Methos Ronwood

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by AerisDragon, Apr 27, 2020.

  1. AerisDragon

    AerisDragon New Arrival

    Apr 26, 2020
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    General Information
    Name: Methos Ronwood
    Age: N/A
    Race: Novakid
    Sex: Male
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 187 lbs

    Physical Appearance

    Methos has the features of an average novakid, faceless, glows in the dark. his brand is of an upwards facing arrow and he has a light blue-teal coloration, almost appearing white in some cases. he wears a bonesaw? jacket with a long blue scarf. Methos also wears ripped jeans and a belt, along with steel toed boots and very rarely a 10 gallon hat.

    Methos uses blink dash, multi jump, and sonic sphere.


    Personality Type: ISTP

    Political Ideology: Methos doesn't get into politics unless it directly affects him.

    Methos is a very strange novakid, he is extremely introverted, but can switch to extroverted when the time calls. He prefers to be alone, but he cant be alone for too long or else he will get somewhat depressed. Methos has trouble understanding emotions and can only feel them in extremes, therefore he cant put words to mild feelings like disgruntled, or content. He has a very high IQ at 115, although he is bad at math. Methos can come off as cold and unfeeling during the first few encounters, but this is because he has no clue how to handle new people. He is soft spoken and doesn't have a heavy western accent, in fact he has more of a Houston accent, you cant really tell if he even has an accent until you put him in front of a person with a northern accent.


    Methos doesn't have much of a backstory, he was raised in a small town on a forested planet, where everyone knows everyone. He had quite a normal childhood from what he would tell others, but something about his personality doesn't really add up. he gets really quiet when asked about home life on his planet, and just blocks it with "everything was normal" and walks off. Once he got accepted into the academy he immediately made a small group of friends. he of course shared a dorm with them. everything after the academy was just him, alone doing solo missions but often coming to the ark to socialize, even if it is vaguely leaning into a corner sipping on a drink..