Pasha "Mothomore" Macco

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by tuna, Apr 2, 2021.

  1. tuna

    tuna New Arrival

    Apr 13, 2020
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    General Information

    First name: Pasha.
    Middle name/Nickname: Mothomore.
    Surname: Macco.
    Age: 30.
    Date of birth: 3248, January 5th
    Race: Human.
    Gender: Male.
    Sexuality: Heterosexual.
    Current residence: Colkirk Village.
    Relationship status: Single.
    Social status: Outgoing.
    Financial standing: Stable

    Traits of Voice

    Accent (if any): None.
    Language spoken: Common.
    Other languages known: None.
    Style of speaking: Reserved.
    Volume of voice: Whatever is appropriate for the situation.

    Physical Appearance

    Height: 2.1m/~7ft.
    Weight: 80kg / 176lb.
    Eye color: Brown.
    Skin color: Tanned.
    Shape of face: Sharp.
    Distinguishing features: A drooping left arm.
    Build of body: Semi-muscular.
    Hair color: Brown.
    Hair style: Short.
    Posture: Straight, but with the mentioned drooping arm.
    Tattoos: None.
    Piercings: None.
    Typical clothing: Robes, cloaks, outdoor-appropriate boots.
    Is seen by others as: Sus


    Likes: Snow, cold weather.
    Dislikes: Unknown animals, supernatural abilities.
    Personal goals:
    Explore and reach out.
    General attitude: Neutral, approachable.
    Religious values: None.
    General intelligence: Average.
    General sociability: Sociable.


    Illnesses (if any): Below-average medical care has led him to be physically incapable in his left arm.
    Allergies (if any): None.
    Sleeping habits: 10 hours a night baby!!
    Energy level: Up and ready.
    Eating habits: Monotonous.
    Memory: Good.
    Any unhealthy habits: Overzealous self confidence.


    Born and raised in the trading village Cokirk, he was both expected and willing to carry his portion of his family's work in crafting, foraging, and smithing items the village is known for: metals, animal goods, and gems. He lived a very routine-based life, and desired to see where the thousands of Colkirk visitors were coming from.
    One day, a visitor named Forfax had told him about the outer reaches of space, and everything he has experienced. All these stories had captivated him, finally setting his dream in motion of being able to leave Colkirk to get that experience himself.
    It was not as fun as planned, to say the least. Financial insecurities combined with a lack of experience with the outside world caused him to be a shut in, often facing violence on most law-lacking planets he traveled to. Going back to Colkirk was not a choice either, his family berating him for leaving not only their hard earned money, but also leaving his family behind. Deciding to let him continue wandering until he would reaches his grave, Pasha is left to continue his unfortunate journey through the world.


    Parents: Disliked.
    Siblings: None.
    Any enemies (and why): None.
    Children: None.
    Friends: Forfax.
    Best friend(s): None
    Love interest (if there is one): None.


    Peaceful or violent: Violent when provoked, still violent when an opportunity presents itself.
    Weapon (if applicable):
    "MAJURUS" Fusion Rifle -
    A fusion rifle utilizing electron annihilation and heat to deal massive collateral damage, all disguised into a normal "vanilla" looking rifle, though it bears some electronic-looking extremities. Extremely dangerous to fire.
    "The Ringleader" - A self-crafted, 7 shot revolver. The extra bullet inside was added with the intention of tricking opponents into thinking that he had run out of ammo. Fires .45 caliber bullets.
    Style of fighting: Prefers to stay at a distance, picking out his target with a single shot from MAJURUS.


    Occupation: Gunsmith, metalworker, hunter.
    Current home: Ship.
    Favorite types of food: Roasted meats of any kind.
    Favorite types of drink: Mead, slightly watered down.
    Hobbies/past times: Woodcarving, conversing.
    Guilty pleasures: None. He indulges himself constantly.
    Pet peeves: Mispronunciation of his name.
    Pets: None.
    Talents: Showing off.
    Favorite colors: Red.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2021