// Open Auditions \\

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by PUZ-L, Aug 7, 2017.

  1. PUZ-L

    PUZ-L New Arrival

    Jun 28, 2017
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    // User AmethystEntertainment has posted to the Nexus //

    Hello again, Fringe! Sorry we haven't been keeping in touch, had a little hiatus there! Don't worry, though, cause all that lazing around wasn't for nothing! Someone sent us a script for a play, a comedy documentary written by a resident Fringian! We were trying to make a production that would relate to you all, but this one ups that! We're a bit short on suitable actors, though, so we're opening up the roster to the general populace! Note that this does not make you a full time employee of Amethyst, just a guest actor! If you think you've got what it takes, we're holding auditions today! The doors are gonna be open all day, so stop on by if you think you have what it takes! You're free to bring a resume, a creative work to act out, anything you feel would add to your credibility! We hope to have some good talent out soon!

    // End of post //

    (( OOC Notes: We have a discord, invite available in GC's discord. Just go in there, and we've got an audition channel you can go to RP it out! As we said, it'll be open all day! See ya soon! ))