Pipalo- Suffering in Silence

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by MaskedHero, Apr 15, 2021.

  1. MaskedHero

    MaskedHero Galactic Prodige

    Mar 3, 2018
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    General Information

    First name: Pipalo, Pip for short
    Clan: None
    Age: 20, Ahiyala Navir
    Date of birth: 5/25/3268
    Race: Nysian
    Lineage: Nyde

    Current residence: Roommate with Seldarii, somewhere yet to be determined IC
    Relationship status: Single
    Social status: Low
    Financial standing: Comfortable, if slightly less spending money but he can afford things is he saves a bit.

    Traits of Voice

    Accent (if any): Nysian accent if it exists, if not he speaks plain
    Language spoken: Common
    Other languages known: Nysian
    Style of speaking: Rather upbeat, bubbly, and extremely expressive.
    Volume of voice: Medium, he likes to be heard.

    Physical Appearance

    Height: 7'
    Weight: 179lbs
    Main Body Color: Vanta-black
    Secondary Body Color, Nysian Luminescence: Acid Green
    Shape of face: mischievous, boyish features
    Build of body: Lanky, short, scrawny body.
    Foliage: Spiky, jagged large leaf petals that form a crest sweeping back on his head, a crown of leaves.
    Complexion: Normal Nysian complexion, except his fingers and toes feel much softer to the touch
    Posture: Propped up, trying to look taller than he is and failing.
    Tattoos: None
    Piercings: None
    Typical clothing: Loose Nysian wear, preferably his casual clothes of a kimono-style shirt and tied off baggy shorts.
    Is seen by others as: Casual, Fun.

    Personality and Social

    Likes: Popularity, being recognized and messaged, his music and personal bungalow
    Dislikes: Being overlooked or overshadowed, pompous and self-important people.
    Education: Self-taught Nysian hunting skills, as well as self-taught musical talent.
    Fears: Abandonment, being lost in a crowd, not being enough.
    Personal goals: Be more than enough.
    General attitude: Rather self-reliant, upbeat and chipper while polite with new people.
    Religious values: None
    General intelligence: Rather high, above average at least.
    General sociability: High, to a certain point where he wants to be alone or needs to recharge himself.


    Illnesses (if any): None, unless counting Nyde Frailty where his body is somewhat weak and scrawny.
    Allergies (if any): None
    Sleeping habits: Usually whatever Seldarii chooses, with whatever the slightly better alternative to that is.
    Energy level: Medium, he enjoys activity but also values being lazy
    Eating habits: Pretty good, hunts his own when not eating Seldarii's own cooking.
    Memory: Good, he remembers most things he likes but usually forgets stuff he doesn't have a high interest in.


    Peaceful or violent: Peaceful but to a point, will not back down if given confrontation.
    Weapon (if applicable): A halberd spear with a thin head, easily light and mobile.
    Style of fighting: Extremely mobile and focusing on one-shot strikes if he can get them. He keeps his body out of reach, stabbing and slashing with the spear to put his opponent at a distance so he can minimize damage to his frail body.


    Occupation: Streamer on the side, having gained a small following of his polarizing music style of laid back acoustic streams and death metal/grunge rock one man covers. He has also taken up freelance contracting for adventure.
    Current home: Nysian home planet of Nys.
    Favorite types of food: fried meat bites, akin to chicken fingers or popcorn shrimp.
    Favorite types of drink: Energy drinks usually.
    Hobbies/past times: Gaming, just hanging around the house playing his guitar softly to practice.
    Guilty pleasures: Ice cream bingeing, as well as ranting his emotions to a tape-cast he has.
    Pet peeves: Being ignored is the big one, but also people of his own species dunking on his height.
    Talents: His music, as well as a good singing voice. He's also rather proficient at cooking when he wants to be, although he tends to overlook that and say he's not. His sketching and hand-drawn quick art is also rather good.
    Favorite colors: Acid Green, Neon Purple
    Favorite type of music: Slow lo-fi, Heavy rock and metal.

    ThatCabbage and Exon like this.