// Psychohistorical Studies Opened //

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by Hastur, Jul 15, 2017.

  1. Hastur

    Hastur the assad regime will reclaim syria

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // An article is published by the CNS, making it's way onto the main body of the Nexus as it is inevitably shared and discussed. The article seems to be a short speech delivered earlier this day. No pictures or video accompany it. //


        It is with great pleasure that the scientific committee under administration of the Caliph himself are able to announce the opening of the Institute of Psychohistorial Studies. Following in the ancient teachings of sophists and statisticians such as Ibn Khaldun and al-Kindi, we are studying a transdisciplinary area of research integrating economic history, macrosociology and cultural evolution. This would be through studying the longue duree of the Caliphate, as well as other civilizations throughout both history and the Fringe. Due to the focus on sociology and prosopography, we will be utilizing Sufi empaths to correctly gauge the emotion of the people as to better guide our research.

        Furthermore, we have opened positions to the Ummah for all sociologists, historians, psychologists and psionics to apply for a position within this institute. All positions will be greatly valued and rewarded likewise.

        This is not the haram art of soothsaying or fortune-telling, relying on shirk and discussion with Djinn, but a statistical and mathematical study that does no move beyond al-Jabr. If Allah did not mean for us to discern the future, He would not have left us the tools to do so. We see what He permits.

    It is a blessed day for the Caliphate.

        - Wajeeh al-Laham, Psychohistorian




    // As always, there is a space for comments, but anonymous posting is disabled on this site. //
  2. GodDinoKillDinoGodManKill

    GodDinoKillDinoGodManKill New Arrival

    Jul 13, 2017
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    //Anonymous answers//

    i hacked you