Primordials: (mutata figura) Description: Designed Aeons ago by some ancient, unknown race, the Primordials are expansive collections of primordial cells, forming a strange, gelatinous, black mass, with a myriad of glowing teal pustules distributed throughout it's form. Can be anywhere from the side of a loaf of bread, to the size of a subway train, however while no recorded subject of greater mass has been found, it is entirely possible they exist. Primordials, have the strange ability to mimic the shape, texture, and colour, of any solid inanimate object, such as stone, wood, ice, and metal. Moreover, using a complex procedure, these creatures can become frozen in this state, creating strange, fantastic structures, normally impossible to create. Behavior: Primordials will behave very similarly to Amoebas; Hiding in cool, dark places, usually in sea caves or glaciers, hunting food, growing, and staying mostly hidden, remaining underground for most of their lives. Packs are uncommon, many Primordials will opt to merge together into one form, rather than staying separate. They will stay in silent wait, camouflaged, ready to ambush any prey that wanders into their caverns. Tamability: There are two kinds of Primordials: Those engineered, and hardwired to serve as slaves. And feral, wild beasts, broken free from their initial coding, now rampant, and unable to be tamed. If found in a lab, they may be tamed, and will serve their purpose (Described below). However if found in the wild, they will be uncontrollable. Where are they found: Found frozen in the icy glaciers on distant planets, or in the primordial caves of ancient seas; Some may even be found in elder temples, stowed away for millions of years.. however just how many there are may be a mystery. Rarity: Very rare, only four samples have ever been found alive, and functioning. Beyond that, several fossils exist, and point to the possibility that this species has existed for over six million years. It is theorized that more could be found deep in the crust of planets, near the poles, however it has proven too dangerous, and too costly to look for them. Diet: Carnivorous, Primordials will absorb, break down, and digest any living creature that gets caught in their mass. The Primordial will lie in wait, disguised as a rock or section of floor, waiting for prey to walk by, before springing to life, and engulfing their meal in their amorphous mass. Once captured, the cells of the victim will be rapidly broken down, and converted into energy to fuel rapid cell division within the creature, adding mass to the collective. While Primordials can never starve, they can become dormant, lying frozen in their disguised state, unable to move until more prey attempts to walk over it. This state can be exploited with forced genetic work, causing the Primordials to stay in this dormant state perpetually. It takes about three minutes for one ounce of human flesh to be dissolved in the Primordial mass. Products: Could be used as a building material, as this was likely their original purpose, however too few samples exist to make this a viable option. Reproduction: Asexual cell division, to grow the mass as a whole. Size: Smallest recorded: 1 cubic foot. Largest recorded: 56 cubic feet. However smaller, or larger ones may exist, size is entirely dependent on climate, and food density. Weight: 1 cubic foot of Primordial mass is equal to 9.6 lbs. Abilities: Immunity to bullets, biological immortality, ability to perfectly mimic solid inanimate objects, including ice and glass. Flaws: Rare, unintelligent, uncontrollable, almost extinct, can be turned to an inanimate object if the right 'genetic buttons' are pushed. Weak to extreme temperatures, will die in fire, and freeze in the cold. Changing into clear substances such as ice and glass may cause diseases and glitches in it's genetic code, killing it. Weak to plasma. Lifespan: Biological immortality, however some diseases, or glitches in their genetic code, could kill them. All living samples that exist today were found frozen, in their dormant state. Other: This is an ancient species, discovered on many planets all across the galaxy. While numerous fossils have been located, only four living samples are currently known to exist. It is believed that these creatures were genetically engineered long ago, and lead to the eventual destruction of their creators. While it is theoretically possible to create them again, the technology does not yet exist.. so far as we know.. and who knows what unholy blight these creatues may bring, if they were brought back from their icy tombs, and allowed to roam free once again. ((There's not supposed to be many, and the few that exist are kept under heavy security. They're supposed to be more of a myth to modern day people, and should not appear in everyday RP. They are NOT a virus, they're a collection of cells that can mimic inanimate objects. These are very shamelessly based off of Shoggoths, however severely weakened. I plan to use one in an event at some point, as a final boss. ))