Ranged Armaments [PA] Atlas Particle Cannon.

Discussion in 'Approved' started by insidertrading, Jul 11, 2017.

  1. insidertrading

    insidertrading Daedalus Staff Member Administrator Technician

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Done by Matt in 2015

    Augmentation/Technology application

    Name of technology or augmentation:

    AT Infantry Particle cannon


    A heavy beam weapon that is made to take out heavy armor from great distances.


    History of Aug/Tech:  During the build up rally of Atlas, raiders have started to become an issue as the fringe started to bring more heavily armored personnel in the fringe (armor, mechs, tanks, ships, etc). During this time, The Atlas federation had no such defense in dealing with these "heavy iron walls of death". The federation needed to find a way to give their light infantry a fighting chance, so in response to the heavy armor, the Particle cannon was invented. The particle cannon was made solely for in defense for heavy armor entering the battlefield, taking as much range as possible to take out the "death wall" from a distance.

    How does it work:

    Uses a heavy rounds Hydrogen atoms cartage for ammunition, which acts like the power source and the ammunition when fired. The ammunition is then expelled through an accelerator, charging it for a time. When full charged, it unleashes a very powerful particle energy through an electrical current (barrel), to focus the beams current at lighting speeds, in a less then a fraction of a second. Resulting an violent explosion upon impact.

    The weapon itself is protected from the emp result from outside layers of the weapon and inside layer throughout the barrel, it just doesn't protect the things around it when unleashed though. To further keep it from damage from Emp, it's pretty much an empty Faraday shell weapon ("The metal layer in EMP Cover bags creates this Faraday shielding") until the ammunition is stored which powers the weapon back up, but does this naturally because of the overheating
     to cool
     off; to protecting the shooter from the gun exploding on loading the next round.

    now that I think about it, I suppose if the weapon is shot or damaged in the field, it would have a few 1 or 2 shots before destroying or rending itself useless from it's own emp.

    So the answer to the question, if not handled correctly right (mean if any of these actions are skipped), the backfire will result in catastrophe. This weapon is dangerous and should be handled with care.

    it's like launching batteries at the enemy, but losing the battery in the process.


    sources on the general idea on how it works further in depth.


    What is it's intended use:

    Destroying heavy armor and anti air from far away. Having infantry to deal with vehicles.


    -it devastates anything "collide with the atoms, protons, and electrons of the material composing the target, the energy of the particles in the beam is passed on to the atoms of the target much like a cue ball breaks apart a racked group of billiard balls."

    -Shoots and hits instantly at very very long ranges.

    -made to destroy vehicles, air vehicles, and heavily armored plating.


    -it weights 85lbs (USD) without ammunition, 125lb with ONE round in total. Each round weighs 40lbs, casings are 10lb after shot.

    -takes a very large amount of time to reload

    ((takes a grand total of 4 actions to fire and reload the weapon)

    -step one, load the weapon, charging it to fire, and lifting over shoulder but losses accuracy from having to balance and aim. Prone is preferred for better accuracy.

    -step two, kneel on one knee for support to be able to look down side sights, and aiming as is continues with it's final charge.

    -step three, fire the weapon.

    -step four, let the weapon cool off before reloading

    -will collide easily with anything in the way with heavy atoms, stopping the blast at mid distance. (example  into something thin like a wooden table, or a book)

    -makes a howling noise when charging becoming louder and louder until fire, shot could also be heard from a great distance.

    -if wear is using a plasma shield, the resulting explosion will be in front of them.

    -creates a Emp pulse when fired from the electricity charging out of the barrel, in a 3 meter radius. reasoning behind it; Electric field in lightning that accelerates the electrons is typically 500,000 volts per meter

    -overheats the barrel of the weapon when fire.

    -Ammo Canisters are explosive, the size of the ammunition is 125mm in radius and 177mm in length. (about a can size)


    ; it would back fire if the steps are ignored.

    -if it's not cooled
    , it's able to reload, but upon trigger will result in shatter of the weapon resulting in an explosion.

    - The shells themselves "Ammo Canisters are explosive, the size of the ammunition is 125mm in radius and 177mm in length. (about a can size)". So they must be placed and reloaded
     carefully. Will cause another result of explosion when triggered.

    -if fired before the Charge
     is finished, will result in explosion as well.

    How do you believe this will assist in benefiting roleplay?: This gives a viable option to counter heavily armored death walls from a distance. Those who like to play with light armor and are mobile. It will also test those in roleplay on fatigue and how well they manage their turn to turn use of proper use of a role-play weapon. This weapon takes at least 4 - 6 actions to fire, so it will not be an instant - there is also consequences such as not role-playing properly which, the weapon explodes.

    Attainability: [Semi - Closed] it would be obtainable through events or In character roleplay earned.

    tag: [Military]
  2. Markus Aleksandr

    Markus Aleksandr The Liberated Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Marked for editing/revising