Pulsar (EXTREMELY rare novakid trait)

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Khaos, Jul 15, 2017.

  1. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Originally posted by /profile/217-tripticus/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="217" href="/profile/217-tripticus/">@TrIpTiCuS

    Name: Pulsar

    Description: It's hard to detect who is and who is not a pulsar, however pulsars are incapable of having vibrant colours, and are usually a grayish blue. Pulsar novakids are usually a lot denser aswell, leading them to be a lot heavier. They are also usually very shy and completely avoid as much tech as possible. Pulsars, due to being a very rare mutation amongst regular newborn novakids, the traits of the pulsars are generally frowned upon by most other novakids, and they are commonly dubbed as a "disease" amongst the novakid. Many even believe it to be contagious, and therefore completely avoid any and all pulsars, however this is simply not true.

    History: It is just a variation of novakid.

    How does it work: They generate a strong magnetic field around themselves,which is strong enough to attract smaller magnetic objects, this field can be focused to a certain area, like the hand, in order to create a sort off tractor beam, this allows for the magnetisation of heavier objects. However this is usually just as strong as they are physically, if not weaker. And their fields can barely attract a fraction of their regular capacity. This can also switch between attracting, and repelling objects magnetically. However these objects have to be mostly metal.

    They also repeatedly send out quick emp pulses, the frequency of these pulses vary from once a second to once every couple of milliseconds. Generally these are not great enough to disable any tech that isnt extremely close by, but it is powerful enough to make nearby small tech go haywire and disrupt any wireless signals. However, whenever their bodies "excite themselves" (aka become more active) these pulses will become a lot more frequent aswell as both reach out further and become much stronger. This process is completely out of the pulsars control, and will usually happen when they get angry. This does place a large strain on their brand. The pulses take the appearance of slight distorsions in the membrane, these are very faint however and difficult to notice. However pulsars that have a very fast pulsating body will take the appearance of flickering and vibrating slightly.

    If excited beyond a certain point, their brand can release a large ion beam, if aimed correctly it can completely wipe out any tech in a certain, very small area. This puts a very large strain on their brands. It is also very important you do not let pulsars touch any tech devices that arent protected with a layer of cerulium, as they can easily drain all the energy out of a device with a simple touch. They always have a constant strain on their brand, and whilst their brands are adapted to better deal with this, they are still extremely fragile. Pulsar novakids are also generally both weaker and slower than regular novakids. Upon dying/bursting in some way, whilst they will still release the gas and plasma of regular novakids, they will also dump out large amounts of ion particles in all directions, as well as this their EMP pulses become extremely powerful, almost to the point where they could wipe out a fairly large area.

    Intended use: It really has none, as it's a genetic mutation.


    - Can completely disable tech temporarily.

    - Can be mistaken as a regular novakid.


    - Weaker and slower than regular novakids.

    - Brands are extremely fragile.

    - Cant be around tech.

    How do you believe this will assist in benefitting roleplay?: It could be another way to play novakids.

    Attainability: [Open]

    Tags: [Genetic]