
Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Jestephos, Jun 28, 2017.

  1. Jestephos

    Jestephos Galactic Commoner Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    General Information[/b]

    October (No known real name, birth date anywhere between 04/1/3254-/04/1/3258) is a subhuman thief and engineer originally from the Labor Camp known as Sigma-98. She has been a survivalist ever since she was a child, relying on self-taught engineering and survival skills to escape Sigma-98. After being sold out by one of her only friends, October stole her way across the Fringe, jumping from job to job until she inevitably decided to screw her employer over, gathering herself a long list of enemies. Armed with several modified engineering tools and a desire for success, October eventually fell into the employ of Atlas, under which they have received riches untold.

    Physical Appearance[/b]

    October is rather short, by modern terms, being a measly 5'7, and weighing around 60 pounds. Due to her subhuman nature, she is incredibly lithe and possesses a pair of knife-like ears, which is where the term for her subspecies comes from, the "knife-ear". She possesses quite an angular face, with short violet hair and blue eyes. This purple colour-scheme extends to a purple leather jacket, and a suit of armor in a similar purple and black armor. It possesses a modified jetpack that allows sustained flight for around 10 minutes, a wrist mounted mining laser and wrist rocket launcher, as well as a flamethrower.


    Due to several years of parental neglect and abuse by xenophobic labor camp guards, October possesses an Abrasive personality, with symptoms of several personality disorders. While she can maintain a conversation, she is likely to point out personal flaws in other people, drawing the ire of those around her. Heavy sarcasm masks several addictions to forms of narcotics and a constant fear of being powerless, which she often impresses onto other people. Trust issues and a disregard for authority tend to show themselves under employers, and can hinder production quality and increase likelihood of betrayal at some point. She comes off as an asshole to those around her, though her confidence in herself can sometimes prove inspiring to those around, and a sense of determination that rivals political leaders drives her to achieve her goals. Even from a young age, October wished to become filthy rich, a pact between her and childhood friend striving to get the money together to go back and completely eradicate what is left of Sigma-98. 


    October's family immigrated from Purgatory to Sigma-98 shortly before Earthfall, finding a job as labour workers, though on the side they would attempt to take care of their only daughter. October despised where she lived and who she was born to, and wished to escape. As she grew older the labor camp would put her into engineering work, fixing broken ships and working with the machines to keep the camp in peak efficiency. Several other subhuman families made their homes in Sigma-98 and she would befriend a young longbeard known as Jamie. They aspired for great things, and spent several months planning an escape. After several failed escape plans, Jamie was beaten within an inch of his life and grew cold and distant from his once best friend. 

    Eventually after another beating by the guards, October would sneak into the main guard complex and rescue Jamie, fleeing her old life behind on-board a stolen ship known as the Shrike. Her and Jamie ran into a group of pirates after a few months on the run, the Red Dawn. They worked as ship engineers, repairing what they could, though the pirates never truly accepted the two, due to their racial background. October planned to screw the pirates over, stealing their loot and taking Jamie with her, again. Though the two were together through thick and thin, Jamie would stay with the pirates and betray October in exchange for a true place in the crew. She would be kept captive for weeks, abused and locked up in the brig, until she again escaped into the stars on another ship.

    The decade following was full of on-and-off jobs for other pirate groups, privateers, colonies and militias through-out the Fringe. Every time she would feel as if those around her were hostile, and would plan to screw them over via theft. Many of these attempts succeeded, many not so much, but either way, each time she would run off in a stolen ship, onto the next group.