Name: Magnetic Bolas, also known as "Mag-Bolas" Description: Mag-Bolas are contained in a small metallic apparatus the size and shape of a cricket ball. Within, the bolas weights and nanotube chords are folded until used. When used, the weights and chords swing-out. The appearance of the chord, apparatus, and weights are all distinct based on who has produced the bolas. Approximately 1k in weight. Abilities: - Handy for immobilizing targets non-lethally. - Extremely hard to break out of without an EMP, strength, or a cutting tool Conditional Abilities (Optional): - Easy to conceal and carry unlike regular bolas Limitations: - Slow-moving once the bolas have been extended. - Due to the weight of the technological components, it has a maximum range of 7 meters. Conditional Limitations (Optional): - EMPing the bolas prevents it from activating, making it nothing more than a fancy paperweight. How does it work: Mag-Bolas are an offensive tool used to detain or hinder a target without actively harming them. Held within a metal or wooden casing, a series of sensors detect the presence of immediate targets within two meters of the thrown direction. The counterweight element of the bolas are strongly magnetic metal balls fuse together when they are in the vicinity of one another. After the device's sensors detect a target, the counterweight and nanofiber chord will be ejected from the casing and spin towards the target, immobilizing them. Flavor text: Once the tool of Novakid cattle rustlers and bounty hunters, Mag-Bolas have rapidly proliferated outside of Cartel space. They are commonly used by Bounty Hunters looking to bring their targets in warm. Attainability: OPEN Tags: [Military] Category: Ranged Armanents