//Plotting Course for Fringe Space Governments//

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by Kixur, Jun 29, 2017.

  1. Kixur

    Kixur New Arrival

    Jun 25, 2017
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    [font=Courier New,Courier,monospace]PLOTTING COURSE FOR FRINGE SPACE GOVERNMENTS[/font]


    Attention, We have almost finished delivering samples of The Ruin to areas located in Civilian space, and are plotting a course for the Fringe. Any major governments wishing for a sample should apply privately via secure message systems, along with documents to verify your place in the government. We take security of these samples very seriously. We do this in an attempt to find countermeasures for the current situation, Or at the very least. Get as many people researching the topic as possible.


    ~Digitally signed by Martian Dictator: Dr. Alurney~