart devotion to protection and a lingering anxiety. At times she seems to grow nervous for inexplicable reasons, and does not reveal why to anyone. At times she will run away mid-conversation, seeming full of fear. Despite whatever haunts her, her strong resolve never seems to falter. She almost has an extremist type devotion to her cause of protection, and does not let anything, even herself, get in the way of that. No matter how hard she tries, it seems she has some skeletons in her closet. Backstory Only those with an understanding of what it means to be a "Spir" would truly understand what Quarz has been through. Even then, it is the only information she gives.