
Discussion in 'Approved' started by krowski_nall, Jul 7, 2017.

  1. krowski_nall

    krowski_nall New Arrival Ex-Staff

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Name: - Pearlpea (Common name) Pisum Janus (Scientific name).


    Description: The fruit appears as small, pink spheres, while the bush they come from is tall, lean and woody.



    Behavior: - The Pearlpea plant grows in temperate environments, requires minimal watering, and bear harvest roughly every two weeks.


    Tamability: - They can be trained to sit, stay, and freeze. What more can I say?


    Where is it found?: In temperate environments across many planets.


    Rarity: - It's very common to find, and is a popular garden plant.


    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: - It requires deep watering around once a week, or surface watering twice a week. The goal is to keep the soil moist, but not over saturate it. Fertilizing is optional, and if done, little is required.


    Products?: - They make pearlpeas.


    Reproduction: - They reproduce asexually, and are able to self pollinate.


    Size: - The peas are relatively small, around the size of a golf ball. The bushes can grow to a range of 5-6 feet.


    Weight: - The peas weigh around two grams.


    Lifespan: - They live for around six months before drying out and withering.


    Abilities: - The Pearlpea isn't that impressive as a fruit. It has modest nutritional value and a bland taste. When picked from the vine, they are very crunchy due to their hard outer shell. However, when soaked in water, the shell absorbs the water as it extends and becomes softer. It goes great with other crops in a meal, but isn't impressive on it's own.


    Flaws: - It is hard to eat when not moistened due to the outer shell, and most races have a hard time eating it raw. Some compare it to trying to bite a lollipop. Toothaches and chipped teeth can result from trying to eat a raw Pearlpea. Some Floran tribes have even used it as slingshot ammo due to it's hardness.


    Other: - My/The first plant app in the Bestiary, I picked something easy to start off, and to see how apping a plant would go. I was told to post it here anyways, and followed the format best I could.