Young Mooshi Adult Mooshi Name: Mooshi (Obviously) Scientific Name: Taurus oryctolagus Description: Mooshi are mammals from the inner areas of space, they are often covered in different colored spots and their fur can range from whites to browns and even exotic colors such as light pink's. They have udders similar to earth cows which produce Mooshi Milk, which is very similar to cow milk. Mooshi all have large ears, which are used to hear long-distances to remain alert. Their legs are designed in such a way as that they can run fast in the event of danger. Young Mooshi have a very similar body plan to rabbits and their legs are just as effective at running. Behavior: Wild Mooshi are very skittish around sentients, and will often run when they sight them, and their young will often run into underground warrens or into small spaces to hide from predators. A mooshi however will not allow it's young to be killed, and will fiercely defend its' young if it is threatened. Tame Mooshi are incredibly docile and will remain calm around nearly all forms of recognized sentients, but their instinct remains to run in the case they see something they perceive as a threat. Tamability: Mooshi are quite easily tamed, similar to Cows, as if they are somehow herded into a pen and fed often, they will become docile after a few weeks. They are generally unable to follow commands and need to be herded by an outside source. Young Mooshi are also often tamed a similar way, then kept as pets by children due to their cuddlyness Where is it found?: Fields, Small forests and Grasslands Rarity: Mooshi are quite common to be seen in the galaxy, especially of the tamed variety, and many have escaped captivity and live in wild herds. Diet: Mooshi are primarily frugivores and eat a diet of numerous fruits, such as apples, carrots, avesmingo and neonmelon, and will also feed on roots and tubers, as well as any fungus they can find. They eat it the same way most organics do, by ingesting it through the mouth. Products?: Mooshi Milk is often sold on the market as a popular alternative to other forms of milk due to its sweet taste and high level of calcium, and the hide of a fluff on a Mooshi's ear can be harvested to make interesting fashion designs. Reproduction: Mooshi's generally have one or two bulls per herd who are able to mate freely through-out the entire herd and sire as many children as they can. Size: Roughly the size of a Deer or Elk Weight: 150-200kg Lifespan: 10-20 Years Abilities: - Ears can hear for hundreds of meters - Very fast - Herd mentality Flaws: - No means of defense bar running Other?: None